Being More Aggressive
Out with 2 friends and their natural friend. They're in sales, work for same company. We talk shop, I'm starting with them soon. Started asking the natural and having my friends tell me about what he does. He showed me a text, it was very direct, assuming the sale something like "What are you doing" "I'm coming over".
What I got from those texts he showed me and how he closed at work had something click in my head, which looking back on tonight I'm seeing is boss communication.
We go to bowling alley/pool hall for industry night. Something clicks from our previous conversation, also I've been watching California Pimp which aparently is a natural who makes pornos some are fake but many are real (El Topo vouched for it also there's some articles on a PU site about it). He convinces girls to go from interviewing for calendar to fucking on camera, he assumes authority, leads, compliance 15-20 min closes. Could have also been some NLP exercises I did last two days. Either way I "get" it, whatever that is. I see this cute girl playing pool next to us. Indian/Middle Eastern looking, really cute, tight little body. I leave to go to the bathroom. I come back.
I walk right up to her interupt her group playing pool. My intention is to cause a disruption, to shake her off her feet. My rhythm. I want to have my presence felt. Fuck social grace, those rules don't apply to me, I don't fear what her friends will think. They won't feel like their opinion is relevant because it will be so obvious I don't give a fuck. I walk past her friends, walk right up to her. I look her straight in the eyes, laser. Stick my hand out. She shakes my hand, holds it for the whole interaction. Notice I'm not so much asking questions, it's more a command.
Me: You. What's your name.
Her: (Looks at me, her eyes are screening to see if I'm legit. My eyes meet her square on the whole time, she sees this)My name is Sally.
Me: Nice to meet you. How do you know that guy (guy in her group, I want to eliminate any I'm her bf he's my bf bullshit later. Fuck that shit)
Her: He's a coworker
Me: Cool. Where do you work.
Her: Blah blah
Me: Do you live in (city we're in)
Her: Yes
I ask her more shit. The whole time the vibe is basically me coming on strong, her following my rhythm. At some point she says
Her: Okay this is getting a little too much, kind of ridiculous (she had reach her compliance/social pressure point)
Me: (holding hand still, she's starting to pull hand away) haha, yeah I wanted to see how far you would go. (act unphased, like this moment had been part of the plan the whole time)
Me: Anyways, I'm going to see you later. We're going to see each other sometime and I'm going to get your number later.
Her: Maybe (some kind of you don't really have me in the bag just yet)
Me: Cool. I'll come back later Sally.
Go back to playing pool next table over. Don't look at her. I pressume it's in the bag. We're loud as fuck, do and say whatever, just having a blast. This is our airwave, our space, we're here to have fun. I joke with the server, her name is Sully. Girl can overhear me joking and presuming rapport, "Sully you're the shit, I love you girl!"
Per request I go grab a pitcher for the crew. I had seen the bartender before she was hot.
Me: Sully, what's the bartender's name she's really hot.
Her: Her name is ____
Me: She single?
Her: Not really
Me: Well pretty much every hot girl isn't single
Sully then says out loud to hot bartender "He asked me for you rname and if you were single, I told him not really." I say "Yeah and I told her well obviously most attractive girls are usually seeing someone even if single."
I banter with bartender. She asks me how I got her name, kind of joking with me. I tell her Sully gave me her name. I joke with her but also calling her bluff
Me: Why. Is that a problem that she told me.
Her: No, just wanted to know. (She's getting a bottle from bar, back turned towards me)
Me: (I walk away so that when she turns around I'm gone. I'll see her sometime in the future, don't care.)
Go back. I see Indian girl leaving with her group. They leave their pool stuff, pressume they'll be there. After playing more pool I see their table light is off. I go look for her before she leaves.
I see her walking in next room with another guy I haven't seen. Walk right up to her. Stop her.
Me: Hey
Her: Heey
Me: What's up
Her: blah blah
Me: Who's that guy
Her: He's a co-worker
Me: Cool. We're leaving soon probably. What's your number
Her: Wait, do you do that with a lot of girls
Me: Do you give your number out to a lot of guys who ask you for their number
Her: Yeah
Me: Exactly, so how are you even asking me that question
Her: It's just that no one does that. That was really aggressive. Takes a lot of balls.
Me: I learned that in life you have to go for what you want. (I said some other shit about what I thought)
Me: Text me your number
Her: (Sends me text with her name)
I got back to playing pool. I think wait why the fuck didn't I figure out her schedule right there and then, that's so dumb I don't want to deal with that shit later. I text her. No response. See her later in the night say something she says hey your'e still here. I say something else as she's walking away, she keeps walking might have been too much. I realized tonight I blur not giving a fuck with overpursuing. Still don't think it's a deal killer.
