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catchingmeta4ssincebirth's picture
Joined: 08/08/2015

For the texting leading up to the interaction read:



I'm upstairs when I got the text of her being there at the venue and so I head down to meet her, I go down the stairs and practically by the corner of the bar I run into this chick after almost walking past her we both stopped when we’re both her for each other.

It might have been like less than a little 5 minute interaction between the both of us but I most definitely left an impression and the texting was rock solid. So what ends up happening is we chit chat real quick by the corner of the bar like less than a minute after which we go to the center of the bar and order some drinks. She’s getting out her card real quick and I told her if she was sure she wanted to pay and she said yes of course, so I start us a tab on her card (she insisted, multiple times).  

We both get shiners and walk back like about 3-5 feet back from the center of the bar, in which we were still in the vicinity of, very quickly I decide we need to go to another spot it's a bit crowded and I tell lets go over here, I'll show her the way. I lead her off to the hall way between the men's and women's restroom (its right in the middle of the two), it’s a big hall way too and they had chairs with like one or two tables to were its facing the restrooms and some vending machines (wonder if they had condoms ;) lol). We start chit chatting about something I just can't remember the specifics of the conversation. Somewhere in there she compliments me on my hair style/cut and that it reminded her of a particular musician from back in the day, I tell her that I'm named after that musician as far as I know that's what my grandma told me (she’s in disbelief, and thinks that I’m joking) and just looked her right in her eyes (plus I lean in a bit) and said that grandma never lies ;) lol it was a funny moment. I was subtle with the funny not over the top, that was an example of what I was giving her conversation wise.


 I notice now that it was a bit slow but it might have been necessary so that she could feel comfortable. We were there for about 3 maybe 5 minutes wrapped up in conversation and we run into a friend of mine whom I had some college classes with, actually I had already seen the dude passing by several times, and I didn't want homie to mess up the vibe that I had going on with this chick. I honestly don't know why I was thinking like that, the guys is a cool dude, has a girlfriend at least last time we spoke which was maybe almost a year, not sure and he has a sense of things as there going down, its really weird. I'll explain that a bit, one time it was Me, him & his girl at the same venue and he’s just being observant and see’s mean look dude and leans over to me and tells me yo check this out, and here’s what ends up happening: that mean mugging dude (who was all tatted up, just got out of prison, I believe he was an ex drug dealer lol) bought us like several rounds of drinks, it was hilarious. He has a 6th sense about these things lol.


Anyways dude comes over and says hi  to both of us (dude's friends with everybody lol) and immediately afterwards he just gets straight to it: "You guys together?!?" We kinda just look at each other and she says no we're not together, blah blah and shortly afterwards he ends up saying his goodbyes and leaves us to do our thing lol. I start talking about not wanting home boy to come over (because I knew something like that would happen) and she was like yeah We're not together that whole thing again and then I realize that I'm sort of being negative about it. I need to shift gears, and rise above any narrative that I didn’t want and lead this to one that I did want for the both of us.

Now to clarify, I wasn't talking shit about the homie, I just didn't want him to ask us a question (like that) since I knew it would get a bit awkward (just my opinion). It was as I said I realize that this was a negative train of thought and I need to get a handle of this (I was judging the situation, not shaping it) so I believe I change subjects and I move her back to around the corner of the bar like about 3-5 feet away from it and both her and I sort of realize this is a shit spot lol since traffic was coming through to that area.


She pretty much says why are we in this spot, its kind of cramp, I tell her something witty then I have the both of us move over to around the center of the bar, I made sure we were off to the side so that we wouldn't be in the way of the peeps getting drinks. I don't remember what we're chatting about but the body language I'm gauging it and constantly in movement, think of it almost as a dance I was never linger all up in her grill but I would never be too far and whenever I would get up in her grill I would/made sure I'd hold any gaze (eye contact) that we had between us. I say something witty then boom eye contact, some physical contact then I'd stop doing. Also a thing to note is that I would be very light with my touch like it wouldn't linger, I'd kinda run my right hand along her back sometimes using just the tips of my fingers and then alternating to using my palms, as I would do this, she would more or less cop a feel for my ass and she did that this like 5-7 times throughout the night (honestly she did almost too often that I lost count lol).


