Creating Your Rhythm & Unspoken Attraction: RSDnation PoP

By Manwhore
June 1, 2009

(One of my favorite posts from RSDnation)

Written by: Prince of Persia

Top of the evening to all you fine fellows.

You know, they say once you hit a plateau you can’t go back down the mountain, barring Guy Pearcian amnesia or a bad crack habit.

Now I don’t know if that’s true, but I sure feel like it.

I feel like my life has flashed before my eyes and a new world is in front of me. A new reality, as the self actualization lingo goes.

Let me begin the festivities by tooting my own horn.

Thanks to Nathan who provided a recent bump of my magnum opus, “I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to figure out ‘the secret’ of the game,” I re-read my own musings which represent a brief point in time where I glimpsed the state of being I am currently basking in – back then a moment, but now, with any degree of luck, a permanent plateau.

Herein, expect no gambits, outer game tactics or Harry Potter incantations. For if there’s one thing I’ve learned lately, it’s that the principles are a thousand times more effective than any words you can read and splutter forth in subtle striving for fleeting glory.

By the way, I recommend the new Coldplay album. It’s less chode than the old ones, far more optimistic and downright majestic.

But this is not Rolling Stone and I am not Peter Travers.


Recently I noticed that my up jaunts were lasting longer and the lows were shorter, but when it was low, it was really low. Over the last few days I was feeling super depressed and scattered, and nothing I did dragged me out of it. Of course, as you all know me, I blitzed my earwaves with Eckhart on tape. Let’s get to the future! Slowly regenerating my senses, my RAS plucked out one important thing: ALLOW THE MOMENT TO BE AS IT IS.

Embrace everyone, everyone, every situation, and especially yourself – compounding quite effectively with the reminder of my glory days, I was back on track.

Now the only way I can put this into words is that… there is power in stillness and silence.

Centered is silent. Internal is stillness.

Noise is scattered. Unessential movement is self-raping.

Meet Joe Black on DVD today. Precisely 3 hours of methodical filmmaking.

I watched as Brad Pitt, oft-proclaimed God of body language, moved skillfully and purposefully (if at all) even as he played DEATH. Claire Forlani’s gorgeous rich girl character approaches his rigid yet succinct portrayal and utters in thorough submission… “So tell me, Joe… how come a man as attractive, intelligent, well-spoken… diffident in the most seductive way, and yet… powerful… is all alone in this world?”

You could look in her eyes and tell she was ready to be fucked on the spot.

In conventional terms this can be boiled down to the “strong but silent” archetype.

But the river runs deeper, my friends. Brad Pitt may have great body language, and that may get him laid… but why does he move so fluidly? What is the cause and effect?

He has status, he has money, he has women – so he DOES NOT HAVE TO THINK to get laid. Therefore, as his arena is the social arena, and he is not thinking, he moves with total grace and strength.

You can do the same.

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And you know what? It all comes down to quality. The same thing I touched on in my “secret of the game” article is actually the cause of the effect. When you are present, you are not thinking. You are just focusing on what you are doing and doing it with complete passion, joy and concentration. If you are not doing anything, you are being. In that case, you be fully. Allow your love and presence to pour outwards.

Consistency is the mother of congruence.

Your mind is putting up barriers to prevent you from tapping into your deepest power. If you tapped into your deepest power, you would easily be able to take whatever you want and make whatever you envision. Your mind does not feel entitled for these things yet.

How do you make it feel entitled? Good question, and one that I avoided for a long time, because I didn’t even feel entitled to ask why I didn’t feel entitled.

Because you are not creating standards for yourself and living up to them.

That is the root cause of a lack of entitlement.

When you take pride and joy in everything you do, you create a pattern where EVERYTHING you do is total quality – one of your standards – and it becomes engrained into your self-concept and your sense of entitlement. Then everything begins to shift into the new world, the new reality.

Because when everything is quality, everything you do becomes what one could call a “reference experience.”

If you’re trying to pick up that chick and you’re about to close, your mind cycles through in the blink of an eye and says “nope, you didn’t pick up your dry cleaning, you pussed out on that last approach, you got into an argument with your mom, you didn’t push out that last rep at the gym, sorry bro, you’re a chode” then that little bit of self doubt manifests in your subcommunications and when you go in for the kiss she turns her cheek.

Now on the other hand, if you didn’t make excuses about not having time, needing “warm ups” on your approaches, rationalizing that your mom should be more understanding, or hadn’t been afraid to pull a muscle, and instead just WENT for it because the utmost quality is your STANDARD and you expect nothing less, that chick would see the signals loud and clear and she would plant her tongue so far down your throat you’d think she was trying to wrap a leash around your neck.

So in a funny kind of way, in confining yourself, you free yourself. When you tame your body language and force yourself into smoothness and fluidity instead of self-conscious shuffling or goofy clown overcompensation, you actually feel more entitled and free. When you demand you meet your own itinerary, you hit any shit that arises with the same intensity as your plans. Kudos to Jeffy for helping me elucidate the thought – I remember him saying in the Jeffy Show “self-discipline allows you to actually be more free” – although I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a military adage first (Manwhore?)…

Slowing down allows you to narrow in on the thoughts that serve you, and nix out all the rest. It is sexworthiness in a can. It is beyond sexworthyness, if I may be so arrogant. You become so potent that your expression is continually meaningful, and you need not think of anything to say because inattentive idiocy is passable. This sounds ridiculous in a way, but basically when you respect yourself and love yourself SO MUCH that it just BEAMS EVERYWHERE it really doesn’t matter how people react to you.

You have to ask yourself if you’re scattered and riding off second hand beliefs and models of the world or if you’re really looking at what’s in front of you and taking it head on. Because I felt pretty strong. But this way is a million times stronger. And you can branch out in any direction you choose. Sometimes you can feel humourless, for example, but since you have the FOUNDATION you can build the vibe off that BASE. Also, I used to be scared of foreplay. I thought I wouldn’t be good at it and I just wanted to get straight to fucking where I could hit that shit hard and mask my own absurdly neurotic nature. But when you REALLY SLOW DOWN, you WANT to explore a woman’s body, kiss passionately, take her how you want her.


I used to be scared of social illusions. I would see the tanned guidos with artfully sculpted metro-man helmets or the tattooed biker dude and think shit, that guy is gonna eat me alive if I so much as look at him. But ironically, when you slow the fuck down, act and speak from an authentic place, and truly express yourself, you are intrinsically higher value and everyone will show you respect.

When you don’t give your power away, you keep your power. Then you are powerful, and you can use that power however you choose.

Use it for good. Use it to give. That is the most fulfilling thing you will experience in this world.

By the way, in my last post I wrote about TOTAL INTERNAL VALIDATION and how that’s key to sustaining state. How is it done, in practical terms, one might wonder… this is the closest I can come to describing it. You have to express yourself OUTWARDLY all the time, so you know your own worth whether others acknowledge it or not. This is the elusive obvious because when people think “internal validation” they think it has to be a completely INTERNAL process, but in the outpouring of your expression, you recognize your value and then are indifferent to whether others recognize. But you must give it all the time. Then as you take up this practice on a 24/7 basis, it’s only a matter of time before your social landscape catches up to your internal state.

And that, my friend, only happens for most people as often as a lunar eclipse.

But you can make it happen as long as the tides are turning.

Which, despite the fact I am not an oceanographer, is probably all the time.

Glory times, indeed.

An abundance of love,


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