Any of you guys inked up?
I'm looking to get my first tat, something cool and meaningful, yet badass
I've seen Manwhore's scorpion and I think its pretty damn cool
I've been thinking about getting something to do with Ouroboros which is a greek symbol for enternal life- it is usually a snake or dragon eating it's own tail. It is interesting as fuck, defintely has a good story to it, and really reminds me of the kinda stuff I've learned from Tolle.
I really like this design
I would like to get it on my shoulders and have the lower area of the design touching my bicep. I'm not a very artsy guy so I'd like ya'll to lemme know how you like it.
Only would want it on one shoulder not both
Yeah, I've been thinking of getting a tattoo.
Gonna get one when I'm jacked. It's motivation to hit my fitness goals, and gives me some time to think about one I really want.
It would probably be something buddhist in nature- probably combining buddhist imagery with some sort of modern twist
I'd want it on my shoulder, coming down my arm, so if I'm waring short sleeves it can be seen below sleeve-level.
Yeah, I've been thinking of getting a tattoo.Gonna get one when I'm jacked. It's motivation to hit my fitness goals, and gives me some time to think about one I really want.
It would probably be something buddhist in nature- probably combining buddhist imagery with some sort of modern twist
I'd want it on my shoulder, coming down my arm, so if I'm waring short sleeves it can be seen below sleeve-level.
hmm I like that idea with the positioning of the tat, i could easily do that with the image I posted above
Does anybody have any insight on how tattoos are affected by muscle gains? I'm already lookin pretty sexy but I do plan on getting more swole. My body weight prolly won't ever go above 20 pounds from where I'm at right now.
I will get a tattoo when I'm in my mid to late twenties. I know exactly what I want but like Buddha, waiting to hit my "vision" and then I can make it a reality.
Cant link a picture on my ipad. If anyone would be so kind as to post "Eduardo tellers tattoo" on here that would be dope.
Yeah Meow that's a beautiful design.
My scorpion symbolizes my military service. It's also a sign of military readiness, preemptive attack, as well as a symbol of martial arts. The placement has something to do with that as well ;)
I am definitely getting more ink done I've had a couple coming for awhile now. Looking to get some kind of mural/lattice work done starting upper chest, working its way over my shoulder and down my arm. I was thinking of something like samurai hacking into my flesh and a river of blood upwelling out of my skin and running down my arm, interworking with the artwork going on. Maybe a red rose entanlged in black tribal looking thorns. Maybe turning into Terminator veins w/ red electrical showing, then maybe ending in some sort of dreamcatcher/peacock feather. All black w/ red highlights
You don't put stickers on a bentley.
Nah getting ink is sick. For the last ten years I wanted to get fear is the mindkiller. A side piece from my armpit to my thigh would be dope, I wear small swim shorts without a shirt ever chance I get and I like the look of it.
Damn. Sick post Meow
Manwhore inspired me to think about it a little more.
Like off the top, it colud be sometihng like that image of the yin/yang but not a traditional yin//yang.... Like basically have blood dripping off of a yin-yang symbol that's wrapped around and strangling an image of the buddha, (but this wouldn't be the traditional chubby buddha- it would be more of a warrior buddha, and this could be represented by taking the image of a buddha but having a giant sword in a sheath, like hanging off of the buddhas shoulder//back) and the entire tatoo could start with that, and then have like a river of blood flowing out of that (I relaly liked that blood imagry Manwhore mentioned) and have the blood morph into like a battlefield scene, but have like half the battlefield be really calm and the other have total chaos (It wouldn't be like split super evenly but there would just be an intermixing of calm and chaos), and then out of that, have like some sort of warrior figure literally like crawling out of the ground- and there would be struggle etched onto the body, and like the groundthat he's popping out of would be cracked and shit, and I'd have some fire surrounding this scene, so it's like the warrior is coming out of the ground and the fire, while the fire engulfs me. Oh and then surrounding this scene, would be like faded but still visible imagry of pink lotus flowers
Interesting, Start throwing the idea to a couple artists and see what they come up with. Can you come up with some kind of outline?
Yeah, I need to see it drawn up, that's a good point - there's def. a lot going on.
I have literally zero drawing abilities. Like I am THE WORST at drawing. So unfortunately I can't really draw anything up.
Me too it sucks. Would love to draw. I used to be pretty decent at certain pornographic stances but that's about it.
I was never good at anything having to do with drawing. Like I try and my shit just doesn't ever look like what I envision.
But yeah, I'll pay someone to draw up like 4-5 different versions of this same description and see how it looks
Tattoos will not be affected by gains unless you do a steroid cycle and gain muscle super quick.
About the tattoo, I would suggest having the artist bring that design to life. Like a real dragon . That one's cool, but its like a stencil and resembles a tribal design, which is played out and is almost always regretted.
Tats are cool. I don't believe they need to have any kind 'special meaning' though. Not that they can't have one. Some actually have.But most people just come up with bunch of bullshit to justify their desire to have some cool body art. Really no need for that. lol. Acutally its kind of pathetic.
If people ask me about my tats and they almost always do, (lets say its pretty polarizing stuff.) I tell them truth: its just looks hot on me.