We go to next place. See these three sistahs in front of line. Two guys behind them, one of them is taking a pic of one of the girl's ass because it's pretty big and round and I mean I would motorboat it if possible. I walk up to them. I start grabbing the middle one, fucking with her a big. Grabbing her, directing her, hand on her back, rubbing her back as we talk and joke/fuck around with the other girls. She mentions her boyfriend at somepoint, I joke about it.
We go in. See this cutie.
Me: You, what's your name
Her: MyName
Me: Cool, what are you up to. (Start moving in, grabbing her, eye contact)
Her: Nice meeting you I'm on my way to my friends
Me: Cool, where are they let's go (arm around her leading)
Her: Smiling, complies
We get to her friends. They're all hot. I'm escalating physically. She introduces me to her friend. I tell her friend I like her friend and that she's mine. They laugh. Her friend thinks I'm her boyfriend, the vibe must have been pretty natural.
I ask girl logistics, where she works, her schedule tomorrow, where she lives, etc. I tell her I am going to have my way with her. She laughs. At some point she gives me a shit test about liking girls. I tell her great, what kind of girls does she like. She says natural beauty. I ask her to point to an example. She points to her friend. Do the hand of god, friend comes, I pull her in. Girl asks me isn't she pretty, I tell her yeah she is. blah blha. We talk to another girl behind her. Super hot, unique style. I'm holding both girls hands at the same time both are holding mine back. Vibe was solid. I was there to go see friend's female friends who we had had dinner with earlier who were meeting other friends before going back home tomorrow. I tell her I'll see her later, get her number. Tell her to text me, wait for her to text me. I think at this point I subcommunicated I wasn't expecting her to text me, she didn't hit send. Before I asked for her number she told me great I'll see you later tonight. She seemed very sincere. Not sure where I lost it. I tried to kiss her after I gave her my number, just for compliance. This might have had been it. Not quite sure. I approached other girls.
I approached a few but logistics didn't work. I left after a while because I had approached all the hot ones.
Felt good, got 'rejections' but no fucks given. Went direct.
I think what's missing is adding more of the "daddy" element to the boss daddy vibe.
This is square peg, round hole "game". You got to develop better conversational mastery skills. But if you keep plowing the way you are you will definitely get helpful feedback.
You want to be the "awesome, fun guy" FIRST, and the attraction and compliance from girls will be default. This just sounds like "dead face creeper man" game with some plowing for extra "axe-murderer" factor. It works when you have game already ;)
"dead face creeper man" game
This is square peg, round hole "game". You got to develop better conversational mastery skills. But if you keep plowing the way you are you will definitely get helpful feedback.
You want to be the "awesome, fun guy" FIRST, and the attraction and compliance from girls will be default. This just sounds like "dead face creeper man" game with some plowing for extra "axe-murderer" factor. It works when you have game already ;)
Yeah dude I'm super stoked to up my axe-factor, Ted Bundy had some siiick game. Super charming apparently. Legendary killer instinct too.
I get what you mean about the "dead face creeper man" it's basically lack of congruence, trying to be a character (like Gorilla alluded to) vs just being.
Most of my sets open well, the ones that don't are now in the small minority so I know I'm not putting out the creeper man vibes even when I was being more aggressive last night, so I'm not quite at the creeper level game yet (I get IOIs and/or social/sexual hook on open most times, very rarely get outright rejection unless I'm dressed like crap or unkempt). And yeah feels like square peg round hole game in the absense of mastery of verbals. I'm like shit need verbals, don't have...uhhh plow, fuck it better than just being social.
Looking back on the sets, I could feel that I should switch up the energy of the interactions into push/pull, flirting but I just knew I couldn't connect to that feeling/energy/state I have gotten into where I can do that intuitively in the past. And what I get is that basically I've been sloppy instead of learning this skill set methodically like a pro. The result has been lack of conscious control in interactions when I know being able to flirt/banter/etc will help me carry the interaction to where I need to bring it to.
I watched a Todd video where he broke down 3 verbal structures of flirting. I'm going to write out a bunch of different lines using that structure to speed up the internalization of this thing. My target with this is to be able to consciously flirt on command, without being reliant on state and get this skillset just completely taken care of. I see so much application for this. I'm also going to work on tapping into that commanding energy. I feel like going in strong like that and then being able to quickly switch it up into verbal game would be a lot of fun and would make interactions more exciting, like push for compliance right away till I feel resistance then move into push/pull right when I feel I'm about to go over the edge.
This is exactly what I had been thinking about today. Thanks for the feedback man.
Good! Do that, that'll help. Just for a comparison so you know you're on the right track, my training program is somewhat similar, except on crack!