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I took the plunge and it DOESN'T work. When it does work, it has way too many holes in it. Too many nooks and crannies that the
women can worm themselves into and manipulate you. This is what comes of trying to be "reasonable". You get played.
BIG LESSON: Just because a woman is GOING for your "Game" doesn't mean you're in a position of power with her. She may
just be attracted to the scent of prey. She may just think you're cute and get off on your weakness.
What DOES work and IS powerful:
1. Indifference. I'm going to go a little nihilistic on you and tell you that none of this shit matters. Just go for what you want and don't worry if it doesn't work. In fact, don't worry about anything when it comes to women. The less you care the better. The less work you do, the better.
2. Directness. I'm not a fan of pretexts or false pretenses when it comes to getting girls. Guys think "well what if she doesn't want to
look like a slut" or "what if she doesn't like it". If she doesn't like it, she doesn't like you. Best believe there are guys who she would
go for if they were straight up about what they wanted with her. Either she likes you and is down, likes you but not enough to
go along with your program, or she doesn't like you and never will. Don't waste your time.
3. Leading/Dominance. You lead, she follows. You set the pace, the tone, the stage. Everything. The point is that YOU decide what
"this" is going to be. Whats going to happen between you and her is up to you. You are the guide. She is the one being guided. Here
you can't be lazy. Know what you want and direct her towards it.
4. Willingness To Walk. HUGE. This is related to ALL of the above. If at any point you're thinking "What if she doesn't like this", you're
fucking wrong. Something magical happens when you walk away, either she gets her act together and chases you, or she disappears.
Either one is fine.
Women are always, always, always trying to manipulate you. The best counter to manipulation is honesty. So what if you could have
lied and "got her". She's not that important. Not more important than not getting manipulated and fucked over. Not more important than
losing your dominance.
Get the job done.
Yeah, but what about actually like... seducing her. Lol
Congratz tho, boo. <3
All those things are seductive, especially 2 and 3. 1 and 4 are more for my own personal self respect and safety, but all of these technically are anyway.
I dont wish to seduce anyone at the cost of my own well-being. Had to draw the line somewhere. Had to stop subconsciously sending myself the message that they’re more important than my own happiness.