The American Autism Epidemic
And in the end the reason we have an autism epidemic.. is because docs aren't spanking babies bottoms after being born anymore. And so their senses just haven't been awakened all the way. They have a hard time experiencing reality the way we do. They never received that initial jolt, never crossed that initial hump, never received that initial cardinal compass orientation. Like the defibrillator syncing all the electrical impulses in a single instant to cross that threshold and force the heart to beat.
It seems that a ton of the old traditions we throw away turn out to be really important. We stopped giving people cod liver oil. Now most people are deficient in vit D, omega 3 fatty acids, and it looks like vitamin A from animal sources do things plant sources can't.
These are traditions developed from trial and error for decades by the smartest people in their generation, to the very best of their intuition.
I'm curious about the slapping of the bottom though. The baby has just spent a couple hours being pushed out of a vagina, would a slap really do more?
Yep. Out with the new, in with the old.
Not sure how you could equate the child being birthed to it not needing to "experience anything more". It's traumatic for the mother, but not baby. Aside from the umbilical cord getting wrapped around baby's neck or what not, but any sort of compression or tension on the baby's limbs and torso is probably just more of what the baby's used to floating around in the womb in the fetal position. Remember babies like being wrapped up snug exactly because of that.
It's a two-fold effect, btw. The sensation of being spanked, along with hearing the sound of their own voice wailing. Completes the circuit
Didn't know that. Helio Gracie used to toss his babies. Litterarly toss them and have someone else catch them. There's this photo of this with the most amazing expression on the baby, can't seem to find it atm. I can only imagine what this sparked in his sons.
Just think in terms of virtual reality, or even dreaming.. where the mind is alive but not actually responding to output from the "physical" world. The baby so far only knows the womb. Is only peripherally conscious of input as "ambient noise" from the outside world. It's never had to respond to it, never had to learn from it or take cue from it. We have to teach it that. By smacking it on the fucking ass. And letting it hear the sound of its own voice in response. This teaches cause and effect, and communication with the outside world. Otherwise it continues to treat its inner world with the same level of focus and emphasis as the outer world. This is what you're seeing/experiencing when you interact with autists.
Just think in terms of virtual reality, or even dreaming.. where the mind is alive but not actually responding to output from the "physical" world. The baby so far only knows the womb. Is only peripherally conscious of input as "ambient noise" from the outside world. It's never had to respond to it, never had to learn from it or take cue from it. We have to teach it that. By smacking it on the fucking ass. And letting it hear the sound of its own voice in response. This teaches cause and effect, and communication with the outside world. Otherwise it continues to treat its inner world with the same level of focus and emphasis as the outer world. This is what you're seeing/experiencing when you interact with autists.
Sorry man but research shows that kids brains are simply not well enough developed at that stage. You can't teach those babies cause and effect cause they can't make those neural connections yet. Babies learn that gradually through experimenting with the outside world when they're actually in it. When they grow older and their brains develop more it's time for them to make those connections and learn that their actions indeed do have an effect on the outside world. Atleast that's what some years of psychology/pedagogy has thought me. But if you have any claims stating otherwise I'm ready to be convinced.
You're a novice talking about things you barely understand, bud. You certainly can't articulate it very well. We're not talking "logic" or "emotional rationale", or really anything too much to do with the prefrontal cortex. This is the instinctual side of cause & effect, e.g. base survival. This is to do with the amygdala, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system. If you don't sync it and focus it on strong external stimuli and make the cerebral connection with the explosion of sensation as well as sound, it's going to result in a baby locked inside its own head sometimes.
P.S. I have a degree in Cognitive Science from one of the top universities in the world, have been involved in training and development for almost 19 years now.
Essentially they lack primitive reflexes because they needed a little extra help getting the process jump started, and it never happened. Like a battery jump or the defibrillator syncing all the errant electrical impulses during cardiac arrest.
Here's more on it:
Here's the rest of it:
The spank upon birth initially jump starts the ascending reticular activation system, which "is responsible for regulating wakefulness and sleep-wake transitions. The ARAS is a part of the reticular formation and is mostly composed of various nuclei in the thalamus and a number of dopaminergic, noradrenergic, serotonergic, histaminergic, cholinergic, and glutamatergic brain nuclei."
As stated previously above, they're essentially semi-stuck in a dreamlike state leftover from the womb.
Aeuq and I had an in-depth discussion about this weeks back. This makes sense, absolutely. But I'm sure it's not confined to just this example. What about ritual circumscion while the boy is still a baby?
Come to think of it, that's akin to what's described here, except on a deeper level:
"Don’t want to push yourself? How ’bout we cut off your foreskin at age 15. How ’bout we shove you out into the wilderness, exiled from your own family, and make you kill a wild animal with your bare hands."
Not just showing the boy the loop of cause and effect but forcibly/experientially making him understand how to insert himself into said loop.
