Porn as a Gateway Drug to Child Sex Trafficking? Nonsense

By Manwhore
December 25, 2021

It’s the forced legalization of prostitution through the criminalization of intimacy that’s driving prostitution and child sex trafficking. It’s the forced debasement of art, the forced injection of mediocrity into femininity. It’s law enforcement at their old tricks again, their old chosen form of corruption. Where they prey on the weakest and most vulnerable of their constituency, women and children, and groom them into communists and prostitutes that spy on their own neighbors and family members. Lies and tattletales are the ancient tools of communism.

You all willfully ignore your tried and true champion, while the enemies of America continuously attempt to coerce me into idiotic gross bullshit. While China continues to be the main source of sexual abuse to women and children. While the Democrats import thousands and thousands of undocumented adherents to a culture that normalizes sex with animals and children.

And I can’t even have relationships anymore because all I get plied with are “actresses” working as legal shills. Or foreign agents. Yes, I’ve had relations with female spies. Is that enough for your baseless warrant while you try to steal my work and sweep me under the carpet? You’ve managed to turn some of my own students against me. What a wicked betrayal. You illegally film me in incessant attempts to smear me and slander my work.

You are all agents of mediocrity, amateur cogs in the wheel of homogeneity.

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