They 'll always believe its got some secret meaning. lol
I'd say outside of ritualistic stuff make it primarily about aesthetics. Its body art because it should look great together with the body. I think this should be the main point of concern. Astethetics. great incentive indeed to stay in form, too. You want it to be bold and edgy and unique. I gather. BTW: Shitty placement can ruin effect of the best tattoo.
Second thought probs should be about not being too generic. Since tatoos are pretty mainstream nowadays, everybody has some kind of dragon, or tribal, skull or chinese sign . Once again mustn't be bad. But something to keep a mind on. There are some reallly great tattoo artist out there, that can and will give your ideas a very unique touch. They will help you sketch a draw you visions out. And that is part of the price you pay, too. Finding someone, who has the relevant skills and ingenuity, and that you resonate with personally is pretty key here.
If you see someone with really coool and unique tattoos, clear and fitting. Go ask them, about their artist. There are not too many.They will probably give you good advice on what might look good on you.
It might be an interesting approach to just look at your favourite artits outside the world of tattoos and find something you could imagine looking good on your body.
I want a tattoo that covers one pec, goes over my shoulder, sleeved down till my elbow. I want a shield but more tribal like. Kinda like the outline of a shield covering my pecs/shoulder
I have a tat on my left shoulder to pay homage to my father who past. Its one of his favorite quotes in which he lived his life by - make no small plans - and his initals and dates
I want to get another one. Perhaps something on my forearm but not exactly sure what I'd get. To me it has to look good and have powerful meaning. I'm not really an artistically creative person so the whole idea of body art doesn't sound appealing.
I want to get another one. Perhaps something on my forearm but not exactly sure what I'd get. To me it has to look good and have powerful meaning. I'm not really an artistically creative person so the whole idea of body art doesn't sound appealing.
Then again, I don't know! If something looks sick, I don't see the trepadation with getting it. I guess I just don't have a clear strong idea of what I would get. And if I get something just to look cool, who says I won't think it's cool in 5-10 years
I have a tat on my left shoulder to pay homage to my father who past. Its one of his favorite quotes in which he lived his life by - make no small plans - and his initals and dates
Cool man. Your dad was a bad ass
I'm letting a couple other ideas formulate in my head then I'm going to start going around and talking to artists and fleshing out the art. My first tattoo took six months from the time I definitively knew what I want, to it getting putted on my arm
Another design I like. The circle could go right in the middle of the shoulder and the winged area could cover the back of my shoulder/trap area. This design needs a "meatier" looking dragon though
And yes these are just the basics I know a really talented dude that just inked my buddy up, he will defintely bring it to life.
Another design I like. The circle could go right in the middle of the shoulder and the winged area could cover the back of my shoulder/trap area. This design needs a "meatier" looking dragon though
And yes these are just the basics I know a really talented dude that just inked my buddy up, he will defintely bring it to life.
You want a tattoo of a dragon sucking its own dick.
i think that type of tattoo, whatever version you come up with would be well placed on the upper arm above the elbow. women see it just poking out of your t shirt which i feel is kinda high status, it's possible guys will see it also and see you as an equal tribe member.
a tattoo is something tribal (whether its a tribal tat or not) so make it represent some thing or maybe evoke some inner power or whatever. although my favorite tattoo is my friends that says sex machine with a matt groening sketch on his thigh.
some things ive noticed.
-text on your skin is almost never even. muscle gains, fat loss or fat gains can make it more uneven.
-color can look very bad. stick with black ink tattoos unless your very confident about the color choice,. imagine a bright parrot on your shoulder that shit would drive me crazy.
-it's all about personal preference.
-very dark tattoos or tattoos full of intricate details look like blobs from far away. so many tattoos i see look like skin diseases
-if youre in an alterered state of mind....if youre stoned or on psychadelics or...would you ever look at your tattoo and want to physically scrape it off your body? lol
-another thing is; there not that big of a deal, because you forget that there there after 3 months. you will probably hardly think about them again after 6 months.
ive got bodhi dharma and that zen swoosh on my foot/leg. im gonna have my son/daughter or relatives skin that part off of me after im dead and frame it to remember me by. i think that would be awesome.
i'm torn between thinking tattoos are kind of pointless and also thinking there pretty awesome. ho many peoples just look plain stupid?
but also it can have meaning to you and thats all that matters. nothing to keep you up at night.
you wont be alive that long anyway.
Meow wrote:
Another design I like. The circle could go right in the middle of the shoulder and the winged area could cover the back of my shoulder/trap area. This design needs a "meatier" looking dragon though
And yes these are just the basics I know a really talented dude that just inked my buddy up, he will defintely bring it to life.
You want a tattoo of a dragon sucking its own dick.
yes. Cuz I never could suck my own
Manwhore wrote:
Meow wrote:
Another design I like. The circle could go right in the middle of the shoulder and the winged area could cover the back of my shoulder/trap area. This design needs a "meatier" looking dragon though
And yes these are just the basics I know a really talented dude that just inked my buddy up, he will defintely bring it to life.
You want a tattoo of a dragon sucking its own dick.
yes. Cuz I never could suck my own
fair enough - I can totally relate