Your brain is currently in a form of mental bondage to old emotions and beliefs. We’re behavioral addiction mechanisms, plain and simple, and so old emotional baggage persists long after the original stimulus or cause is gone. In fact many of the contributing factors to things such as “approach anxiety”, “social anxiety” or even ED, which is a form of “performance anxiety” is simply leftover stimulus from childhood!
But the truth is you can easily grow past and expunge these limiting beliefs and emotional constructs, and the subsequent behaviors attached to them.
Allow yourself to evoke them.. observe them.. recognize how much bullshit they are.. cut ties with the old emotional pattern and internal physiological shifts that are associated with them, and choose a new behavior to adopt from now on. You don’t have to be afraid of this at all, you can even enjoy it! LOL
The part of our brain still holding onto juvenile mental-environmental formations will try to create ties to other people, social environments, situations or even completely imaginary fabrications. It is that fearful vestigial psychological mechanism that holds us in mental bondage to not “act out” for fear of being judged by a primordial caveman apeshit society. The mental ramifications of this aren’t that visible to most, mostly evade attention, but actually run very deep. If you don’t watch out most of your waking life can be spent in some kind of mental bondage to an expectation we feel- either coming from someone or something.
But these ties are not real! It is not our place to think about what others are thinking of us, and we could never possibly know. We are fretting over things we have no idea about, based on standards that are imaginary and illusory. It isn’t our place as strong independent adults to allow our focus be used up in such a futile process.
Drill #1
In one of my conference talks I tell a story about my friend crossing an intersection and “feeling” the eyes of everyone in their cars on him, dragging on his own perceptions of himself. He felt embarrassed and self-conscious. This was bullshit! When you feel social expectations upon you, whether it’s a girl you’re drawn to, guys that intimidate you, or a social situation that has a hold on you, I want you to visualize these as cords, ties that are running from you to them, and I want you to visualize severing them, cutting the cords. Feel the immediate disconnection from that debilitating expectation. Cut off all of them and feel your awareness and attention drawing back into yourself. You have gained back all your empowerment, you now see only through YOUR eyes.
Fear gives a false representation of itself
Sometimes I allow myself to feel my fears, to experience them and see what they are made of. But they are always weak. The hold a fear has, its weight, is never what it seems. Don’t run from it, feel it, experience it, and realize it has no power over you.