Dave Chapelle on failure
Gotta see this guys! 2 minutes
Nice try, Julien.
LOL. Such an amazing video
Yup. This is the shit.
For new guys startin out in the game, it's similar, it's like, "What if I get blown out".... and then you have that night, whether it's the first time you go out or the 2nd or the 3rd but at some point you have a night where you just get blown out harder than you could have ever possibly imagined.
Happened to me the first night I ever went out... was, to this day, the hardest blowout I've ever received haha
I approached a 3set of chicks at this relatively "low-key" bar/lounge, and they were with like 4-5 dudes, but the dudes were off to the side, so it didn't look like a mixed set.
I walk up and this was like literally the first night I had ever gone out alone and sober, and so many people have asked how I did it - and it's funny because this exact situation made me, as chappele would say, completely FEARLESS - after this, I became a fucking approach MACHINE
haha so I go up to one of the girls, and im so nervous man, I was SO nervous, im like shaking and I can't even really get my words out - so I sorta look at the ground and tap one of the girls on the shoulder, and I'm like, "Hey what's up" - LOL they say this shit is "low-risk" opener.... haha bullshit
The girl turns around and just FREAKS THE FUCK OUT - like starts yelling at the top of her lungs, "OMG GO AWAY WHO ARE YOU OMG - MAX MAX MAX GET OVER HERE THIS GUY IS SO CREEPY" then like the other 2 girls start shreaking (mind you, I've never written about this night- if you look back at my journal, my journal starts on the SECOND night I ever went out lol) and this is a laid-back venue, so now like the entire place is looking at me and the manager comes over and is like, "What's going on" and the girl is like straight FREAKING OUT - it's the most ridiculous thing. At the time, it was HORRIBLE.
Didn't do any other approaches that night but after that, I pretty much lost all fear of approaching, cause it's like - well, you can't really do worse than that
great video.
my favorite is when 4 girls IN UNISON shouted repeatedly "GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY!".
God it was awful.
I actually should embrace some of that shit when I'm on the subway ;). Buddah knows what I'm talking about.
Btw thanks for the pointers over Chipotle dawg. Mad helpful. We should chill once a week after you gym it up and I'm done working and just fuck around ON THE SUBWAY.
Katalyst, make me a subway
hahahaha OMG
Katalyst had the craziest rejection on the subway the other day. We were hittin up sets in the subway, cause Katalyst is a dick and knows I NEVER approach in the subway
haha I literally can't describe how aweful this rejection was. It was in the subway car, and I don't give a FUCK about social pressure, and even I was standing there, kinda liike, "Damn"
One of the most beastly things I've ever seen anyone do - He refused to eject too- that was the coolest part. He just fucking stuck it out. I was literally in AWE
I used to terrorize the subway when I lived in NYC. Like the smoothest fucking boss you ever seen. I'd stand next to a hot girl on the subway, talk to her, get her number, she'd get off the subway, I'd go stand next to another girl, talk to her, get her number, she'd get off the subway. meat buffet
That's sweet, man.
hahah sick buddhagames that shit cray...had some(many) of these. Good shit in the subway, I always do this in daygame since a lot of girls
once I was in this bar with a wing(he was somewhere else) approached these 2 girls told me they were married and shouted like MAD at me...I am like wow and these 2 keep shouting at me even though I am just standing there doing nothing and I am like surrounded by all these guys looking...wtf bro...I kinda walked away slowly.
Then another night there's this hto HOT girl standing with her fatty and all these guys staring at her from 3 feet away and making all kinds of gestures to her. So I am like let's do this, hahaha can't believe I actually did but I approached real direct and "manly" immediately physical and she seemed to like it for 4 seconds. But then I just froze and she was straight up staring me with this "are you serious??" look LOL and then the fatty who's standing besides her comes and gives me this very "formal" invitation to leave. HAHAHAH dammit that I just walked like a fag with tail between the legs and all.
But what I think is interesting in your story buddhagames, that you actually embraced rejection so to say and that made you fearless.
I wonder how that will work out for me, since after like a week of being in the game I didn't take rejection to heart anymore, AT THAT MOMENT when it happened, but it still does stop me from doing the first few approaches to this day. It's like when it happens I don't think about rejection and kinda laugh it off and keep approaching. But after my "game" session I still think about it and get reminded of it, so I guess I should embrace it fully from now. I think I should go out a week with the sole purpose of getting rejected, it is time :)
This is so awesome.
Have you guys seen Dave Chapelle speak about Kanye West before he was famous?
Kanye KNEW he was going to be huge. He just KNEW it. The dude has 100% natural Success Mindset.
"Because my life is dope, and I do dope stuff."
it sucks for the guys watching if you get rejected. I went out with a friend who does absolutely no pickup, he watched my first set with these married chicks and I got blown out. Mind you I was totally normal about it, started looking for the next set, my friend chimes in and say something along the lines of "see, it's not possible". Didn't know what to say other than that this is expected especially when 99.999% of society is unconscious and sends out negative energy like it's "normal".
It was a small venue, by the end of the night, those original married chicks who rejected me, saw me pimping with different girls all night, got my attention and were super attracted. I just ignored them as I originally approached to just get in state, but it was at least liberating to see my friend had his mind opened a little bit.
As for the chodes who watch guys who approach get rejected once, it just reinforces their already negative mindset that they can't do it, and so never take any action.
"That's not like me at all, it's like me to be confident, strong and smooth when interacting with women." --- reinforce the positive image to your subconscious mind, instead of dwelling on the negative image.
Yeah that quote about Kanye is great lol. I've never judged Kanye for his cockiness, give him something to aim for. Tho I do find him to be a musical genius so it's probably easier for me to feel that way lol. I look at a person like Ariana Grande and I'm like.. yuck. Lol