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Pickup Coaching
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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
I recently spoke to my old therapist who is now, officially, my "Life Coach" lol- all that means is now I have to pay more because insurance doesn't cover it.

So I'm officially off the sauce guys- IM NO LONGER FUCKED UP! haha kidding, I totally am but after 6 or so years (honestly I forget at this point), to officially have it be over is kinda cray.

Anyway- I was talking to him about some of my goals and I was mentioning how one of the biggest things I've learned from the founders of the company I work for is that, "They aren't fundamentally different from me- I can do everything they are doing and succeed at it"

And he responded along the following lines:

"Yes. And that's such an amazing aspect of the Buddhist path and it's so true how they say, "When you see the Buddha along the path. Kill It"

He mentioned this becuase I had told him how some people at my company look up to our founders like they are Gods and it's really detrimental to their own success.

Anyway- it got me to thinking. I actually had never grasped what that saying meant until he connected the dots for me there. And I related it back to pickup and how one of the biggest steps any pooah- at ANY level- needs to take, is to "Kill the Buddha".

And it's true for all of us- we all meet that person/thing/group/wtvr that seems to have it so perfect, that person who seems to just nail it perfectly every time and it's great to have respect and to appreciate the positive qualities of someone else- infact, I would say that is one of the most incredible things you can do for YOURSELF is to really start to see the positive in other people

But if you find that person, along the path, that you start to put on a pedastool- kill the fucking buddha... take him off that pedastool and kill them (not literally). Kill them in your mind- kill that image you have because it's bullshit and unrealistic and, in the longterm, will be detrimental to your own growth.

Kill the buddha, fellas. Kill it.

This is something I will be actively working on in my life moving forward. Granted there are different degrees of everything and it's about constantly honing "Skillful Means"- so, for me, I really want to work on just honing that balance between recognizing other people's gifts and positive qualities, while simultaneously killing the buddha- just like everything it's about straddling that line perfectly- pushing the comfort zone without going overboard.

I would love to be able to develop the ability to have the most respect possible for other people while not crossing the line into pedastool land. Like literally I want to be RIGHT AT that line.... and this isn't for some altruistic reason- i truly believe that being able to do this will benefit ME the most while also happening to be great for those around me.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."