Anyone have any topic suggestions for a kick ass research paper?
I've got a paper to write, I can choose any topic I want as long as it is controversial.
Some of you homies post some pretty intersting article and shit, are there any topics you guys find super interesting that you'd be willing to share?
I really wanna write something that bashes "bullying laws", but that would be far too opionated.
I recently got into a pretty heated discussion with a very liberal friend of mine. She was basically claiming that me approaching girls was contributing to "rape culture" and objectifying women and that guys think it's totally innocent but it's not.. I was like, "Yeah. That's absolute NONSENSE. You're framing it in terms of perpetrator to victim and that's a really really sad way to see things."
I think it would be cool if you wrote something on that subject lol
I recently got into a pretty heated discussion with a very liberal friend of mine. She was basically claiming that me approaching girls was contributing to "rape culture" and objectifying women and that guys think it's totally innocent but it's not.. I was like, "Yeah. That's absolute NONSENSE. You're framing it in terms of perpetrator to victim and that's a really really sad way to see things."I think it would be cool if you wrote something on that subject lol
lol dude I would LOVE to write about that, but my teacher is going to think it's inappropiate as hell.
But...that's such an awesome topic. I think a lot of us on this forum experience this kinda bullshit a lot due to the way we are living our lives. Actually, my mom told me a few nights ago that she feels that me making remarks about how the feminist movement is stupid is disrespectful. Then I discussed how women are using vulnerability as a bully tactic, and things got ugly hehe.
I think you have a wealth of topics that are controversial at your fingertips, including ^^^. IMO you should find a variation of one of these that you feel comfortable standing behind, even if you fear it might be inappropriate. It'll be a good lesson. Your teacher did ask for it
Make no mistake she'll flunk you if she doesn't "like" the paper lol.
I've had several conversations with girls recently about the whole "rape" thing going on. It consists of
Me: oh yeah? Tell me more
Her: it was really sad. Really terrible
Me: did he have his penis out?
Her: no
Me: did he touch your vagina?
Her: no
Me: it wasn't rape
Her: ...
I recently got into a pretty heated discussion with a very liberal friend of mine. She was basically claiming that me approaching girls was contributing to "rape culture" and objectifying women and that guys think it's totally innocent but it's not.. I was like, "Yeah. That's absolute NONSENSE. You're framing it in terms of perpetrator to victim and that's a really really sad way to see things."I think it would be cool if you wrote something on that subject lol
That's the complete feminization of the "seduction process". E.g. "We get to choose but not you."
But they would be so unhappy.
A lot of this feminist backlash against men is just the fact they're pissed off at us in general because most men truly suck, and they don't trust us because we haven't earned it yet.
how long when's it due. Basic admin details left out you did
LOL at that text convo MW.
Write about obesity. Fat people really rustle my Jimmies. There's tons of research that can be done on the subject.
how long when's it due. Basic admin details left out you did
Not for like a month, I have to find sources with some chick too but i'm figuring out the topic
no way i'm writing about any stupid/bland mainstream bullshit that she finds interesting
Defintely gonna spin this one around, and say the chick was asking for the upskirt pics
How do you guys feel about the increased police state?
ahh fuck that'd be cool to write about
Yeah I'd write about that for sure
Make no mistake she'll flunk you if she doesn't "like" the paper lol.
I've had several conversations with girls recently about the whole "rape" thing going on. It consists of
Me: oh yeah? Tell me more
Her: it was really sad. Really terrible
Me: did he have his penis out?
Her: no
Me: did he touch your vagina?
Her: no
Me: it wasn't rape
Her: ...
I was having a discussion with a feminist female friend, kinda hardcore feminist like she wants to remove social conditioned gender roles and shit (not biological though but she believe there arent any major differences betwern male and female psychology). Anyways she admitted that guys are getting more scared to approach girls in recent years due to a misunderstanding of feminism, ie guys think think approaching a girl and escalate = harrassment. So basicly she was saying making guys becoming chodes is not feminist agenda but rather a misunderstanding. She said girls have it far worse, running the risk of getting a reputation as a worthless whore if she lives out her sexual desires as a single girl especially in more comservative small towns, which is very true to some extend i think?
I also talked to a real rape victim and she said that the cops didnt believe her and she had to go trough some traumatic gynecologic process to prove her point. I think its really fucked up if some girls make false rape acusations, and the real rape victims aren't even being taken seriously.
Write about something you're passionate about, whether you think people will like it or not. Some of my most rewarding experiences from college was when I did a class presentation on something completely off the wall. You'll probably get a shitty grade, some weird reactions, but it'll be more meaningful as a social experiment than any formal qualifications you'll get
But I was nearly kicked out of college about 5 times so my advice should be regarded with caution
This is good.
not sure how to phrase my argument, I could call it "police corruption" but I think the more controversial and increasing matter is "police brutality". I defintely want to discuss NYC's "stop and frisk" program
One thing I bring up in conversation with people from all walks of life is hackers vs. the telecomunications-security complex. Doesn't get people "offended" and seems to get them to think about stuff a little deeper. As a side note, hackers are into social engineering which has a lot of parallels in game.
When you think about it, it's absolutely GENIUS they're releasing the wiki files so slow. What's happening is that all the lies, coverups, excuses, bullshit, rationalizations.. they're all coming out NOW from the government.. so they won't have any effect later on as more and more truths come out. If they'd released everything immediately there might have been a big outcry and surge of interest, but it would have only lasted for a few months. The American sheeple are fickle and extremely short-sighted.
I've decided to focus my paper on NYC's Stop and Frisk Program, of course arguing against it.
