Changing the narrative
So I open my Facebook and I see one of my friends has posted this and added the comment "that's right"
this is an old dear friend and a really cool chick. This is obviously retarted and I feel inclined to comment something to that effect but I don't want to pick a fight, offend, or come across as reactive. I find myself in this situation somewhat frequently when I see some stupid shit like this. I have no doubt it'll sit there unchallenged collecting likes from guys and girls alike. I predict some girls will pile on with comments of praise and agreement.
I'm curious what you guys would comment, if anything, if you saw this shit on Facebook.. Especially MW as somewhat of a social media enthusiast.
Can't see the image.
Me neither.
But I experienced, that a lot of the urge to comment comes from a place of righteousness. I saw it in other people whenever I posted something vaguely political and I noticed it in myself.
I'd say, let it go. If she's important to you then talk to her in private, but fuck the whole comment-stuff. Nobody has changed their life because of a facebook-comment. And you don't know what's going on in their lives. They have their path, their karma, their thing they need to deal with. For you to think that your insights are more bright and clever than theirs is simply arrogant (I don't mean this to put you down, I say this because I've noticed this arrogance in myself and I still catch myself writing some comment. Then I ask myself: Why am I writing this? Do I really believe that I'm helping that person out or is it just that I want to be RIGHT?)
This urge to be right, to be in position where your world-view is the only correct one brought about so much misery in this world.
Now I don't see the picture and this was very general, but I'm pretty sure that you can apply what I just said to almost every individual case.
Draw people in by example, with an open heart and a set of balls. That's what changes people. Not some well-thought-out comment that will subside in the ocean of electronical mass information.
So I ask the question: why do you feel 'inclined' to comment? I guess that's the question you should ask yourself.
Oh shit, well its just a pic of two foxy cowgirls holding rifles with "in 1814 women had no rights, in 1914 women fought for rights, in 2014 women are always right" written on there.
i don't really care and don't feel an overwhelming need to be right about it and I obviously see shit like this all the time but yes I suppose it bothers me to some degree that this is just the commonly accepted social narrative. Men are buffoons and women are always right.
Mainly I'm posting this for the sake of a conversation about social narrative as it plays out on Facebook. I think when people post this shit and it goes unchallenged it reinforces the existing narrative, if I post something reactive or combative I could start an argument which would be so fucking stupid omg. Arguing on Facebook fml, lol. The net result would still reinforce the same thing.
I guess I could just post the bill maher video lol
Just threw up a three frame pic of a girl driving her car through a wall lol done. Its a stupid conversation I guess.. I'm just bored of the same old spiel
I guess I understand, my approach to the whole "men vs. women" thing now is to post different perspectives from different people on my blog (i.e. some of my female friends write about how it feels like to be a woman, guys write about how it is to be a guy) because in my opinion "schooling" people always ends wrong. What we need in my humble opinion is more understanding.
We have no fucking idea how it feels like to be a girl, constantly being harrassed by creepy old men, being reduced to a brainless sex-object, a "meatsock to jack off into" as jeffy puts it, living with the fear of getting raped in a dark ally. We have no idea. Conversely no woman has any fucking clue how it feels like to grow up as a man. Confused, without role-models, testosterone flooding your body, wanting sex all the time, your dick driving you crazy with desire and nobody to tell you how to actually have sex.
I want to see a world with less "schooling" and more understanding, so we can find together.
I would invite you to do something similar. Write about your life as a man. I guess most of us had our problems with sexuality, etc.. See the points above. Write about the confusion, the hollywood-fueled pseudo-miracle. Write it and invite her to read it.
Hope that helps somehow.
Thanks for the well thought-out reply saltynuts, the truth is its stupid and I don't really care. I read the post and just found myself brainstorming what-ifs. like what if a guy posted some shit about how women are buffoons and men are always right. They don't, because if they did (in any remotely serious kind of way) there would probably be some social blowback of disapproval. Or what if a woman casually posts some shit about how women are always right and there actually were people willing to call bullshit in some way or another. I'm less interested in schooling anyone than I am mainly curious about what a change in narrative would actually look like
It's just a display of their "ideal" world. Like dudes post pictures of cars on their Facebook they'll never drive. They all do it, and it's not "wrong". All you have to do is show YOUR perspective, just do the same thing they did. They understand it, women recognize the male perspective and like it. If one of my femmies on Facebook posted something like that I'd simply say, "Always right on time with my sammich!" Boom, done.