Doing “anything to get the girl” is how you end up with Herpes
I for one am trying to break out of the outright
DISEASE that it is to set your sites on a woman and hunt her ass down no matter what. Horrible frame and reinforces neediness and being incomplete. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fine to go get a girl you want but there’s a cut off point. If you don’t have one, you’ll always be the chaser and the faggot in the situation.
But aren’t we in this to pick the girls we want and to have them? Yeah but not at the cost of our sanity nor of our inner integrity.
Here is a prime example, one of several that I see of a guy who has great “Game” (as in getting the girls, getting some compliance long term, doing some emotional manipulation) but has absolutely ZERO manhood/integrity about himself. It wouldn’t be so bad if not for the HORRIBLE consequences of this very foolish way of being.
So this nigga is a 40 year old Wall St player. Big money, nice cars and all that. Looks good for his age, fit. His issue is that he MUST get EVERY girl. Worse than is that he MUST hold on to every fucking girl. He doesn’t call out what he needs to call out, and when he does he isn’t taken seriously. The women make him spend money, they think he’s an idiot and his main ploy is spend money and talk about his emotional/drug problems. If you see him at a bar he seems to have “Game” but he’s clearly bothered, clearly needy and clearly insecure. Yet, he manages to get a good portion of the girls he hits on, many of which are pretty hot.
So am I hating? Lol. You’ll see why not in a second. Read on.
This guy continues to fuck girls who he KNOWS for a FACT have STDS. This is proven as I was prevented from sleeping with one of the girls because I found her valtrex laying around. Upon confrontation she pretended to cry and tried to tell me she didn’t want me to leave and all this shit. I knew she was banging the Wall St guy, so I asked her if she told him. She said he knows and I said bullshit. She showed me OLD texts with them talking about it. She actually had the “decency” to tell him before she slept with him through text. He replied with “Lol idc. You’re hot. As long as you have no outbreaks I’m down.” Some more things were discovered about him and several other girls. They would be using him for money and to make their boyfriends or other fuckbuddies jealous. A few of these situations would end up in him being beaten, one time requiring hospitalization. Still talks to most of them, still gives them money, still fucks thems. He’s been divorced and continues to fuck his ex-wife and acts like her jealous boyfriend, stalks her at times and is generally just out of control when it comes to women.
Whenever I would compete with this guy at bars for girls, this fool simply would fold under the pressure of a girl seeming to take the attention off of him. So what would he do? He would almost cause a scene that required the girl to come to his aid. He would pretend to yell guys down from across the bar to fight so that the girls would be prompted to give him the attention and tell him to stop, then he would use that window of opportunity to make them emotionally invest in him by nurturing him. It’s pretty infantile. It worked a few times though. He pulled a few right from under me just like that. The most compelling thing about him are his temper tantrums. How sad.
This guy is horribly desperate with the most “black hole” hole kind of vibe you can imagine. The only thing that keeps him in the Game is that he’s driven by HUNGER. He is always starving and it’s never enough. Pump and dump? No, he feels like he has to keep every bitch around, and in turn, he simply get taken advantage of, moved around like a puppet and puts himself in bad situations. Why?! All for the sake of getting and keeping the fucking girls.
Smh. This is so bad. Why do we act like this? Fuck.
LOL. Yeah I have known a few guys like that.
It honestly does seem at times that 90% of guys that are "good" with women are dysfunctional as fuck, at least to some degree or in some way or another. I choose a certain level of it in my life as well, but I've always felt you could maintain a pretty solid level of integrity and "do unto others" if you just worked a little bit harder. Sometimes though, all you do is end up isolating yourself. Lol.
P.S. Say no to herpes
Idk man I don’t ever wanna be like that.
You already are.
I don’t trick off dollars and I don’t stand for nearly as much bullshit as he does lol. I don’t fuck girls with STDs knowingly and I don’t throw tantrums.
If put up with any bulllshit it’s the token stuff. I’m totally paranoid about losing or getting played by women so it’s quite sparse. Also, all the women I do fuck respect me as a person.