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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 04/08/2013
Listening to Tolle the other day I was reminded of some concepts that were proving invaluable throughout the day and night in keeping my anxiety in perspective. In my interpretation, Tolle was talking about how anxiety is caused by the brain, which is trying to be in command of the self. Anxiety is the result of fears reflected from past events and projected onto the future which manifest in the body. Tolle suggests that by watching this process as the higher self one can simply observe that the mind is doing this, the body is reacting and the self need not apply judgement to the process. I found that the act of recognizing and not judging, rather even applying humour to the situation would stop it in its tracks and not allow the cycle to manifest itself. The net result of all this was a very comfortable night overall, a few very brief attacks of anxiety which were almost instantly dissolved