To me, it's too easy to call people "sheeple" Manwhore. I've actually paid the price for sticking out too much. I've had problems in the corporate world and acedemia, not for being an iconoclast, but for just talking about changing something within the burecratic process. I learned the hard way, and I'm not sure if I'm better for it, or just more broke. That's why the Tim Ferriss shit bothers me; I've been hustling all my life, and at the moment my primary source of income is still from a bar/nightclub. That's why I'm curious about you and Facebook. I know I'm not shit to you, and that's cool, but niche it and run with it. Eggs are just more scarce than sperm if you know what I mean.
Tell me more man. I'd love to hear it. Small small little changes, and the world turns on its ass. But believe me dude, I've been hit in the face and the balls at the same time many times.
I worked for a Fortune 50 company for a year. I was a statiscal research analyst; sounds fancy, but in the beginning my job was to go through large amounts of data and find discrepancies. It was a low level position and I knew that coming in. The databases were just all sorts of fucked because there was really no established nomenclature. Bascically, it was hard for me to find what I was looking for because half the time I had to e-mail people back and forth just to find the file I should have been looking at. I grinded through it, and at the first meeting I could, I brought it up that half my time was literally going through the databases just to find the proper file. It just kind of got glossed over though. My boss took me aside after and said she understood, but it was a system that had been in place for years and her boss always gave her shit when she brought it up to him. The guy was fucking useless in his position and he knew it. Apparently it was just one of those ego/control things with him. The thing was I had to get my fucking work done and I wasn't allowed to work overtime. I asked my boss if I could name and place the files in a sensible way as I went through them, so if I had to refer back to them it would make sense. She was reluctant, but was also up against time like I was, so she gave me the green light. I was actually pretty good at my job so I had most of the databases cleaned up after a few months. I got big time props for this from my coworkers. When it finally came time for us to publish, big boss man went through our work and grumbled about the databases being different. I had done all that and headed up a couple of my own studies in a year. I was the only person out of 4 that got hired that year that headed my own study, and was the only one that didn't get their contract renewed.
My problems in acedamia could go on for like 10 posts. I just about get arrested and had to be escorted (voluntarily) out of a building haha.
Game is just one of those things that teaches you so much about reality. Most people just don't want to deal with it. It's not friendly to this romantic narrative they have and/or bruises their egos to the point of dissonance. People are "sheeple" for all sorts of reasons, and sometimes it's not because they can't deal with reality, it's just that they see what happens when the square peg gets the round hole. And I'm not sure I can call them cowards, because I've still yet to see a hole I've wanted to fit in.
I've still yet to see a hole I've wanted to fit in.
I can relate to this, (also, that's what she said!) If I'm not misunderstanding, I think this is somehow related to an idea I once had that 'fitting in' and being 'truly authentic' were mutually exclusive. That one had to come at some expense to the other. I now think its all a matter of calibration. I think its a bit harder to hold your authenticity and be received, accepted, connected. I also think there's a version of us that's both totally authentic and totally acceptable, I think its all in the calibration, application etc. I also think that when being authentic one might be more attached to being right, to their own opinion, which is sometimes unacceptable.
Come to think of it.. One might sum up "the journey" as one of finding and reconciling both total connectivity and authenticity...
Game is just one of those things that teaches you so much about reality. Most people just don't want to deal with it. It's not friendly to this romantic narrative they have and/or bruises their egos to the point of dissonance. People are "sheeple" for all sorts of reasons, and sometimes it's not because they can't deal with reality, it's just that they see what happens when the square peg gets the round hole. And I'm not sure I can call them cowards, because I've still yet to see a hole I've wanted to fit in.
It's so much like The Matrix, it's not even funny.
all cops should have cameras all over them all the time. There's a kickass topic right there
So Ubo you got hired with 3 other people, headed your own study, then didn't get your contract renewed because you rubbed this lady's boss wrong?
I suspect the issue here is a little people problem you have. I had it in spades. I had to learn how to be "cool" with everyone and make friends. Otherwise movers and shakers DO get swept under the carpet.
As a military guy I was always gungho about getting shit done and taking care of Soldiers. Incredibly so. To the point I rubbed certain people wrong getting the job done. One of my greatest lessons learned when I was in was how to placate people and make it easy for them to give me my way. It's a MANDATORY skill set in this world.
You can have this skill set go the OTHER way as well. There are lots and lots of "professionals" that are ONLY good at talking to people. But they don't actually get anything done. They make up middle and upper management of a lot of companies.
But I think it goes back to social pinging. Oscar Wilde said somthing about this: If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.'
You need to explain yourself a lot better than that dude.
was in reply to Ruby's comment. The congruence/authenticity thing is great, but sometimes you're going to be asked questions that you can't give just honest answers to without padding them a bit. This girl friend asked me the other night if I thought if she should go back to school to be a photojournalist. If I would have been totally honest I would have said fuck no because I dated a girl years back who graduated from fucking Columbia with a similar degree, and she was always struggling to find work. I told her all my friends that are succesfull artists are some of the biggest hustlers I know, and they turn tricks on the side. She laughed and told me she was probably going back to the Navy so she could get money to go into nursing anyway. My point is, if I would have said what initially came to me, It probably would have pissed her off, and I would have had to hear about what an asshole I was from mutual friends for a while.
Manwhore your advice about always keeping in mind the last sentence that was written has exceled my writing like crazy. I got a 98 on my last research paper, and was nominated by my english teacher to become a writing tutor. She specificallly enjoys my writing because I am "slinging webs that connect to previous points", which is exactly what you told me to do lol
So as always, thank you :)
Sweet! College is going to be a lot easier for you. Now that you know you can fuck your old lady teachers for better grades.