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Group Call #5- Shaping a girl's behavior when she is fucking up her interaction with you

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ItsMario's picture
Joined: 02/13/2012

Before I forget:

The call mentioned something about calling out a girl to shape her behavior

The girl is into you but instead of complying is holding herself back, fucking up the interaction for you and her, something about calling her out on her behavior but not in a way that makes it personal and butthurt or introducing a competitve vibe to shape her behavior.
Could you elaborate on this more?
I was fading in and out of that whole call, but that definitely struck me as a missing piece in my game that I need to address.

my internet connection sucks and my smart phone aint that smart smh

Joined: 01/18/2012
Read these

Read these first:

Remember these are just examples, there are varying degrees of intensity relating to this sort of thing, but those are some SOLID examples lol. 


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patrick.bateman's picture
Joined: 05/20/2013
I think what he was saying,

I think what he was saying, in this example, was that I probably needed more push game! Build more tension and put it on her. That's why this girl was basically fucking up the interaction for us, probably came in with very high value but didn't do enough push game so I was too available for her. SHe didn't have to work for it. Alternatively, also possible she just wanted me to completely take control and push past her BS and that would have been a big turn on for her.