After this I tell her we should head up stairs, she was game, actually she thought we would go up stairs right after we ran into each other, I believe she suggested it but I'm player one now *que the porn-stache Italian accent*

We get upstairs and make my way over to the outside patio (its basically the smoker section but its also a great place to take someone to have more of a private conversation, in my opinion). I look out from the view from the patio and I notice the fog that she was talking about via text and I tell her that she was right (there was a fog, I didn't notice earlier) and I was gonna joke and send her a text saying I didn't I'm lost in the fog and something else, it was meant to be a funny text, and she got the hint and laughed/giggled about it. Her and I make some small talk there for 2-3 minutes then I tell her lets go back down stairs and get another round of drinks (I had finished mine earlier) and she was babysitting hers up until that point that I said for us to go back downstairs, I had noticed that her drink was about less than half way maybe a bit less. She was down for another round and I lead her back down the stairs and I tell her to chug the beer and she does as we make our way downstairs.


Finally we get downstairs and we get our second round of beers and it was either around this time or earlier (when we came back from the long hallway between the restrooms) we run into one of her chick friends (they didn't come together) and the she asks her where's her girlfriend (yup she has a lesbian friend), at this point she introduces us and we say hi and then the two chick have a quick convo with each other (I think the lesbian friend knew what was going down, if not had an idea, she was fucking cool about it and didn't try to cock block whatsoever) I end up going to the restroom take a leak (the girls were talking for a bit so I let them at it while I went, I told my chick that's where I was going, she was cool). I come back from the restroom and there my chick is waiting for me drink in hand. The both of us are more or less cheekily dance with each other, she was grinding on me or anything what I would do was I'd just randomly go to one of her sides and then bump her hip(s). I was amping up the body language the more and more the night progress (as I said I never gave too much and just left it there but I just give it and take it).

I wasn't really grabbing her ass or tits (lol at some point during the night I ended up brushing up against her one of her boobs at least once or twice). I would either bump her hips or bring her in (kinda like a side hug but not quite) then spin her around, and then later on I ended up booping her on the nose (its where you get one of your fingers and just tap her nose and say: boop!) LOL it was as if I rocked her world by just doing that it was hilarious. She was like I can't believe you just boopped me! I'd make eye contact tell her something like: oh you like it and I might've thrown in a wink or two for good measure ;) haha. I was just having fun.


I move her back to the hallway, and I believe she say something about oh this place again (it wasn't in a wtf man really? It was more like okay I can dig it sort of way lol). We talk about something very briefly and then I tell her LET'S go back over here and my intentions are to move her towards the center of the bar again. So we make our way over to the center and on the way the there (at around the corner of the bar where we first ran into each other for the night) she says: you've been moving me so much, next thing you know, you're taking me to your car. I quickly respond with: OH so you're dropping hints now eh? She responds just as quick as I did and says NO and I think I look at her face as she says this (it was congruent, she wasn't dropping hints about going to the car, well not with that look on her face lol).


We're both back at the center of the bar and when we get there it’s a mixture of both body language (like I think I make us break into dance) I spin her around and I take some steps to the side and then I go to her (like a power walk) and then I lean in for right cheek with my right cheek coming across her face (I make it seem as if I'm going to kiss her right cheek) and she leans forward and then goes oh I thought we were gonna do something else, I was like woah. I knew what she meant (I believe that she thought that I was going to kiss her on the lips or implied that she wanted to kiss me). We have that moment then I tell her that we're going back upstairs and she follows me, I think I lead her by the arm/forearm then my hand goes lower and I'm taking her by the wrist (I think maybe once or twice while leading her I get her by the hand, it happened but it was very rare and fleeting). I take her up to the outside patio (its really like a small outside patio, as I said smoker's section lol) we're both up there for a bit and then she kinda gets in front of me and lands an empty spot over the patio/ balcony and we're talking for a bit. I think I notice through my peripherals that some girls that were near (they came in right after us) and it seemed like they were looking at us (they seemed envious of us, from what it appeared) also I noticed a Stripper friend (she’s a homies chick, so that’s how I know her) come in sometime after those girls and she looked right at me talking to this chick I'm with and I think I had my right arm around her and just saying something cheeky and then lean out/ push her away.


