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Pickup Coaching
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Ghettoguru's picture
Joined: 03/01/2012

On 10/22/2012 this gal hit me up on POF. She also did the "meet me"
She's mehhh but fck it, i'm in for the experience! lol
I just replied to her this afternoon, she texted me ASAP.
HER: the black guy with the french accent. that sounds pretty sexy

10/24/2012 3:15PM
ME: Haha Oh girl stop, you're going to make me blush ;P
But hey this POF stuff is getting too nerdy for me, don't come here much.
Shoot me a text (805) 3**-****
HER (text 10 mins later): hey! Yeah i have pof and i've only had it for about two days
ME (20 mins): Ha! welcome to hell. I've considered deleting the account, stalkers all over
HER (4 hours): Yeah I'll probably delete it pretty soon! Ooooh please!! I got a guy telling *Hey sexy can I smell you're face?* Last night hahahaha

I feel like VERY SOON i should to tell her to meet me for Pizza and beach volleyball tomorrow
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