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been outta the game for a while. tried to revive last text gay as fuck. Need a little push back into it.

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Joined: 01/31/2012
Me: Who is this and whys your nimber in my phone? Is this the haley who got banned from peaks with us in like... June?
Girl: Who is this?
Me: Im nerdsaver..
Girl - 2 mins later: Are you the one who drove us?
Girl - 2 mins later: And its hailey not haley.
Me - 2 mins later: Yeah. Its right in my phone. Im just a piece of shit.. sorry :) Was juss looking through my phone like... "who the fuck is that?!"
Girl - 1 min later: Psh, wow nice to know that im sooooo memerable!!
Me - 2 mins later: Hey i figured it out in the end didnt i? Plus we saw you guys in provo on the 3rd and you didnt even remember me so dont even dare ;)
Girl - 1 min later: Wait...where?
Me: 3rd of july haha sorry girly
Girl - 5 mins later: Oh i dont remember.
Me - 2 mins later: You girlies pretty much ruined our summer. Jerks :/
Girl: My summer got wayyy worse after that babe.
Me: So we all ruined everyone elses summers?
Girl - 1 min later: No it wasnt your guyses fault
Me - 1 min later: Haha im just shooting the shit :) whats been up with you?
Joined: 01/18/2012
k. Need a little push back into it.
Whatever it's not that bad. Any update? You were pretty solid actually that's not a bad text exchange the only issue is you're way too apologetic. She told you her summer got bad and called you babe. You were getting somewhere right there go back to that.

So what happened later in the summer. I'm all ears

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Joined: 01/31/2012
I guess the odds weren't in my favor since i've literally talked to this girl twice and the last time was in on the 3rd like I say there. It ruined summer because we live in Provo (byu, about an hour away from SLC) which means two things. Mormons, and people don't gather all too often. There is a water park in the summer that throws parties and also just had a ton of people to approach and make friends with on warm days. We got banned from there when we took this girl and her friend. After that the summer kinda spiraled downwards because we really didn't have a consistent place to go and socialize/meet people. It sucked for the girls because they were super hotties and no longer had a place to find better cock.

Oh and for the update: No response, I didn't try again because I went out that night and met hotter/older girlies.