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Is all the communities text advice garbage? Aside from the stuff that spews out of manwhores head

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Joined: 04/20/2012
Noticed on here lots of people open or reinitiate with "hey "hey what's up" "hey muffinbottom" shit like that. Quick. Short. Gives nothing and asks for a response. I do this stuff too but usually only when momentum with text is going and attraction is there. Reading text stuff outside of this forum says ALWAYS reopen with a value giving text. Something funny, short and doesn't ask for a response. Lots of stuff in the text database does this or anything funny about what your doing right now.

But.. While I think those value giving openers are good and def have a spot in the toolbag it would seem incongruent to reopen a chick with that when you have man-woman and text momentum going. Your Convo ends one night and the next eve opening with something like that would seem weird at least to me.

I'm going to text some numbers now. Some cold approach, some girls I've already banged. And I'm going to message some with something simple "hey what's up beb" and some with "just got molested by a Chinese man selling ducks" or something "value giving"
Joined: 04/20/2012
@icewahine: Actually Ryan's

Actually Ryan's texting post is kinda simple compared to the science we have going on here but it's a good point. Going to try it out and see if it makes me sound weird and incongruent.®/blog/texting-cheat-codes-–-making-it-easy
Joined: 01/18/2012
at spews out of manwhores head
Yea Ryan's is pretty similar except apparently he cut off his own development to focus on same night pulling. Only takes a girl's number if she's already gone home with him. That's not really conducive to developing master level text game. That article IS very good tho

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