Awareness is Effortless
I just want to comment on something that is helping me. I tried to force tolle. I tried to force myself to watch my thoughts. That effort was actually just my ego. When you sit back and take it easy, your ego can't do anything other than shut up. It's only when we're are trying to get anywhere other than we are is there an issue. Do everything with a sense of effortlessness and its all pretty easy peasy.
Cool keep posting your thoughts, thx.
can you go into more detail.
For me, there is a great deal of resistance to becoming aware and present. I wish it felt effortless lol
can you go into more detail.For me, there is a great deal of resistance to becoming aware and present. I wish it felt effortless lol
Ive actually heard people describe elightenment aka freedom from thought being "the hardest thing one will ever experience"
As MW says, Emotions are Fase Positives. You're only 18 right? I had about this much emotional awareness then : 0 %. But just because you are aware does not mean in ANY way that you will not be free from emotional resistance.
The point is to learn to be with the emotional resistance and not let it turn into thinking. The more effortlessly you place your awareness into your body and fully accept what is going on there without having to "do" anything about it. What happens is that as a kid and into early aduldhood we have no tools for dealing with uncomfortable emotions. So we learn to repress them, and hence, we condition our minds to do this. Ponder this: What happens when you are up in your head? Are you feeling your body, being aware and open to the discomfort than inevitably lives in you until you are fully emotionally concsious which is a lifelong endeavor? When you are in your head your thoughts are aligned with your emotional state. So when you are in your body, you are being a are going inside and feeling out the discomfort. But the funny thing is this: It's not up to you how long it takes to process the emotions. But then again, they are not even real so who fucking cares? But awareness of them is absolutely, absolutely critical. Because if your not anchored in your body its going to go to your head, because we have been so fucking conditioned to be this way.
You grow up. People tell you what you should and should not do. People blame you. People punish you. People guilt trip you. The media tells you what's cool and what's not. And the thing is that all of these things are just thoughts.
So we learn to take our thoughts as "true." It's not so much that the world conditions us for us to believe that we are not good enough, its that it conditions us to not be REAL. Real means that you are yourself. You don't think about yourself, you don't hate yourself, you don't loveself, you don't pity yourself etc....
But we gotta go back inside and reclaim consciousness for ourselves regardless of external conditions. The whole world is just a reflection of your inner state anyways and unless you change your inner state the world is just gunna stay the same way. But changing the inner state is not just an ordinary task. Normal therapy is complete bullshit because you talk about external conditions and how to deal with them, but its not the work of a warriror. The work of a warrior is to come to know for YOURSELF that you are as worthy as anyone in the fucking cosmos. Not worthy of getting things "you" want. But worthy of love, joy, and peace. To know that takes time, courage, commitment, and most importantly AWARENESS. It's so critical to know that you are in your head and not in your body.
For me I trained myself so fucking well to live in my mind, because I was and still am to an extent unconsciously scared of facing the pain that lives inside of me. So "feeling life" is a whole new, and from the point of view from thought, a scary experience. When I first worked with MW we changed up so much shit in my life. I got rid of toxic friends, started banging ho's on the reg, started setting up boundaries. But there came a time when I lost awareness of how I really felt deep down. I used to laugh when people talked about how they really felt deep down. But unless you are connected deeply, the world will always pull you around like a little bitch and lead you down blind alley's until the pain is so great you just say, fuck. You say ok, I honestly have no fucking clue what do because I have been living out of my mind. To take a step inside of yourself is the LEAP that EVERY man must make.
I guaran-fucking-tee that there there is no more than maybe one or two people in your life that have truly made that leap. To make that leap requires giving up all that does not serve you. Sounds easy...but that also means you have to forgive everyone who ever hurt you, forgive yourself of all past mistakes, give up future desires, give up past regrets, give it all up and come into your body. To learn to truly smell the roses again is the work of a MAN.
And when you become this man, you are your own master. The world does not tell you what to do, others do not tell you what to do, and certainly your mind has no say in it anymore. You don't need anything. You happen to be around a hot girl, you approach and screen her because you don't want anything other than the best. You are so comfortable with yourself there is no need for anything. She's cool, you get her number. You have sex with her purely because it is a terrific experience that we can participate in as human beings. That's IT.
