Trump’s EO 14160 reinstates the Dred Scott SCOTUS decision that led to the Civil War, bringing the descendants of slave-owning Democrats a secret victory in the form of.. a Republican victory?
The DOJ would NEVER have tried to sneak this through during the Biden administration they would have been called out on it immediately. But put a Trump bumper sticker on it and now Sen. Josh Hawley can extort the virtues of bringing slavery back to.. Make America Great Again??
“Real, true slavery has never been tried before. This time.. it’ll work.”
Anonymous sources state the possibility the recent tearing down of Confederate statues was secretly carried out by Trump himself, who it is claimed, claimed, “These statues are LOSERS. Cuz they LOST.”
Of course most would argue that slavery is not all what made America great. And this country fought a civil war to prove it. But after getting rid of all those Civil War era statues it seems everyone forgot! And for those concerned at home, there’s no sinister forces afoot in our government. That’s just a conspiracy theory!
Speaking of conspiracy theories, the JFK files have finally been revealed. What strange timing! But who cares if they tell you they killed JFK! They’re busy reversing the outcome of the Civil War. They’re only telling you to distract you, celebrate, and rub it in your faces!
What’s war referred to in a peace time environment? Slavery. Yes, America is currently at war.. defending its OWN freedom.
Here’s the original Dred Scott case versus the U.S. Supreme Court:
“In 1857, Dred Scott, an enslaved man taken by his owner, an army surgeon, into Illinois and Wisconsin Territory (later Minnesota), which were part of the Northwest Territory in which slavery was prohibited, sued for his freedom. The U. S. Supreme Court decided that Americans of African descent — whether enslaved or free — were not U.S. citizens and did not have the right to sue.”
Sound familiar?
The usual suspects decry the Dred Scott decision as one of the worst in the history of the Supreme Court, yet extol the virtues of Trump’s Executive Order reinstating it in the same breath. And yet it’s the exact same legal case. This is how communists attempt to create the conditions for slavery through the legal system in whatever country they infiltrate. You’re watching in real time the attempted establishment in America of a second tier of “citizenship”.
Not only that, this will allow foreign slave owners to live in, and transport their human property through the US without fear of losing legal control over their “subject.”
You don’t think they’ll do this right in front of your faces? What about the rape clowns dancing provocatively in front of your children’s faces?
There’s another issue at stake here they’re hoping no one notices. The original Dred Scott decision was based on the idea the federal government didn’t have the jurisdiction to legislate slavery in state territories. It wasn’t a matter of returning authority to the state such as in the recent reversal of Roe vs. Wade, but of claiming it didn’t have the authority in the first place.
It is the exact same template being used for another very insidious communist plot. Here’s a telling historical reference:
“Nat Turner’s Revolt planted fear throughout the South. The Virginia General Assembly passed laws that made it unlawful to teach slaves or free blacks to read or write or to hold religious services in which a white minister was not present. Other states followed Virginia’s lead.”
Sound familiar? This is why they’re attempting to shut down the U.S. Department of Education. There is a clear causal link between education, citizenship and slavery which is the reason they’re both under attack at the same time. They’re trying to recreate the conditions to be able to do the exact same thing with education as they did when slavery was legal in the southern states. These efforts to destroy the Department of Education will result in huge swaths of American children being denied the right to an education, no longer protected by the federal government.
This effort to destroy the DoE is more proof of the true nature of “anarcho-capitalism”; predatory corporate practices under the guise of “capitalism” that desire their work force to be ignorant, uneducated, and without legal protections or recourse.
According to some, “There are almost 300,000 children born each year in this country who, under EO 14160, should not be recognized as citizens.” (Breitbart 2025)
But there’s 930,000 dead baby citizens due to abortions yearly (as reported in 2020). Is this to be replaced by 300,000 non-citizens no longer afforded rights and legal protection status in the United States?
These people come to America, potentially sacrifice their own future to give their children one, and you want to take that away too. Of course everyone understands you aren’t going to “grant” them citizenship, but you’re certainly going to tax the shit out of them.
There’s better ways to control the flow of immigration than to steal a child’s future to sell it back to them. Or keep them in servitude and simply own their production value.
This dual attempt to reinstate the SCOTUS Dred Scott decision AND remove the Department of Education BOTH follow the same communist agenda of transferring legal authority over the issue from the federal level to the state level. This delegates authority to create legislation, control funding, certify results, etc., from the federal government to local governments. This in turn allows for simple divide and conquer strategies to drastically reduce opposition to human exploitation practices. It’s the exact same ruse the southern Democrats used to attempt to perpetuate slavery in the old south, and with the original Dred Scott SCOTUS decision they almost succeeded.
This time they hope to reinitiate slavery without having to contest it. But slavery, citizenship, education are all issues of national standard, not something that can be exploited at the local level, where a “protected class” can exist off the backs of second class citizens.
It is obvious the US government is under the influence of forces very keen to completely undo the foundation of liberty, and justice for all this country was founded on and has carried the torch for just shy of 250 years. These interests claim secretly America was just an experiment. They claim the right and moral superiority to change the foundations of society to allow for the creation and exploitation of a second class of citizen. They’ve now flagrantly changed the legal usage of BC (Before Christ), to BCE (Before Common Era) to remove the reference. That’s no coincidence.
Remember why they hate Him. Because Jesus came and set every man free