Long term coaching
Tried reaching manwhore for a few questions on Lt coaching but no reply to any of my emails probably swamped
however to people that have had it what was your biggest sticking point and how has coaching helped you ?
Mines persoanlly is physical escalation and building attraction
question 2 after coaching with manwhore what is a bad night and a goodnight out to you currently ?
Samuel important question.. what email did you use to contact me? Pm it to me if you need to
I pm'd you
I've worked with MW extensively. Two words - life changing.
We worked through some serious shit. For a while, I wouldn't get turned on when I was with a girl for the first time. I didn't even think I had performance anxiety because I didn't feel nervous. But I did. But MW helped me work through this and I was blown away. I think it was after the third week of coaching and I had banged two girls. A 7.5 and an 8.5.
After that, it only got better. Constantly amping up my game!
Now I pretty much just use Tinder to meet girls! I end up meeting up with 1-2 sexy new girls off tinder each week. Usually we fuck.
The first emial i ever sent Manwhore didn't go through because of server issues. just keep pestering him. i do.
How has coaching helped me?
I'm just starting my third month of training. i'll address it all when i finally get around to writing my review, but to keep it short, i've noitced the following changes:
- my conversation is more fluid
- i have hardly any socia anxiety if any because i know that i can handle myself in conversation now. I've proven myself and i'm more confident socially.
- i'm a louder more social person
- i have more sex! haha.
- people are more attracted to me.
- i have more social value. i seem like the popular person in the room, in most places.
- i'm more charismatic
- i put the effort in to lead and make the lays i want to happen, happen (with varying success). i feel a like a shark in the water, smelling blood from kilometers away.
- i'm slowly shfiting to Echkart Tolle's definition of being more conscious. i have stepped outside my stream of thought on at least one occasion.
- i'm way more comfortable with myself.
- i have a number of amazing drills that i can use for the rest of my life, forever honing my social skills and using them to warm up.
- i'm a more pwoerful person. feeling like the world is there for me to have fun with it. i'm not here to impress anyone else.
- I'm a sexual predator. in a hot way.
- i'm a stronger person, emotionally.
- i have this amazing online friend named manwhore who is like a guardian angle ... of sex and dominance.
- i have a big identity shift. i'm moving from wounded stray to sexual warlord.
- i'm dropping old baggage that holds me down.
- i can't possibley identify as a depressed, socially inept or anxious person anymore.
edit: ooooh, so save means send. whatevz. this'll do.
my biggest sticking point was cold approaching attractive women. manwhore gave me drills that developed the right neuropathways to make me more conversationally adept. this drills also wamr me up for night out and he introduced me to a mental shift that returned me to power, which puts me in the right mode to go up and talk to people. if i try to approach girls as if i'm on a mission, i freeze. manwhore taught me how to avoid this mindset. i still stuff up, though. Manwhore says i'm a certified field agent now, but i'm still a rookie.
Shikorah is also a girl!! :p
joking. manwhore speaks the truth, i do actually have ladyparts.
I love that girls panties aren't even safe from other girls now. haha. Also that i can alwasy just take myself home at end of the night or on a date.
DIRTY LIES!!joking. manwhore speaks the truth, i do actually have ladyparts.
I love that girls panties aren't even safe from other girls now. haha. Also that i can alwasy just take myself home at end of the night or on a date.
Right, and you still win!
Thank you boo. That was a very beautiful coaching review. Tho I have had a couple students get their first threesomes recently so you have to step it up!! :p
- I'm a sexual predator. in a hot way.
- i have this amazing online friend named manwhore who is like a guardian angle ... of sex and dominance.
- i have a big identity shift. i'm moving from wounded stray to sexual warlord.