Our mind's have become a disease. It is necessary for humanity to make a step beyond the mind. Imagine life without any negative emotion. The world would be so fucking cool. But it's a growth process and only YOU can bring it through yourself. People won't change unless they make their own mind up. And even then, like you mentioned, you have to go through it ALL. But that's the path. Women are part of the path. But this is not about women. This is about my freedom. This is about knowing thyself in a such a way that you become the world itself. You no longer project into the world....the world actually projects through you. You know when you have that connection with a girl where everything literally feels perfect and that is all that is happening that moment? The same thing happens when you have that satori experience in nature where you feel the peace so deep inside that nothing else matters. Because the world is a reflection.
MW told me this and it's so fucking true because it SIMPLY is the truth, amongst all the lies we have been fed: "
And this either sets you free or holds you back.
Geezez Beargrizz.
You said it man. Nobody fucks with the Geezus
Nice writing, holy shit
another way to phrase this might be "surrender is effortless"
The ego is trying to draw you into a tug-of-war match, to convince you that you need to win
winning the match is not the solution, the solution is letting go of the rope
awesome stuff dude, im gonna have to reread that a few more times
Lol that was a rant but it's actually pretty simple. "You teach through being". That's why after a MW session you feel good. Cuz when you "be" yourself...not "think" yourself everything works out
The way you described it just clicked much better than reading Tolle
you were right beargrizz, observing yourself can be scary, and you can find some fucked up shit bottled up inside
I was at a party last night and things just werent clicking, but some of my buddies were doin pretty well with the bitches. I started to notice a deep feeling of envy in my stomach when I saw them chatting up all the girls and having a good time. HOLY FUCKING SCARCITY. Thats fucked up, i should not be feeling envy towards my FUCKIN FRIENDS, I want them to succeed. There are enough bitches out there for everyone. How fuckin immature and gay of me to be like that. Anyways, i felt out the emotion, acknowledged its stupidity, and the feeling weakened and weakened throughout the night.
Cool thing you managed acknowledge that shit. I'd say it already takes pretty decent level of awareness to see and feel one's petty sides right away in such situation.
Like most things in life, its easy only on paper and in the preacher's mouth.
Non the less, it is kind of how much reading about this stuff, does sometimes help to acknowledge certain stuff that had been boiling in us..
In my experience Surrender indeed is effortless but only when we remember to surrender. the latter is often pretty hard, especially then when it woudl be most necessary.
This is were Beargrizz kicked in. reminding. apparently it works.
nice article!. liked it,
Meow u sound like I used too. No, don't judge yourself for feeling envious feelings. It's human nature. It's why two best friend lions fight for the woman. But the thing is you recognize it at something you want to divorce yourself from. Cuz were more advanced than animals.....that is if we choose to be.
Yeah we definitely don't fight over women anymore. I don't remember the last time I was in conflict with a buddy over a girl. And if there ever was any kind of conflict like that we usually split her, or sometimes he'd have first dibs (we work fast) or it'd just be understood that certain girls were "special". I even had a buddy pull one at the last second where I was about to start fucking her too she's lying there naked 'n he pulls a "she's special". Derp
I think saying defining it as either hard or effortless doesn’t do it justice. It’s both.
Sometimes the pressure is good. Forcing it out is useful.
Other times the pressure and tension should be dissipated.
It really all anchors back to having enough mental control to have my mind(thoughts) and body(emotions) LISTEN to me. So I can direct the entire assemblage that comprises my organism to act as one.
Some situations call to still the energy inside my body. When I meditate, when I want to fall asleep, when I am trying to absorb information i.e. lecture or presentation.
Other situations call to summon that energy and harness it as fuel to propel myself forward. When I go for a run, when I am lifting weights, doing my verbal drills, grasping a group’s attention or moving them.
You gotta master both sides of the coin. Yin and Yang.
The key I think is to find balance. And with that balance both sides of the coin become one. A continuous adjustment of my bodily tension will allow me to RELAX into more activity.
Bob Proctor has said. We shouldn't slow down as we get older. We should speed up. The key is to relax as we do so.
Not this caffeinated stressed and forced accomplishment I see everywhere. We should be killing it in life, early morning, late nights, long hours. Not to say it’s easy, and not to say burn out doesn’t happen. But ideally working should be fun. That has as much to do with WHAT we’re doing as our own mindset.
Nice ^