I can imagine as the baby develops, if it lacks those painful experiences, it would need greater and greater shocks to jolt it out of it's disconnect with reality.
Would it be a stretch to say that people going through midlife crises are a result of getting shocked to reality at a very late age?
This is not some juvenile discussion of "coming of age" rituals. This is not a "spiritual woowoo" debate. They have removed a birthing practice from hospitals that was around for who knows how long, and we are now suffering the consequences of it.
Actually yes you're right circumcising the baby definitely would have the same effect. I read that and then forgot about it once I saw your next assertions. I have to be very strict with the presentation of this thread, however that's a great point about circumcision.
Understood, I was throwing shit at the wall but wrote it out as an assertion. I also didn't pause to consider the long term ramifications of the point presented in the original post.
If the premise is that: babies that never received the initial jolt (slap) are left to develop with their senses in an inert state, and therefore experience reality inaccurately (autism)
Would it be a stretch to say that drugs that create a numbing effect i.e. opiates or any other addicitve substance used to numb pain, create an effect similar to that? A deep hypnotic trance that slowly causes the user lose touch with reality. This isn't the exact point of the original post, but the connection I'm trying to make is how important accurate perception of physical sensation is to proper interpretation of reality.
Didn't know that. Helio Gracie used to toss his babies. Litterarly toss them and have someone else catch them. There's this photo of this with the most amazing expression on the baby, can't seem to find it atm. I can only imagine what this sparked in his sons.
And his kids went on to change the world of martial arts. Go figure
The onset of the worldwide autism epidemic has seemed a bizarre and unknowable phenomenon, existing through a wide range of symptoms and debilitating conditions. The underlying causes, however, are deceptively simple.
Long held birthing practices in hospitals have been abandoned in lieu of more "progressive" policies, and though seemingly innocuous, the results have been disastrous.
The human error involved in the onset of autism is very simple. Doctors have stopped spanking babies' bottoms at birth, accused of abuse or trauma-inducing practices. Circumcision has also been on a widespread decline. Venipuncture at birth or shortly soon after is unheard as well for the same reasons. All of these have contributed to the massive spike in autism, for ONE very important underlying reason:
Without the PAIN stimulus, the baby is stuck in a biologically immature, semi-wake state leftover from the womb. The PAIN stimulus at birth is what compels the 1) baby's CRY, which innervates the auditory pathway, the postnatal neuronal maturation process and begins the process of spatially encoding the environment (this tonotopy becomes the basis for the ocular system as well as finger joint/grasping abilities). It is also responsible for 2) the jump start of the reflexive processes to synapse at the brainstem for quick reaction speed, as well as internal endogenous processes such as the gastrocolic reflex (this is why autistic children are chronically constipated, fussy eaters). And, 3) the initiation of the Ascending Reticular Activating System, the body's wake up call, which the auditory system is tasked with initially triggering after leaving the womb.
These three main underlying "missing factors" define the causal mechanisms of the autism epidemic.
1. Postnatal Auditory Development The most important thing to understand is that the auditory pathway is the first step of sensory organization and begins the brain's understanding of its external environment. Every other sensory encoding system begins with the auditory system. Why? Because sound is the only sense we can actually initially physically "interfere" with and interpret the results. Meaning we can put out a stimulus ourselves, that interacts with and interferes with existent noise and environmental conditions. Our brains then decipher and interpret the results to spatially encode the environment so as to be able to interact with it. Hugo Zuccarelli first established this in 1980 with his discovery of holophonics as well as his proposal that the human ear and auditory system work as an interferometer. The ramifications of his discovery, however, were lost on the medical community.
In animals like bats this auditory feedback system is very large, as they have adapted to acquiring food from their environments strictly by use of sound, e.g. sonar. In primates this system is smaller, because we only use the auditory pathway primarily until we fine-tune our finger motor skills, and our visuospatial system kicks in. Once human vision orients itself based on the auditory encoding of the environment, the biological Law of Precedence takes effect and strict emphasis on the auditory system is abandoned.
This is why babies coo. They are pinging their environments and learning to orient and fine-tune their ability to recognize and interact with physical stimuli, and focus their eyes. Their finger grasping and understanding of the positioning of their own joints, fingers, and body positioning becomes more honed and fine-tuned as they coo and grasp.
Autistic babies have also been observed to fail the "tilting test", e.g. they fall over without catching themselves like normal babies. This is because the vestibular system is innervated at the same time as the auditory pathway as they both make up the vestibulocochlear nerve. Without this primal innervation, the saccule and utricle never become sensitive to linear acceleration and head-tilting.
2. Nociception/"PAIN" The mechanoreceptors associated with physical insult to the human body initiate internal reflexive "smooth muscle" processes such as peristalsis, sphincter relaxation, and proper pulmonary function. The lack of this stimulus results in many of the known conditions and symptoms of autism.
