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Bringing A Girl Into A "Friends With Benefits" Zone

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CreamoftheCrop's picture
Joined: 04/18/2014

Im in a little predicament.

So I've been seeing this girl that I actually like for a while now. We have traveled together and done that whole shebang. But the problem is I live in NY and she's in Miami. I'd definitely be in a relationship with her right now if she were in my vicinity, but I can't see myself being in a long distance relationship and I told her that already and she agreed. But there is something inside of me telling me she isn't fond with the idea of me fucking other girls. 

I wanted some of your suggestions on how I can go about talking about, and maintaining the "relationship" we have now until one of us moves closer to the other. Cause she is most likely moving to NY for school.

Joined: 10/15/2012
I'll start by saying this.

I'll start by saying this. She's probably banging other guys as your posting about it on a forum. I could be wrong but my experience with women says otherwise. I would test out her desire for you in her life. Tell her why don't we take a break and re visit this when you move to NY.


Big Cat

Joined: 10/15/2012
I'll start by saying this.

I'll start by saying this. She's probably banging other guys as your posting about it on a forum. I could be wrong but my experience with women says otherwise. I would test out her desire for you in her life. Tell her why don't we take a break and re visit this when you move to NY.


Big Cat