Bad reactions after cigarette
Went out w my friend last night, girls were opening so well. I was coming right in, it was clear I did not give a fuck, socially dominant. I go outside have a cig my friend gives me, I feel my energy drop down. Literally every girl after that cig with the exception of 2 girls opened terribly. I though maybe it's the smell but I asked a girl after she blew me out if I smelled like cigs and she didn't. Wondering if any of you have had that happen before. Strangest thing.
The first time i smoked something like that happened to me too, but after then i am totally cool with smoking 2 meadows of smoke and my state is still there. However, i lose my state momentarily sometimes when the smoke gets on my eyes.
It's a physiological shift due to the chemicals. A "head change" so to speak. You learn to be able to weather it with ease
Smoking ciggeretes is fucking disgusting. Ugh it's sucha slob-like quality
Smoking ciggeretes is fucking disgusting. Ugh it's sucha slob-like quality
I will never understand what makes someone decide its a good idea to start something so nasty.
pottedflowers wrote:
Smoking ciggeretes is fucking disgusting. Ugh it's sucha slob-like qualityI will never understand what makes someone decide its a good idea to start something so nasty.
lol yeah i mean people who do that stuff tend to just be slobs in general
But what's cool to see is someone addicted to that shit quitting and staying quit. Takes legit strength to go from a complete slob to taking control back and recognizing its an issue so it's not like these people are lost causes or something lol they just have to make the right choice. I know a lot of guys who end up quitting this shit as they start getting good with girls Bc they just develop more self respect and love- always cool to see
I know a lot of guys who end up quitting this shit as they start getting good with girls Bc they just develop more self respect and love- always cool to see
That's a cool idea.
Ya dude its all chill you smoke. Just work on quitting and make a concious dedication to follow through.
The good feeling of beating the habit will give you a new level of confidence to further evolve like a pimp
I don't think anyone in this thread smokes.
Yeah I only smoke when I drink, and even then only some of the times. This night though just gave me more reasons to just completely avoid this going forward.
oh for sure - I used to be addicted to chewing tobacco. i would do like 1-2 cans a day. fuckin disgusting habit. I quit over 2 years ago and haven't ever looked back. Never relapsed once.