I tell her we should go downstairs and she agrees and then we make our way across the pool hall and she see's and empty spot by the balcony and she takes me over (I was holding onto her and leading her when she did this), I believe a song was playing and then I think she wanted me to dance and I told her something like I don't do it for free with a wink and she laughs.  I don't full up dance around her I just bump hips with her again then grab her and move her back downstairs like originally planned. 


Now on some point earlier I believe it was some point earlier it was time for a third round of drinks, we pretty much had that discussion I told her no drink for me and she sort of gave me a hard time, I just remember telling her that it's more or less my new year's resolution is to not drink that much and she kinda just keeps insisting about it. Then finally I just tell her, I'm looking her in the eyes and tell her: My body is Wonder Land!  Her: *goes fucking nuts starts laughing* what ends up happening is we compromise with sharing the drink (I took like very very small sips, hardly drank anything from it, just didn’t want to).


I think sortly after this I start leading her down stairs towards the center of the bar then even further and then we get outside. She asks me where we’re going I tell her over here (famous last words huh lol) and she cool with it but she tells me that she’s need to use the restroom. I kinda just give her a look and she tells me: “you’ve gone to Restroom about 3-4 times, how many times have I gone, zero.”

Just to clarify she wasn’t really scolding me or anything, she just wanted to make her point. So then I was like alright and we turn around to go back and she asks me to take of the tab so we can take it from there. Basically she was down to do whatever what comes next for us. She goes uses the restroom, I take of the tab and wait for her. She meets me back at the center of the bar. And then we bounce, joking around until finally we get to my car.


From here the attraction between us was kinda hot you could feel it lol shortly after getting in (like about a minute or so I go in for the kiss, she somewhat turns her face so I kiss her cheek but close to her lips (the top ones ;) haha). There’s a bit of back and forth with this notion of she doesn’t do this often (she doesn’t say that she just implied it) and then she compliments me on my little dance moves (I literally just used my hips). She then implies that I do this often (I tell her nah or no I don’t and wink) as we have this discussion I’m intervening kissing her and I’m still not given access to her lips so I start kissing her throughout her face, like I round her face out with kisses lol and then finally I make my way back to her lips. Basically with this “discussion, which her & I have had a couple times since is me being established as the guy she can have fun with (I don’t remember the exact details but that’s the gist of the whole little convo/discussion).


Eventually I end up to her breast she did this gesture like she wanted me on her breasts and laid her hand on top of them (I think she got anywhere from D cup to Double D’s eyyyyyyy) so I decide I want to give those bad girls some attention. I think somewhere between the kissing and me paying her titties some attention she says aloud you look like you give it rough ugh idk (but had this turned on look), I tell her yeah it’s a flaw of mine and I wanna work softening up and being more sensual with my touch then continue to go at it.


The part of round her face with kisses is important, some girls will do that (this isn’t my first having to do that). So just because a girl doesn’t want you to kiss her on her lips doesn’t mean you should stop trying, I did this kissing her face gesture as me not giving up and not just focusing on her lips, think of this as showing appreciation for more than just her lips (think about it she has two sets up lips, you have to work the spaces in between them to really get them going ;), just an observation/personal experience).


I’m kissing on her titties and I wanted to whip them out but her bra must’ve been super tight or something so anytime I tried to take them out she said it hurt a little lol. I decided I’d meet them some time later ;) and proceed to kiss on them. Now at some point a car starts then leaves about a minute later, she comments on this and tells me that they were watching us, I didn’t care, I was completely focused on putting on a show ;) lol. Finally she ends up telling me you’re a tease, you’ve been teasing me, I tell her you’re doing the exact same thing for me! And tell her I’m getting hot and heavy about it (a variation of that) and she pauses momentarily (it was like a second or two) and she says: are your windows tinted? I tell her no but we go to a spot with some privacy, she then asks me if I know a spot. I tell her that I absolutely do not know one whatsoever LMAO.