Glutamate and Substance P/NK1 binding work together to trigger proper intestinal smooth muscle contraction and control. This results in peristalsis, sphincter relaxation, even vomiting. This is why without the required "stimulus" autistic babies are chronically constipated, and extremely fickle eaters.
Acetylcholine and nitric oxide production work together to coordinate proper pulmonary function for clearing airways of pathogens. This is why doctors and medical personnel have begun to take notice of the differences in sound that autistic babies make versus normal babies. ASD babies are known to make cries that are higher pitched and with smaller intervals between, because they are not drawing breath properly. Mothers have also reported being confused by the sounds their babies make, not knowing or being able to interpret what's wrong so they can properly care for them.
These normal bodily processes are all initially triggered by "noxious stimuli", e.g. PAIN.
3. Ascending Reticular Activating System
"Residual muscle tension" which keeps us still during sleep, needs to be cut as fast as possible, otherwise it's like living in a slow waking state and we simply cannot survive on our own. Bottom line, the human body and mind need to be able to react reflexively to the external environment.
Our body's waking system, the ascending reticular activating system, is stimulated directly by sound and touch. "Neurons of the reticular formation, particularly those of the ascending reticular activating system, play a crucial role in maintaining behavioral arousal and consciousness." In 1949 Dr. Magoun recorded potentials within the medial portion of the brain stem and discovered that auditory stimuli directly fired portions of the reticular activating system.
This has profound implications for robotics, as without this baseline understanding of sensory integration, scientists have been stuck attempting to create robots that walk/move with zero predictable precision. Without the auditory integration and understanding of their environment, robots are stuck "learning" their environment over and over again every time they take a step as visual processing systems are a secondary source of information-gathering. They cannot be fine-tuned and honed without an auditory platform upon which to be based off of.
Smart cars will now be able to be programmed to be much more "aware" of their surroundings, and be able to navigate much more accurately.
All of this is easily explained by the simple logic that it makes no biological sense for a baby to start any of these processes until it's outside the womb. It's not supposed to be moving around grasping for things, gastrointestinal processes are not needed until the baby is ready to start processing food itself, and of course a baby in the womb cannot safely use its own airways.
To make sense of this it would serve to go back and examine very closely how an entire generation of medical professionals was shamed into giving up practices long-held as routine and necessary since before recorded human history.
But there's more to the scenario, another disturbingly false pocket of data being propagated worldwide with ruinous results, a false sense of communal sharing of information among young families that preaches the "evils" of vaccinations. We've just seen firsthand the dangers of this, epidemics in western states, reports of single individuals unknowing of their condition, passing on antiquated diseases to dozens of people. But there's a heinous concurrence at work here, because the hidden horror is to realize that all it can take is a single vaccination to CURE the autism condition. Venipuncture provides the same level of stimulus as a spank at birth, and can serve to finally fully integrate a child's senses correctly. The process isn't immediate, and it may take a bit of reinforcement, but it's there.
There's a special kind of psychotic irony to the fact vaccinations are being presented as the cause of autism. Which of course serves to make parents of autistic children even less likely to vaccinate.
This is also why there are reports of medical professionals and school teachers wondering why some children were ever diagnosed in the first place, it's because that child ended up experiencing some type of injury and subsequently completed the auditory/reflexive circuit on their own. Everyone else is imbuing their child with a powerful learning disability. In fact I would not hesitate to say that being autistic is Hell on Earth, to be trapped in a perceptual prison, a primitive, psychedelic drug trip with no escape. They can't make sense of what they see or hear, they know only confusion, fear, and oblong shapes that fill their visual field with threatening gestures, emitting loud echoing noises that fill their landscape with unknowable, imperceivable monsters.
And there's another tragic twist to contemplate. Because of the curvature of our eyes, we are born with an inverted view. Light and visual info coming into the eye gets refracted upside down onto the retina, over time the brain learns to correctly orient the image. Autistic children presumably never learn to invert the image their retinas project, they still see everything upside down.
It's no wonder autistic children experience chronic levels of stress, inflammation and anxiety; their lives are living nightmares.
In fact, parents must strongly beware of social media sources that force highly chaotic visuals onto their viewers, such as the mobile app Tik Tok, which literally works to blur the lines of reality and logic.
Children entering kindergarten have a hard enough time learning to recognize the shapes of letters so they can begin to read, subjecting them to social media that absolutely massacres visual reality, depth perception, straight lines and hard edges, and even the logic of object permanence, risk pushing their children back into a mentally underdeveloped state where they are not easily able to visually navigate reality on a core level.
It's time to wake up and take a much more disciplined and strict look at the forces governing and influencing how we raise and care for our children. There are forces at work clearly sabotaging and undermining our children's development, and our societies at large.
Here's my original post detailing the root cause of neurological sensory deficit disorders such as autism and NEC.