Is Dick pervy enough for ya?
A caricature of Bill Cosby.. "Let me make you a drink..."
"Netflix & chill?"
I'll have to test these out lol
lmao! More like Quaalude and chill...
lol @ Cosby.
The cocktail glass is the international symbol for alcohol tho. Needs a bigger smile I think. I agree with the other style of shading being better also. But really... just re-release the I love boobies shirt. :)
^ Damn that one doesn't even need a caption LOL
Pill cosby
I think he fucked it up. I told him to go more caricature style. This ain't it. Anyone out there with artistic talent want to help me guide him in the right direction?
This one looks like the Joker.
I liked the first one the most. I think some small tweaks to it could make it friendlier. Unfortunately, I'm not qualified to help you out with it.
I liked the first one the most. I think some small tweaks to it could make it friendlier. Unfortunately, I'm not qualified to help you out with it.
Bro I agree. Can you help point me in right direction. Just give this artist some guidance. I can provide a lot on this stuff but right here is where I'm stuck, this isn't my area. I'm trying to twerk this guy to give him that sexy edge. I can't get that across to this guy because he has no idea what that would even look like lol.
I think if you went to the mirror and imagined being that dick dude and changed your facial expression to EXACTLY what you want him to look like, maybe the artist could change the facial lines to correspond exactly to what you want...perhaps even by superimposing "Dick"'s face onto yours and taking it from there. I mean, otherwise we're just spitting empty words to an artist that has NO idea what we want to come across with this image... Thing with creativity is that one person's idea of something doesn't exactly correspond tp another one's and this idea will bridge that gap faster.
Well not exactly exactly, but you get the point, lol
Shit, just realized how gay that sounded. Not my intention, lol. Sorry. What I meant is, if he can see the facial lines of you and use that as reference maybe he'll get the point more clearly.
Speaking of alex in 2009, if you two had a baby together and it got your brows with his smirk it would come out looking like a dick LOL
Geezez. Where'd you get that pic from? I didn't even know it existed
I think he fucked up the mouth.
I think he fucked up the mouth.
I think is good but, maybe the mouth could be a little bit more arched pulling a semi-smile, or pull the mouth a little bit more to the right for more symmetry. Just some ideias.
Omg the wink looks so pervy
Yeah that mouth needs some work.