She tells me that she needs to pee, I had to as well so we drive over to the local convenience store. Either way we make it to the store and both take turns taking a piss (only one restroom) and then I drive by the back of the store to scope it out and they pretty much had bright lights behind the store so even if I wanted to get busy with it in the back it would have been obvious. I ask where does she live and she tells me, I deem it too far (it was) so I head back to the club. On the way over, I ask her what’s schedule for tomorrow night and she tells me she doesn’t know but says, “BUT I know what I’m doing tonight,” and gives me the flirty eyes. Then she jumps to a conclusion why, don’t tell me you planning on calling it a night? I had somewhat of a worried look on my face; it was at this point where I wasn’t completely focused. I don’t say anything and proceed on driving.


We finally get back to the club and I park in the parking spot adjacent to a store that was like right next door to the club, it had a bit of privacy, actually there was a somewhat better spot but it was a one way and on occasion cops come by the club to coral the people and get them to leave by driving around the parking lot. I stuck with the spot I choose lol, and start back up making out, she moves her hand on me and feels my body up and runs it down from my chest to my stomachache then back then lastly around my belt area the first time she did it she accidently touched my phone. After touching my phone she apologizes and I respond with something like: its fine I take my phone out and then put it on the floor faced down. We ended up going back at it and I end up taking the manhood out after she does her thing of feeling my chest and making her way (hand) down, I had a bit of a chub going on, I wasn’t rock solid anyways she starts jerking me off then we go back to making out the tells me if we should go to the back seat I didn’t want to initially but then I decided its fine. We get to the back seat and she’s whipping out the titties and I think I might’ve taken off my shirt and lowered my pants a bit (gotta be ready to pull them back up, can’t be caught slipping in these streets! Lol). I reach over to get a condom from the area I put them earlier, take it off on start putting it on, I had about half a chub going on and was probably fucking up putting it on (had put one on over two years, sadly :/). Then I start doing my thing and get to humping (at some point she puts her hand down) and while I’m doing the humping, I go for the titties to suck on em. I start thinking wtf I like whats going on LOL I think I ask her something along the lines of ‘it being in’ and she tells me that she’s jerking me off (LMFAO) because she wants me inside her (I wasn’t completely hard) and shows my where her pussy is at lol. I find it with my hand and I just start fingering her and sucking on her nipples her and there, and I’d come up to see if the coast was clear and then go back to getting it.

I’m literally just fingering the fuck out of this chick, first I’m going slow then I go faster. All this while I’m sucking on them titties, occasionally I’d stop to check the vicinity, and just look down at her and she her all hot and bothered, she chick was enjoying the finger fucking. It had seemed as if she hadn’t been fucked in a long time, she was tight as fuck, I think she was pretty wet too.  I know what she really wanted but for whatever reason I couldn’t get my manhood to get rock hard, I think the best I was getting was half a chub, it sucked. What was happening was in that instance I was focused on her and would deviate from that to check if the coast was clear. I was not focusing on what I needed to focus the most which was myself, I was having a great time but for whatever reason I was focusing on other things besides, my pleasure/what I can bring to the table. Yeah I was fingering her having a good time but I wasn’t bringing everything that I had to the table which was my hard dick to the table. Girls love a hard dick especially if its hard for them, they appreciate that.  I didn’t understand this concept until I watched a video by Jon (it’s on his YouTube). Its fucking amazing and really got me out of my funk of why I didn’t/couldn’t  get my manhood all the way up.

Now back to the topic at hand:

I did this for about 5 minutes and I just couldn’t get a hard on and she understands and asks/says your tired huh, I tell her yeah (she wasn’t upset about it, she really was understanding) and after about 5 minutes a huge truck comes into the parking lot and that’s when we stop I tell her to get dress and then I quick get into the driver’s seat and take her over to her car (it wasn’t cop) it was just obvious that we weren’t getting any more privacy. She gets dressed as I drive her over to her car and then I wait a bit and we say our goodbyes. It was good/on the verge of a great time.


