blonde from last night
Girl - 52 mins later: U should come back but be nice :)
Me - 16 mins later: : )
Girl - 10 mins later: Awww where did u go??
Me - 19 mins later: xxxbar.
Girl - 4 mins later: Ok have fun!!!
Me - 9 hrs 47 mins later: Hey beb, just finished up my green smoothhie WITHOUT algea... I feel like your a fish in disguise!
Girl - 35 mins later: Haha Niiice!! Get the spirulina- life changing!!! Its really good as in yummy in addition to the ridiculous nutrition!!! How was xxxclub?
Me: Taught a few people my signature wheelchair dance move... So uhmm ... Awesome, obviously. You end up jogging home.. Er wtvr you fitness coaches do
Girl - 39 mins later: Oh yes with a veggie hero in each hand for my strength training;)
Me - 1 hr 1 min later: Classic health nut- at least your not a starving, crack addicted model-type... im like, "girl i have to force feed you french fries and steak, justt to make sure you don't disappear into transparency"
So I need help with how to respond to this.
This was the set that the other instructor dude and I were kinda fighting over... Just not sure what the best approach to this is : /
What exactly happened? So he was talking to her (did she know he was "friends" with you at this point?) and you said hey you cheating on me? Ripped her away, talked and then dipped to the other side of the bar?
SO i approached her first and she hooked, started fighting with me to look at my ID, wrapping herself around me- very physical. We talk for a bit, I pull her to other side of bar and and we talk for a while more... eventually she goes back to her friends and I head upstairs for a bit.
Come back downstairs and see her with him- I go in with the "You cheating on me" thing... she grabs my hands, im just being physical overal.. calling her a bitch.. and then pulling her in and leaning towards her and I'm all, "I REALLY REALLY like you" with a slightly cocky smile on my face. Then I try to pull her away completely from her friends and the dude... she comes with me a litlte ways but then goes back but keeps holding my hands... she tells me to stay a bunch but I tell her fuck no.. and leave
I guess whatever text I send needs to separate myself from him. Put her on her heels a little bit so I don't get sucked into this frame of like "Omg we were totally fighting over you"
and obviously- moves thigns forward to a meetup//sex
I'm pretty sure she didn't know we knew each other at first, but then like it became obvious by the way that we were behaving that we somehow knew eachother... just cause we were laughing and then like talking after and shit.
Id be like "his facial hair tickles too much when he goes down on me"
Me: His facial hair tickles too much when he goes down on me
Girl - 1 hr 54 mins later: Oh well good to know...
"That's only on Wednesdays tho! Don't judge me"
Did you have that planned? Seems like similar concept to laying traps lol
Naw. I really didn't expect her response. But yes there is an element to that in all of this
Me: That's only on Wednesdays tho! Don't judge me
Girl - 1 hr 16 mins later: Ok hump day u go nuts... Got it!
Ya let's stay away from wednesdays for the time being. Im a 3 date kind of guy ; ) So I want ice cream when we going"
Called this girl before i left. Just got a text saying, "sorry i missed your call. Was passed out on my couch. How's Pianos?"
App isn't working right now. But that's awesome.
Me: Ya lets stay away from Wednesdays for the time being. Im a 3 date kind of guy ; ) So i want ice cream when we going
Girl - 3 days later: Hey sry I missed ur call... I was passed out on my couch ... How's pianos??
Girl - 12 hrs 44 mins later: I was a sleeping beauty last nite!!! What ga doing 2day?? Happy birthday America!!!
Me - 21 mins later: Hangin out with some buddies. Settin off fireworks and pissin off the neighbors ; )
Girl - 1 min later: That sounds spectacular! Im having some friends overdo watch the fireworks from my rooftop.... Where do u live again?
Me - 24 mins later: Upper west side. Im headin down to lower east for a little daytime rooftop party though.
Girl - 1 min later: Oh nice!!
Me - 1 min later: Yeah, when's your lil shinding beb, if Im in the area ill make a cameo
Girl - 5 mins later: 5 ish... Best view of the fireworks here!
Me: Oo tempting.
Me - 1 hr 28 mins later: Whats the address, punkn
Girl - 3 mins later: xxxcumonmyface
So like, does anyone else ever get that feeling when this shit starts firing on a few cyllinders, like, "Wait... I don't know what I'm doing... what if I'm somehow different from the other night... what did i even do?... why is this happening?"
But I guess that's the thing- this game isn't about DOING anything... it's just about being confident and awesome.
Plus- I have so much physical escalation shit from manwhore's training, that I now kinda know what to do with it... Like even though last night was a fail, I still executed the gameplan.
Oh and also- This gal's apartment is soo nice. I've been on the roof before- fucking LEGIT. It's literally ALWAYS a straight up day party up there... so even if she's not feeling it, I'll just hit up some sets. Gonna be fun.
Girl - 1 min later: Ok!!
Me - 37 mins later: Here
Girl: Oh cool have them call xxxx!
Me - 4 hrs 51 mins later: Hey beb, you in bed?
Girl - 13 mins later: Just about ... How was the party??
Me - 1 min later: Didn't go... Ended up relaxing at my place with my roommate. Ill come over tmrw night, when Im not so tired
Girl - 13 mins later: Ok .... How do u know I'm free tmw nite tho?
Me - 4 mins later: Lmao, if your busy just let me know. Tmrw works better for both of us though, cause you said you wanted to get sleep tonight anyway.
Me - 14 mins later: Did it bother you that i didn't ask if you were free
Girl - 5 mins later: I'm totally busting ur chops but yes I would've been nice if you asked but in All honesty I'm studying tmw nite. I'm free fri if you are ....
Girl - 13 hrs 6 mins later: Thanks for coming out last nite... Hope you had fun!!!
Okay- so I wanted to post this becuase of my absolutely retarded text that I sent. If you don't see it lmao, it's the one where I go, "Did it bother you..."
Basically, there was a slight shift in the interaction there. nothing TOO crazy but if I let it get out of hand, it could easily be a turning point.
So I just didn't respond, then she sent that other text today and I still haven't responded... I'm just gonna cool her off, go see her friday and get things back to where they need to be.
I don't think this is bad at all. When a girl super qualifies her response by saying "I'm totally busting your chops" she is like.. trying NOT to let it be a reframe.
I think holding off on it is cool as it makes her sweat it a bit. Would proceed as normal and not bring it up again let her wonder what you thought of the whole thing ;)
Yeah man, the reason I sent it was becuase I thought it was kinda similar to the whole, "Did you have a bad day" thing... Like she was obviously a little taken aback by my comment (We prob weren't exactly where I thought we were in our interaction) so I just wanted to show that I understood her emotions and was receptive to them.
Then I thought it was bad..
And now, after manwhore's comment, I recognize that it prob was an okay move.