The 5 Paradigm Shifts For Immediate Success
Basically, as I get down to the most important components of Game, and life in general, I am coming to the following conclusions.
1. Game is about who is dominating the interaction, and all "dominating" means is exerting more influence over the other person than
they are exerting over you. In this restricted sense, Game is a "competition". If you can exert more influence over the other person than
they are exerting over you, you are at THE CAUSE and NOT THE EFFECT. Thus you have set an OPTIMAL prescedent over the interaction. As the RSD fags say, they are "reacting" to you. Beautiful.
2. A more accurate and "advanced' way to look at the seduction process, rather than just a competition is a DANCE. If you're truly powerful, the outcome is ALREADY decided before you even opened your mouth. The unconcious "script" should be that she's there to "resist" to "test" and you're just this force of nature, the dance is just happening, taking place, but you both know that bitch is going to let herself be captured. How could she not? You are the CAUSE, the powerful one, and she is at the effect. All it is, at it's most highly developed, is a DANCE unfolding, and she falls right into your hands, willingly. Todd and others often talk about not being a "forgone conclusion". What that means is you're not supposed to let her know too early on that "Yes, this is going to end up in sex, very soon". The logic behind this is that if you put sex out there first in an obvious way, you've taken away HER fun by taking away the DANCE element. Todd is right, and in my estimation, you should have SO MUCH CONFIDENCE that the "forgone conclusion" is going to happen anyway, that there is NO NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Let that stay in the back of her mind, in the deepest corners of her unconscious, and let your influence FUEL it and bring it into REALITY with your actions, rather than just mere words.
3. Oftentimes, we get too caught up with trying to project certain images of ourselves that we learn are attractive. "Dominant' or "cool" or
"high status" or "Alpha". Instead of projecting, you could just follow the two above points and actually BE. For all intents and purposes,
it's not that she's thinking "Oh he's so Alpha, gee I like that". It's that she's already fucked you, and thats because you LED her to
your bed. THATS WHY SHE LIKES YOU. BECAUSE YOU FUCKED HER. I am an AVID beleiver in that NOTHING counts until you fucked the girl, up until that point, your PROJECTED "traits" and "qualities" are irrelevant in the overall big picture. You either made it happen, or you didn't. When you try to PROJECT an image, you're also trying to PROTECT it, thus you play it safe. It's not that it's "bad" to project an image because it's fake, because humans do a lot of things that are fake but that are required. My point is that it's better to IMMERSE yourself in being the CAUSE and in the DANCE, than to carefully project some bullshit that you have to protect from falling apart. It's a waste of energy, it's limiting and it's a security blanket above all else. There is no security. You are going to die.
4. You're going to die very, very soon. There are so many limitations and small little trifling issues that block most humans from doing
what they want to do in this life. Nothing should be stopping you from living how you want to live. IF you let anything stop you, then it's
because you WANT IT TO STOP YOU. If you really want something, you just put that above all else and get on with it. Go do what you want to do, fuck the outcome or the consequences. Really, what do you have to lose? Like even if you gained the world, it wouldn't make
much of a difference. Same with if you lost the world, it's all in your head. Truly and utterly it's ALL in your head. Like none of it really matters, so just have fun, enjoy it, why sweat anything. You're not going to live forever.
5. This life is simply a dream. It's a big, lucid dream where you technically have more control than you think, so just do everything in your
power to enjoy this dream while it lasts. There really is no higher purpose or big overarching theme in your life than what you want to make of it. There might very well be other things that you're "meant" to do or were called to do, but if thats really true, you're not going
to find that by just walking the beaten path and doing what society says is the correct thing to do, or just soaking in any old mainstream
thinking or whatever else people try to influence you with out there. The only way you'll ever find your higher purpose, if indeed there is one for you, is by taking control of your life and doing what you want to do, living on your terms. Only then will things make more sense to you, if indeed there is any sense to be made of it. You have to LIVE to find out whats important to you, and it'll come with time. No need to rush to FIND your purpose. Just live. It'll come to you, but not if you're traveling the beaten path. Purposes and passions come to those
who venture out on their own, deciding what they want to do for themselves. As long as you're happy, it doesn't fucking matter.
I agree across the board brotha. I think your shifting in the right direction, from controlling other people to controling your own power.
Don't agree with #4 though, i'm definitely an immortal ;)
good shit.
What you list at number 2 was a major shift for me personally. Goes to say that it's not the minutia of the interaction that counts but the overall trend, whether you're heading towards or away from something. It cements a kind of unreactivity and detachment giving you freedom to act how you really want to act.
First of all point #1 was one of the most coercive, egotistical and undermining fallacies that ever got introduced into the "community". Rsd Alex in particular was burdened by this paradigm, preached it over and over again, then inadvertently alienated himself from those he could have learned from. Suffice to say it's responsible for a lot of stupid bullshit. Sure competition makes us strong, but it's synergy that is required for all the big shit. For ALL the big shit.
Tyler started that whole "If two frames exist, one must win and one must lose" crap, which fucking figures.
You think a bunch of alphas get together and start vying for control? Fuck that. But yeah get a bunch of wannabe pua's to a restaurant table and watch everyone try to one-up each other berating and "gaming" the waitress. PFF
Almost like y'all forgot what we're really here for, ;).
The way I see it now, is that RSD is too focused on Status. Really cool people aren’t that obsessed with status, they are just cool people who are socially savvy.
RSD reminds me of kids who really want to be cool. That kind of mentality only makes you less cool.
My mind is blown, looking back at how badly they fucked us up. Had I not been learning RSD I bet anything I would be much more skilled right now just not being involved in the community at all. I was already instinctually picking up stuff before RSD and RSD just gave me extra mental food which I don’t need.
Lol oh yeah Rsd's selling you bottle service now, huh? Haha
No one's preaching real world applicable shit over there anymore? I figured they were still at least doing a decent job mixing it in. I know Ozzie has never stopped delivering a quality product at least on his bootcamps.
Nah they’re mixing in some really potent shit, it’s just this obsession with status and Tyler and co’s sicknesses that get mixed in also. I don’t wanna preach like I’m perfect and don’t care about status, but there’s a fine line and to me, in my own sick mind, I look at their dedication to status as sucking cock and kissing ass. Like you’re in worship of high status. Idolatry. Just to fuck some dead fish mannequins.
Yeah status is something you can keep selling to a guy over and over again. They've been doing it for years it's how they raised their intern, couch-surfing database. Which was okay until they started charging interns to be interns. And that was fucked up
What sicknesses? I'll compare notes. haha