Joined: 01/18/2012



I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Niv Mizzle's picture
Joined: 08/19/2015



Sex training review, Sex God method on steroids -->

Joined: 01/18/2012
? This is

? This is fucking pathetic. And why does he have "LR" in the title? That absolutely does not belong. This was the most wishy-washy, limp-wrist bullshit I've ever read on this forum. Fuck 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 01/18/2012
Dude you're so far off you're

Dude you're so far off you're actually dangerous to yourself


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 01/18/2012
You are so passive and

You are so passive and wishy-washy you paw at a girl's breasts but you won't take her bra off because you think it hurts her? 

Your own dick is ashamed of you that's how bad this is. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Niv Mizzle's picture
Joined: 08/19/2015
Wait hollup. Yo I just

Wait hollup. Yo I just re-read this. This IS embarrassing dude. Bumping hips and brushing up against her breasts? You're a grown man, not in elementary school. You're better than this. Dude you also need to have more empathy for this girl. There are several instances where she's clearly uncomfortable and you just barrel through. It's good that you've come far enough to actually pull. But Homie you've got to be handling this way better. Especially with what you've been taught. You realize this is all stemming from your own fear and uncertainty.


Sex training review, Sex God method on steroids -->

Joined: 01/18/2012
Well now he's going to get

Well now he's going to get massive mixed signals. Yes this all due to his absurd levels of fear and uncertainty, but then you want to fault him for when she sees this and he "just barrels through"? You might want to explain that better


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Niv Mizzle's picture
Joined: 08/19/2015
This is ofcourse partially my

This is ofcourse partially my fault. We taught you how to open, move and chat the girl up but your physical escalation is/was lacking. The only thing we got down well was proximity when you're talking to her. Which is why you misconstrued Bumping hips as escalation.

Dude the anxiety you're feeling, the girl will feel. There will be a nervous tension in the air. She's buffering you and doesn't feel right about you escalating...because you don't feel right about you escalating.


Sex training review, Sex God method on steroids -->

Joined: 01/03/2018
I honestly think, I'm my

I honestly think, I'm my humble opinion that you need to massively simplify the way you think about this shit at the level you're at.

​Simply put, as a female she feels fear and uncertainty as a default and doesn't need anymore of this. Whatever you have to do, make it your

​business to be less fearful and more certain.

​9/10 times it's an internal issue that causes the fear and uncertainly, more speficifically, low self esteem. Once you get that self esteem up,

​you will be much less fearful and much more certain.

​Also, if you have it, get out of the "working on my game" mentality, and fully immerse yourself in the "I'm going to fuck the girl" mentality. As

​you succeed fucking more girls, your game improves by itself. 

​What you feel, she feels. This is very underrated. I'm going to go into a weird story that nobody is going to believe. I'll tell it anyway.

​I used to be heavy into the esoteric/mysticism. I once astrally projected into random women's bodys just to see what their experience

​is like. It's absolutely TERRIFYING. You feel EVERYTHING that other people feel. Layers upon layers, upon layers, upon layers on top

​of layers and over layers. If a man experiences his emotions from the inside out, a woman INHABITS random emotions from the outside

​in. Bascially, anything thats going on around her is influencing how she feels heavily. Yeah sure, she has control over her actions, but she

​is 99% emotions. She cannot help feeling what you feel. 

​This is why you have to become a MASTER of inducing the feelings you want HER to feel within yourself AND also influencing her to feel

​emotions that lead her to your outcome. 

​Take care of that self-esteem, get it up and you'll be in a much more attractive place. Think about it.

​If a woman is in FEAR and UNCERTAINTY all the time, and she feels what you feel, WHAT OASIS can she run to? WHO's "reality" if you will,

​will she be tuning into? She will tune into and then want to be around you, and thus will more easily be led to your final outcome.


