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Joined: 01/31/2012
So I think a big issue I have is I dont live in true abundance - at least not the abundance that I'd like. So i can fairly consistently hook up with cute chicks but ive only hooked up witha handful if stunners. I find myself constantly seeking a relationship with the stunners, even if shes bad news. Everything is intensified simply because shes hot - its rather annoying to be honest. My question is how do you guys deal with these emotions? Its rather annoying because Im confident that if i was pulling these types of girls normally i probably wouldnt give a shit. I cherish and stuff its so lame hahahaha. My goal next hot girl i sleep with is to literally just cut the cherishing bullshit out. Its really been counterproductive having my emotions get in the way due to my ego identifying with the notches under my belt.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Combating emotions when hooking up with cuties
You mostly just go through the process. Sure you can become aware of the process beforehand, like now, and take some space off the learning curve as you see the actual path, but it's mostly just dating more and more hotties and interacting with them and building normalcy in your own head over them. It's when you start to be able to distinguish between hot chicks, e.g. they have normalized enough and lost enough of their ability to leave you awestruck and unconscious of your own personal standards and boundaries, that you become a real person with them and relaxed enough to not be fronting in any way, and also recognizing when they bring value and when they don't, THEN you can start dating dem ho's and leavin' them black 'n blue.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Combating emotions when hooking up with cuties
@Manwhore: Word. There really is no shortcut to this stuff. Yeah, me and my roommate, who has probably some of the best game Ive ever seen both agreed with what you said. But for now, I guess I can just take a step back whenever I get in my own way with a stunner. I'd really like to hear how others deal with this. I'm sure there's a lot of similarities, but its just nice to know Im not alone in dealing with this.
Joined: 04/20/2012
Re: Combating emotions when hooking up with cuties
My brain starts to fuck me over. Like my self talk will start telling me reasons I'm not entitled. The solution is exactly what manwhore said. Follow the process, you'll fuck up a bunch of times, get hurt, lose your skill with the stunners but come back with a vengeance. In the mean time though when I catch my scumbag brain doing that is to rise above self talk. Stay present. Listen to the voice. Feel the emotions of neediness or unentitlment. Be aware of every action - if I check my
phone I need to stay aware enough to see if I'm doing it to see if she texted back or just because I'm checking my phone as per usual. Meditate a bunch.

And lastly, Replace the self talk with Alexs' "there is no reason why I'm not enough."
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Combating emotions when hooking up with cuties
It's really just following the fundamentals and never losing site of them. E.g. fuck her as soon as you can. Be ruthless as fuck. Dominant. Stare her down at times, slap her tease her push her down. Kindergarten style. Make her do things for you. Be almost petulant about it. Then fuck her. Make her suck your dick. Put her on her knees. Make her feel like a little girl again

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 04/20/2012
Re: Combating emotions when hooking up with cuties


I know what it means but how do you mean ask her for shit like that? Or rather why? To appeal to the nurturing side?
ItsMario's picture
Joined: 02/13/2012
Re: Combating emotions when hooking up with cuties
Manwhore;1283.8894;5 wrote:
You mostly just go through the process. Sure you can become aware of the process beforehand, like now, and take some space off the learning curve as you see the actual path, but it's mostly just dating more and more hotties and interacting with them and building normalcy in your own head over them. It's when you start to be able to distinguish between hot chicks, e.g. they have normalized enough and lost enough of their ability to leave you awestruck and unconscious of your own personal standards and boundaries, that you become a real person with them and relaxed enough to not be fronting in any way, and also recognizing when they bring value and when they don't, THEN you can start dating dem ho's and leavin' them black 'n blue.

Yo John. You really should make it so you can just click on usernames. You're ropping so much knowledge on this forum man. I literally try to read every one of your/BG's/Katalysts posts etc but months from now all those knowledgeable are just in the abyss deep in the forum, compared to rsdn where I can quickly scan over if anything new/relevants been posted
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Combating emotions when hooking up with cuties
It's weird man because I've been trying to get that working for over 2 months now. Still working on it it's a super involved problem requiring Apache, Solr, indexing, databases, and upgrading the core drupal install to the updated version. All WHILE maintaining the integrity of the phone app. There.. now you know. ;b

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

ItsMario's picture
Joined: 02/13/2012
Re: Combating emotions when hooking up with cuties
Manwhore;1283.8914;5 wrote:
It's weird man because I've been trying to get that working for over 2 months now. Still working on it it's a super involved problem requiring Apache, Solr, indexing, databases, and upgrading the core drupal install to the updated version. All WHILE maintaining the integrity of the phone app. There.. now you know. ;b

Damn that hurt my head just trying to process whatever that shit is. Luckily Lumosity says your problem solving is top notch. =P