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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 02/27/2012

Did you know that you can have an invisible protective shield around you all the time?  NOTHING negative can get through, an attack by a negative person, anything designed to make you feel bad in any way.

You're always chilled out, looking at things without emotion, without judgement, searching for the benefit.  "Where's the benefit? What can I learn from this? How can I help here?"

This is true, I experience and live this all the time now.  Other people 'think' they know when they hear this, but they don't actually live to it.

I can be attacked by any bit of negativity, and I'm unaffected.  It's almost unfair to a negative person who comes to attack me, because I'm untouchable, while they are still vulnerable to attack/criticism (it's a one sided fight).

This is a very real and very awesome power, that anyone can have.  But you cannot have it - it is impossible to have it, if you still judge other people.  If you still hold opinions, criticism, annoyances, resentment towards any other person - then this power is unavailable to you.

Judgement is weakness, Observation is Power.

Let go of your judgements of others, decide to stay on the fence about your opinions.  Always seeing a positive outcome and practicing gratitude will help give you this power.  I recommend for anyone to take this up and APPLY it to their lives - not just understand it intellectually - keep going UNTIL.  The power is very real, and very amazing.  This is just ONE amazing thing I've acquired from learning to control my mind.

Maverick92's picture
Joined: 02/07/2015
Ability to not be dragged

Ability to not be dragged down by other people's negativity is definitely great. But to sit on the fence and not have an opinion - I don't understand why that needs to be implemented.

I mean not havin an opinion on whether tom and Sharon should get married or not is understandable, but in regards to history, politics, social movements, health, fashion, fitness, science, technology - you need your own opinions on these. It's brings the light to your individuality. 

Joined: 02/27/2012
Yeah this is big one, and

Yeah this is big one, and definitely difficult to understand when you're still conditioned by society.

I'll start with tom and sharon getting married to get the ball rolling.  You can definitely be happy for them, but do not judge them.  If you deem that they are stupid for getting married, then that's a judgement and that only hurts you.  Instead you should see a Positive Outcome for them, especially if your own gut feeling says it's a bad idea for them.  You can offer help, but - YOU ARE NOT THEM.  They are living their own lives, and have the right to do whatever they choose in life.  For you to get involved when you shouldn't and 'try' and control another person, is weakness.

As far as everything else - you can 'think' some things, but you don't 'NEED' to know.  There are different levels to Knowing:  'I don't know'  'I don't think so'  'I think I know'  'I know it'  etc.

As an example, do I think that people actually walked on the moon?  From the evidence I gather, it looks pretty convincing, but I can't know for sure unless I was there and saw with my own eyes.  Whatever the case - IT DOES NOT HOLD ANY BENEFIT TO ME to 'believe' one way or the other.

To hold too strongly an opinion on something, which I cannot Know for sure - means that I've created a 'belief' about it.

Then when someone else comes along with an opposing viewpoint, the 'belief' I've created for myself, my ego becomes defensive.  It becomes a life or death matter to the body.

If you're in any way holding emotions with that 'belief' and feel anger or resentment to those people with an opposing viewpoint - this is weakness.

You can be pretty sure about your opinions, but never hold on to them.  You could be wrong.  So when someone else comes along with an opposing viewpoint, you should stay on the fence about your opinion, and not judge one way or the other.  Then make a rational understanding of it; the answer becomes self-evident, or it stays unclear.

What I'm saying is, don't become too attached to your 'beliefs'.  Stay detached because you could be wrong --- YOU CAN NEVER KNOW FOR SURE unless it's your own core.  And it is not your right to control what others think about.

And you definitely don't 'need' to hold opinions on anything.  The more 'beliefs' you hold, the more barriers you put up to your success in life.

"I know that I know nothing." -Socrates

I've found that the more you let go of 'beliefs' and opinions that do nothing for you - the more you free up your energy to create.

No Thought Stands Still.  They either help you get what you want in life, or take you away from them.

The more opinions and 'beliefs' you hold, the harder you make your ability to create the life you desire.

I'm not saying you can't hold opinions on whether the history of the world is right or not - but what benefit does it hold for you either way?  There are people out there who believe all kinds of different things.  What's it to you, whether they are right or wrong?  Let other people be as they are.  It's a lot better to stay on the fence and not judge.  Don't become too attached to your opinions, you can never know for sure and you could be wrong.

The mind has this 'need' to KNOW everything and carry certainty.  All religions are based off of old 'beliefs' which they can't prove with evidence.  You have to take it on faith.  They hold onto their 'beliefs' and opinions so much, that they're willing to kill other people who threaten their certainty.

This is no different from living in a comfort zone.  Like the Eckhart teaching:  be comfortable with not knowing.


Say you're looking to become rich and successful in window making.  The more 'beliefs' and opinions you hold to the way this achievement can come to you, the harder you make it for yourself to achieve it.  If you leave your mind open, then you're open to more creativity and opportunities.  There could be a way to this success that is completely unorthodox and different from everyone else who achieved success in that area.  But if you hold 'beliefs' and opinions, you limit the amount of ways success can occur here.

This is where it borerlines on woo-woo spirituality.  But I've used this for myself, along with observing many other successful people do it as well.