Joined: 01/03/2018
Also, it's not a LOGICAL

Also, it's not a LOGICAL thing she says like "Oh he feels good let me be around him". She just FEELS good around you and THEN backwards

​rationalizes any weird reason that is in line with her own internal values. She may even tell herself you're better looking than you are.

​A womans values shifts with her emotions.

​Game is a beautiful thing lol. 


Joined: 01/18/2012
^ Good shit. 

^ Good shit. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 01/18/2012
This kind of behavior,

This kind of behavior, Catchingmeta, will lead to the exact same kind of scenario that gave you girl PTSD in the first place. It will happen again, your ass needs to stop acting like a lesbian when you escalate on girls. What in the fuck. You ever seen two pretty bishes go at it not trying to "impose" on each other? Yeah.. that ain't supposed to be you. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Niv Mizzle's picture
Joined: 08/19/2015
This was amazing. Helped

Superb, that was insightful. Really helped connect some dots


Sex training review, Sex God method on steroids -->

Joined: 01/03/2018
I'm glad it helps you Niv

I'm glad it helps you Niv Mizzle. The lengths I've gone to understand this shit is fucking insane now that I think about. Lol. Oh well. Worth it. 


catchingmeta4ssincebirth's picture
Joined: 08/08/2015

Manwhore wrote:
Well now he's going to get massive mixed signals. Yes this all due to his absurd levels of fear and uncertainty, but then you want to fault him for when she sees this and he "just barrels through"? You might want to explain that better

Yeah Niv, Jon was right I got really confused on what you said above this comment.


"Wait hollup. Yo I just re-read this. This IS embarrassing dude. Bumping hips and brushing up against her breasts? You're a grown man, not in elementary school. You're better than this. Dude you also need to have more empathy for this girl. There are several instances where she's clearly uncomfortable and you just barrel through. It's good that you've come far enough to actually pull. But Homie you've got to be handling this way better. Especially with what you've been taught. You realize this is all stemming from your own fear and uncertainty."

catchingmeta4ssincebirth's picture
Joined: 08/08/2015
Niv dropping truth bombs

Niv Mizzle wrote:
This is ofcourse partially my fault. We taught you how to open, move and chat the girl up but your physical escalation is/was lacking. The only thing we got down well was proximity when you're talking to her. Which is why you misconstrued Bumping hips as escalation. Dude the anxiety you're feeling, the girl will feel. There will be a nervous tension in the air. She's buffering you and doesn't feel right about you escalating...because you don't feel right about you escalating.

That was some deep shit, seriously. When interacting/ leading a chick, she's acting like a mirror. When she looks at you as the leader, she will be the reflection. She will sense that's something's wrong and that's where most actually cockblock themselves (take a step forward and two back). 

catchingmeta4ssincebirth's picture
Joined: 08/08/2015
Master your own emotions = influence

 "honestly think, I'm my humble opinion that you need to massively simplify the way you think about this shit at the level you're at.

​Simply put, as a female she feels fear and uncertainty as a default and doesn't need anymore of this. Whatever you have to do, make it your
​business to be less fearful and more certain."

Yeah I tend to make things harder for myself for whatever reason, & it seeps into the majority if not all things that I do. Need to get out of that. 

1. ​9/10 times it's an internal issue that causes the fear and uncertainly, more speficifically, low self esteem. Once you get that self esteem up,
​you will be much less fearful and much more certain.

2. ​Also, if you have it, get out of the "working on my game" mentality, and fully immerse yourself in the "I'm going to fuck the girl" mentality. As
​you succeed fucking more girls, your game improves by itself. 

1. Damn I honestly was thinking I was done with that but after taking some time to reflect I realized that there is some fear there still lingering. 

2. The mentality makes a BIG difference. I used to go into birthday dates (for two years back to back) I would go on a date for my birthday, and both times, I either got a great BJ or Laid and I went in with Mentality exactly (verbatim). 

​What you feel, she feels. This is very underrated. I'm going to go into a weird story that nobody is going to believe. I'll tell it anyway.

