Asian Girl With The Bootayy
Ive spoken to this girl in the past. She has been hard to get out. Pretty smart girl in columbia so she can be witty.
Me - 6 days 17 hrs later: Im done with this whole 'traffic' thing. Soon theyll be building freeways for me
Girl - 2 mins later: Chase half the time I think you're on crack ��
Me - 1 min later: It gets me through the day. Especially when im pooped from yesterday's battle
Girl: Oh word what happened yesterday
Me - 5 mins later: Did gladiator battles for charity
Me: Put my life on the line for these poor children, no big deal
Girl: How much money did you raise?
Girl: Your heart is so big
Me - 2 mins later: Gurll you know thats confidential
Me: It has its perks
Girl: I didn't see it in the papers so I don't believe you
Me - 2 mins later: Its more of a fight club thing
Me: Never speak about the battles
Girl - 3 mins later: So what kinda kids did you help last night
Me - 4 mins later: Blind deaf..kinda helen kellerish
Me: Lets go save the world one child at a time
Girl - 1 min later: That would take an eternity
Me - 10 mins later: Its not about the time..its about the children
Me - 20 mins later: Its fine
Me: I dont like your haircut anyway
Girl: Ouchiesssss
Me - 2 mins later: Lets get helpin
Me: What are you doing later
Girl: Idk what about you
Me - 9 mins later: Lets go save brooklyn
Me - 31 mins later: Dont just ignore me, say something loser ;)
Girl - 10 mins later: Who else is going
Me - 17 mins later: Some bad guys
Me: But we have to beat em up
Girl - 1 hr 33 mins later: Lmao stop playing
Me - 17 mins later: Gurll lets get pizza. Just as arbitrary
Girl - 10 mins later: Rain check? Later this week
Girl - 23 hrs 2 mins later: Wassup
Me - 56 mins later: Chillin in the cut with ma doggie
Me: You tater tot
Girl - 13 mins later: Nice. Getting my nails did
Me - 11 mins later: Getting pretty for me? How thoughtful
Girl: Yeah exactly
Me - 5 mins later: Alright we will get along. Youre not a loud chewer, are you? Cuz I dont think i could handle that
Me - 4 days 3 hrs later: Nigga!
Girl - 11 hrs 21 mins later: Wassup
Me - 4 hrs 11 mins later: Chillen like a villain
Me: Whatcha up to besides beating up children
Girl - 7 hrs 2 mins later: That's all I do
Me - 2 hrs 35 mins later: What are you up to tn ya wicked human being
Girl - 26 mins later: Laying around and eatig pizza
That last one, "laying around and eating pizza" ...was that a taunt? You asked her out for pizza lol now she's laying around eating pizza? lol
Think about how much you are prizing this girl... basically not at all. Right now I think she thinks she has you handled.
You: You know what? I noticed something about you
She probably won't be able to resist that and go, "what?!"
Don't give it to her. Say something "evasive" like "I dunno if you can handle it."
I dunno what it is about asian girls... I find myself oddly attracted to them, but at the same time detest them. Their bodies are fuckin great, but their faces always look like Jabba the Hut to me.
Asian girls just don't do it for me. I'm talking about traditional ones. They have to be very westernized for me to give them a second look. Just a preference. If a girl is sexy, she's sexy though.
Me: Well id rather lay with a bottle of wine and watch netflix in bed
Girl - 4 mins later: True but pizza is all I have
Me - 5 mins later: Haha you like that too?
Me - 47 mins later: You know what? I noticed something about you
Girl - 4 mins later: That you don't like my haircut?
HAHAHA this actually made me laugh
Heh. I can see why you like this girl. Another problem I didn't mention was you dropped the, "I hate your haircut." line in totally the wrong context. That was too much push. Only use that when shit's pretty much OVER.
Anyways, Hold the frame.
If I'm you, I'd say something like, "Very perceptive wonky tonk... you should be a phone operator for the Psychic Network"
You're putting doubt in her head that she's the one in control here... that "she knows what's up" more than you do. Girls pride themselve on being "the socially perceptive" sex.
Me - 3 weeks 4 days later: I miss you & wana see you. But this dumb security guard won't let me in the zoo. Is there any way you can escape?
Girl - 7 hrs 51 mins later: Lmao what are you trying to say
Me - 1 hr 4 mins later: You gotta get out. Dont worry ill be there
Girl - 1 min later: I'm not an animal
Me - 28 mins later: Babe you do look like trouble
Me: I promised mom id be good
Girl - 7 mins later: Lmfao you're funny
Me - 6 mins later: Hold back you're laughter.I feel it right through the phone
Girl - 29 mins later: Fine
Me - 43 mins later: Hey, you dont have to try so hard...its cool
Girl - 4 mins later: Tight life
You will not get this girl going down the same route you're going. Actually talk to this chick. Geezez
I think your first couple of exchanges were money, then it becomes boring same ol banter that does not lead anywhere.
When she said raincheck later this week that shoulda been where you sealed the deal dude. Find out more logistics, get her to be more specific. Instead you just did not text her back