Anyone see the low-down sales tactics Rsd's using these days..?
Just got an email concerning their "shadow" program which is where you become a volunteer at Rsd Summit.. for $1750. Summit itself only costs $1000.
I wrote Papa a serious nastygram a few years back after seeing the way he was treating volunteers, making them spend either too much of their own money (while working for free for the company) or being forced to do busy work on his personal projects that had NOTHING to do with Rsd, or learning how to get better with women. I've always kept an eye on Papa as he's a dude who simply doesn't have a lot of natural morality or business ethics. I used to run a couple of the Rsd teams back in the day and I'd send guys that were doing work for Rsd on programs as asst.s or arrange for them to get products like the dvd programs for the work they did. It was a great system and Rsd was a family back then. Then all of a sudden they started trying to see how far they could take advantage of young, ignorant dude's desire to be part of the "in crowd".. so they stopped offering any compensation for free work whatsoever. Around that time there was other major changes going on in the company, certain individuals brought on that tore away at company culture. Around that time the entire familial aspect of the organization fractured. Essentially Rsd's "golden era" was no more.
Anyway, at the end of this Volunteer "sales letter" they add on a sob story blurb about this charity they supposedly do work with. The psychological trick here is to present a sales item as a "volunteer" opportunity (when it isn't in the slightest), and then end it with the psychological impact of talking about some charity work they're doing. Kudos Rsd, you've come a long way. PFF
I basically don't follow them anymore.
Pretty much never watch their videos cause they all basically suck now adays. Most of them aren't even videos about game and if they are, they're pretty much nothing new. Just the same old shit. Definitely not worth spending X number of hours watching.
Plus that Julien World Tour thing I signed up for they wanted me to sign this crazy ridiculous nondisclosure agreement that was so far of a reach that it was obnoxious. That and I feel like in many cases they market their content as doing way more than it actually does for you. Not that everyone else doesn't do that too, but they talk shit on it all the time in various videos, as if they don't do the same shit lol. Talk about hypocrisy.
Oh and when I posted a thread on their forums asking about the nondisclosure agreement, saying that I wanted to go to the event, but felt like it was a reach, they just deleted my thread. Didn't even respond.
Well good on you bro for calling their bitch ass bullshit out. I find their marketing to be bulshit and ineffective. They market in the local groups but it's almost disrespectful to members in the group unless they don't understand the marketing bs they're trying to pull.
I let an assistant crash for a night. The dude seemed like he was basically a dude who was the instructor's bitch. Also he was a dick. Seemed to think he was "above" us because he was an assistant. His game definately sucked from his vibe and the way he came across.
There's no way he's banging attractive North American girls.
Yeah fuck RSD those mother fuckers. They called my cell phone out of the blue for some tour thing. Assholes. Think they can just call me for no reason.