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Joined: 04/28/2013
Hey guys, I'm Rythro and for the past days I'm trying too read every topic to improve my textgame. Well, this is my first real text thing after reading this forum.
I met this girl Mondaynight on the streets. We had like a 20 min conversation, and in my opinion it was a fun conversation. We had a great idea to start a Facebook page promoting the following sentence in Holland: 'Spot on'. So yeah, it was kinda funny.
Here is the text script. I had to translate it, because the text conversation was in Dutch. Sorry for my bad translating skills, did my best. I guess I fucked up hard mainly with my last text. So someone any idea to save this girl?

Me: I miss you & wanna see u, but this dumb security guard won’t let me in the zoo. Is there any way u can escape?
She: Hahah it depends, with which animal are you comparing me? (11 hours later)
Me: The wellknown SpotOnpeacock. Then you could immediatley promote our Facebook page with those bright colors. (2 min later)
She: Oohh the SpotOnpeacock, awesome, thanks :p (3 min later)
She: And how is our Facebook page doing? (3 min later)
She: I expect it very soon!:| 
Me: Well hello missy, let me also take some time to enjoy an holiday. Tomorrow I'm going back to work like they do in the Office! How was your Qday? I've sung acapella that shitty Kingssong while I made salto's (H) (2 min later)
She: Noo, those are poor excuses! With 50,5% of the rights I expect you to deliver great performances! :) (8 min later)
She: My Qday was less spectacular haha
She: Mainly slept late really long
She: And relaxed hard ;)
Me: None of it! Our fancy awesomecontract says that we don't have to work on holidays (2 min later)
Me: Sleeping late and relaxing was also the story of my day. I'm doubting if i have to continue my glory in the roaring clubs. Do you have plans tonight or do you call it a night? (1 min later)
She: Well allright then, only this time. Yeah, I call it this night I think. I'm sitting too relaxed on the couch to stand up haha (4 min)
She: What are your brilliant plans for tonight?
Me: Well, let me tell them to you, SpotOnpeacock! I'm going to that memorable party in XYZ, where I hopefully continue in the flouring clubs or I just go to my cozy bed. (3 min later)
She: Haha, that are two extremes :p Is there something fun going on tonight then? (3 min later)
Me: Well, I hear loud music from downtown to my room.
Me: Ok, for the upcoming 5 minutes I'll make you my Whatsapp girlfriend (1 min later)
She: Haha deal (4 min later)
Seh: 5 min are almost over though
Me: Oh no, now we are broken up. It wasn't me, but it was you. Glorious time though (1 min over)
She: Hahah, it should have been gone better! Too bad this ;(  (2 min later)
Me: Yeah, this sounds awkward, but I wanted to propose you with a spontaneous act. Consequentl, the ring is at your home. When can I come to get it? It's just that I don't have an awesome zapdevice to zap quickly in and out your room. (2 min later)
21 hours later, still no response
Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013
you need to be a bit more
you need to be a bit more agressive and demanding..." Do you have plans tonight or call it a night?" made it TOO EASY to say no
Joined: 04/28/2013
Hmmm, ok. But what would be a
Hmmm, ok. But what would be a great example for that sentence then? Like: I guess you have plans tonight, what are you doing?
Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013
Rythro wrote: Hmmm, ok. But
Rythro wrote:

Hmmm, ok. But what would be a great example for that sentence then? Like: I guess you have plans tonight, what are you doing?

hmm.. well you were both talking about sleeping late and relaxing, so I would have played off of that. Maybe something along the lines of, "All this bumming around and laziness has left me feeling quite anti-social! Meet me at the clubs tonight!". There is a million way to do it bro, just don't express DOUBT like you did ealier. Imagine what your original text would have sounded in person? weak and lacking confidence.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Your texting is fine it's the
Your texting is fine it's the way you went for the meetup that sucks balls. Just ask her what she's up to and if she can hang out tonight. Keep it simple. You're literally scared to put forth the idea of hanging out that it makes you go completely scripted which reads weird to her. 

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Joined: 10/15/2012
Yeah, keep it a little more
Yeah, keep it a little more simple.
YOur seeming like you are way too excited to be texting her. You have brought up 3 different scenarios between you and her doing things together in such a short conversation. Great technique but your frying her brain a little bit. Its too much, she needed a break.

Big Cat

Joined: 04/28/2013
Thanks for you tips, guys!
Thanks for you tips, guys! I'll soon send a re-engage text to this girl :)!