Quantum physics has confirmed a lot of this.  The double-slit experiment, where your mere Observation of something changes the result.  Or the cat in the box experiment, that shows all possibilities happen all at the same time.  These are scientifically proven.  And it's also been proven that you can't draw a line between quantum and real life, it's impossible to show where one ends and the other begins.

These are actual physical particles that change as a result of being watched and observed.  WTF.

Okay I've gone way too far.

Thanks for getting me to think a bit.

p.s. - it's not your opinions and beliefs that light up your individual personality.  It's your life experiences that do.

Joined: 02/09/2015
I see the positive in this. I

I see the positive in this. I also see the cost of this, at least in my experience.

For me, not having a strong opinion either way in the past has lead to a lack of conviction. Little investment in a point of view leads to quickly letting go of it. Sometimes having a strong opinion is the difference between winning and losing, pushing through or losing interest before the end result. Sometimes being wrong but having an opinion you hold onto like it's true can be that thing that makes something happen that wasn't going to happen otherwise.

Also how do you reconcile this with what MW talked about in the 21 Convention video? Talked about how he had a strong negative opinion, losing his shit watching a movie preview (lolz) and that this turned the girl on and started to get things rolling.

Perhaps it's the difference between commitment vs attachment. Attachment is holding on because of fear, denial, feeling out of control. Commitment is chosing to hold onto something, conviction, etc. Like in the past with girls I dated I would sometimes get angry and call them out on their shit like a verbal spank but then just as quickly as I became angry I could drop it and be very sweet after because the point had been made. Using it as a tool vs being attached to it.

Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013
ClosingIsAHabit wrote: I see

ClosingIsAHabit wrote:
I see the positive in this. I also see the cost of this, at least in my experience.

For me, not having a strong opinion either way in the past has lead to a lack of conviction. Little investment in a point of view leads to quickly letting go of it. Sometimes having a strong opinion is the difference between winning and losing, pushing through or losing interest before the end result. Sometimes being wrong but having an opinion you hold onto like it's true can be that thing that makes something happen that wasn't going to happen otherwise.

Also how do you reconcile this with what MW talked about in the 21 Convention video? Talked about how he had a strong negative opinion, losing his shit watching a movie preview (lolz) and that this turned the girl on and started to get things rolling.

Perhaps it's the difference between commitment vs attachment. Attachment is holding on because of fear, denial, feeling out of control. Commitment is chosing to hold onto something, conviction, etc. Like in the past with girls I dated I would sometimes get angry and call them out on their shit like a verbal spank but then just as quickly as I became angry I could drop it and be very sweet after because the point had been made. Using it as a tool vs being attached to it.

Guys like MW express negativity with conviction whilst n the moment but always give people a chance to redeem themselves. He is not attached to prior judgements. There was discussion about this a few weeks ago :

Joined: 08/20/2014
It's not negative it's

It's not negative it's positive, you have high standards and are passionate about maintaining them. You can be like "Hmm well I don't know about X or Y, what about Z" with positivity and conviction. No-one does this lol, everyone would rather be a fake motherfucker cause of the misguided idea that it's "weak" to say you don't know something.

If someone does something that I'm not happy with I don't judge them for it, I just express what I would like to happen.

Joined: 02/27/2012
You can have opinions, just

You can have opinions, just don't be emotionally attached to them (I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG).  It doesn't mean you lack conviction or authority.  In fact when you have control over your mind, people don't 'try' to get in ego battles with you (they sense somewhere that it's pointless).

Joined: 12/19/2013

Actually it take a lot. A SHITLOAD to do that. In term of willpower but it's true that judgement fuck you up.

I have a tendency to be very judgemental about things and it look like power but it's weakness disguise as strenght. It is just a way to craft my reality so it make sense, I do not know if
not judging is possible but I don't know if it's impossible either.

Joined: 02/27/2012
Rael, this is totally

Rael, this is totally possible - you above anyone can make this happen.  With that kind of Dedication to Mastery, anyone can.

Our judgements of others stem from an egoic 'need' to control other people.  It is not our right to control others, or change what they think.  It is THEIR RIGHT to do so, just as it is ours.  To get involved when we shouldn't, we fail as people.

All you simply have to do, is notice when you judge someone.  That's all, just notice it, and stop.  "Why did I judge?"

Look for the Benefit in everything.  "What benefit do I get out of judging this person?"  "What benefit is there in this for me?"  To judge another only takes you away from the things you desire in life.  So if it's taking you away from your desired life, then why keep those thoughts?  Just let them go.

See a Positive Outcome for everyone you come across - this will help to stop judging.  Just see thoughts of joy, happiness, and laughter.  Then move on.

It may be difficult with a negative person - just see a future point in time when they are awake and relaxed, loving life.

Allow others to be as they are.  Be the change you want to see in the world.  Those who are ready and notice, will follow.

I don't think you can ever reach 100% stopping of judgements, that's total enlightenment, and then what point would there be in living anyway.

But I know for sure that you can reach a 90%+ level easy.  And then at 95%-99%, the world is yours.  You're unstoppable in life.