​I used to be heavy into the esoteric/mysticism. I once astrally projected into random women's bodys just to see what their experience
​is like. It's absolutely TERRIFYING. You feel EVERYTHING that other people feel. Layers upon layers, upon layers, upon layers on top
​of layers and over layers. If a man experiences his emotions from the inside out, a woman INHABITS random emotions from the outside
​in. Bascially, anything thats going on around her is influencing how she feels heavily. Yeah sure, she has control over her actions, but she
​is 99% emotions. She cannot help feeling what you feel. 

You're right, this is a very underrated topic. It makes sense, most girls are soft flowers that don't know their own power (didn't meant to rhyme lol). It reminds me of a story comedian Dave Chappelle talked about recently, it was when he was an up in coming comedian he would perform in front of very shady people, like drug dealers and gangsters. After one of the performances they called him to the back room and paid him $20K for that performance, (he was about 17-18 at the time) and then he got on the train both excited and scared. He then realized this must be how a girl feels because he knew a lot of people would want what he gots and then he equated the money to pussy, and kept an eagle eye on the money (it was in his backpack) on the train ride home. He was scared shitless. *that skit is on Netflix, not sure if someone posted it on YouTube yet. 

This is why you have to become a MASTER of inducing the feelings you want HER to feel within yourself AND also influencing her to feel
​emotions that lead her to your outcome. 

​Take care of that self-esteem, get it up and you'll be in a much more attractive place. Think about it.

​If a woman is in FEAR and UNCERTAINTY all the time, and she feels what you feel, WHAT OASIS can she run to? WHO's "reality" if you will,
​will she be tuning into? She will tune into and then want to be around you, and thus will more easily be led to your final outcome.

Dude, this is a tool that I completely forgot I had & need to implement more & more. I let things that don't matter get in the way of the bigger picture. 
A woman wants more than fear since they feel that all the time. They crave something more, that's why some girls get put through the ringer with some guys emotionally & stay because they give her more then what she feels on a constant.  

Superb thank you man

catchingmeta4ssincebirth's picture
Joined: 08/08/2015
Fuck yeah

Superb wrote:
Also, it's not a LOGICAL thing she says like "Oh he feels good let me be around him". She just FEELS good around you and THEN backwards

​rationalizes any weird reason that is in line with her own internal values. She may even tell herself you're better looking than you are.

​A womans values shifts with her emotions.

​Game is a beautiful thing lol. 

Dude all the advice that you gave is fucking great, it helped me really stop and think of the place that I was coming from mentally. Plus it showed me an angle that I didn't notice was there.

catchingmeta4ssincebirth's picture
Joined: 08/08/2015
Initially I thought I was done with it

Manwhore wrote:
This kind of behavior, Catchingmeta, will lead to the exact same kind of scenario that gave you girl PTSD in the first place. It will happen again, your ass needs to stop acting like a lesbian when you escalate on girls. What in the fuck. You ever seen two pretty bishes go at it not trying to "impose" on each other? Yeah.. that ain't supposed to be you. 

Eckhart Tolle:

"If all you're problems or percieved causes of suffering or unhappiness were miraculously removed from you today but you had not become more present, more conscious, you would soon find yourself in a similar set of problems or causes of suffering. Like a Shadow that follows you wherever you go."

I think about this quote^ a lot. 

catchingmeta4ssincebirth's picture
Joined: 08/08/2015

Niv Mizzle wrote:
Superb, that was insightful. Really helped connect some dots

It made me realized that I had to go much deeper, that there is more still out there. 

catchingmeta4ssincebirth's picture
Joined: 08/08/2015
I wonder what you did for it... LOL

Superb wrote:
I'm glad it helps you Niv Mizzle. The lengths I've gone to understand this shit is fucking insane now that I think about. Lol. Oh well. Worth it. 

This helped me put my situation into perspective! When you have a deeper realization of something you learned it tends to enrich the lesson and have it as an example. Superb that was Superb!

Joined: 01/03/2018
Thank you fellas really

Thank you fellas really appreciate the feedback and always put the info to good use! 
