tindr girl machu pichu
Me: We are so divorced
Christina - 10 hrs 54 mins later: Didnt know we were married?
Christina - 3 hrs 14 mins later: Wow, I didn't know my marketing ideas are that enticing!
Me - 2 hrs 16 mins later: We had that shotgun wedding in Vietnam remember?
Me: I was so impressed by your marketing schemes for washing machines I just had to make you my bride
Christina - 14 mins later: Working like a normal adult.
Christina - 20 mins later: Really, you haven't figured it out by now. I am a marketer.
Christina - 18 mins later: Yes, I think I do, it is good fit for now.
Christina - 1 hr 18 mins later: Yes, world domination.
Christina - 40 mins later: Who says I need a partner?
Christina - 9 mins later: Psh, that's for people who lack the skills to do it on their own. I, on the other hand, do not require a partner. I will take a minion.
Christina - 34 mins later: I am pretty sure minion worked for free.
Me - 19 mins later: Totally, just enticing me completely :P what are you up to?
Christina - 3 mins later: That's a lot to ask for. I thought that's how a minion supposed to treat his boss.
Christina - 24 mins later: It's actually ownership, handle still implies you have freedom.
Me - 1 min later: Pshht being cute isn't work :P what do you do?
Me - 14 mins later: Haha I figured it was too obvious, do you like your job?
Christina - 47 mins later: Haha, it's called mind control, pure psychological
Me - 1 min later: Could you imagine doing anything else but marketing? Ninja training perhaps :P
Christina - 6 mins later: Yup, you are finished with grading all the homework
Christina - 13 mins later: Was reading the goldfinch. What do you teach?
Me - 45 mins later: Mine too! You can be pinky I'll be the brain and we can take over the world :P
Me - 26 mins later: I do lol it takes two, teamwork and all that
Christina - 3 mins later: Did you just pass yourself? This is a tad depressing.
Me - 18 mins later: Haha pffft I'm not gonna be a minion unless I get paid a good amount of money :P
Me - 19 mins later: Hah good luck finding minions then, I only accept good food and drink for payment
Me: And an occasional hug for my minion work
Me - 28 mins later: Hahaha you're cute. Already thinking you're my boss? You can't handle me :p
Me - 25 mins later: Hmmm so its slavery is it? You gonna tie me up to?
Me - 57 mins later: Wow so you're like trying the old Jedi mind trick eh? Not gonna work ;)
Me: Home from work yet?
Me - 6 mins later: Yeah lol I am, so what are you doing right now?
Me - 16 mins later: I teach how to be awesome...only passed one person so far though
Christina - 6 hrs 19 mins later: You came up with the class, so how hard can it be?
Christina - 2 hrs 8 mins later: Yes I am, but it's Thursday, so almost done.
Me - 48 mins later: Hahaha I'll have you know its quite a difficult class
Christina - 1 hr 42 mins later: Seriously what do you teach. Shouldn't school be done by now?
Christina: Okay, not now, but by 3
Me - 26 mins later: Very hard lol you working today?
Me - 3 hrs 5 mins later: TGIF indeed , I work later today. Gotta keep the wheels spinning