Door to Door sales. Your experiences, advice and good books?
After a good first day and a shitty second day, i think i'm ready for the theory.
What do you guys got?
The best guy in our team who beat the record today made 13 sales (which is a lot), also sells like 8 on average everyday. (basically makes twice the money an average Joe makes everyday).
I wanna be doing 10 sales a day on average in June.
For your time:
What kind of sales..
What kind of sales..
I just told you i'm a noob. The question you asked me is the same as if you asked me ''What does it mean to be reactive?'' two years ago.
The product is basically FOOD. They deliver ingridients and recepies to peoples door, different packages for different needs. Very well advertised product and known to be good. My job is to get them to sign up for the first delivery. Mainly aimed at families with small children who don't have much time during the day.
My overall ''sales game'' is pretty shit it seems, altho i'm not bad for a noob. I qualify the custommer a little, inform the cumstommer on the concept, qualify the custommer some more, then figure out the package that suits them well and push and push and push. Even bring out the 20% discount.
Trying to figure out a push/pull dynamic for this, but as i said. It might be retarded and not good for sales.
My powers of influencing people come purely from talking to stupid young girls, and funnily enough the sales i have gotten were sold to stupid housewives who reminded me a lot of the stupid girls by just the way they looked at me.
My problem mostly lays in that sometimes they are very indecisive and want to check it out online or discuss it with their husband/wife and shit. Which is an objective i have struggled to overcome, altho i have a few ideas on how to combat it next time, but like i said. I don't know shit!
You've probably been doing pick up for a while and you gradually gotten better with it. Same goes for sale, practice and get better. we can give you all kinds of advice, but also the same with pick up. There is no one size fits all, everybody has his own sales techniques. Ofcourse some stuff goes for everybody, get your body language proper, use your vocals properly (like a chameleon, sometimes being loud is better sometimes talking soft is better you'll figure out which fits when eventually). Observe your colleagues and learn from the ones with the sales game you think you'll geel good with. Some basic tips like: don't try to close with a yes or no question and shit like that can be found in every book/course, just google whatever if you still need to learn that. Other than that, just remind yourself to have fun and learn from every sales conversation you have.
Hey buddy. I used to sling laptops when I was in college years ago, there's a simple sales model the company taught us that has come in handy and aided me in sales of all kinds to this day:
spagheddy why do you seem like such an asshole all of a sudden.
Hey buddy. I used to sling laptops when I was in college years ago, there's a simple sales model the company taught us that has come in handy and aided me in sales of all kinds to this day:The GUEST approach:Greet the customer and establish some rapport. This is your opener. The tricky and potentially awkward part lol. If they're chatty that's great just be aware that you're leading or you can get your time wasted fast.. Take your time if possible here but to too much.Understand. Get to know the customer a bit. For food sales I'd ask questions like: how often do you cook, how many do you cook for, do you host parties, have guests very often etc.. This gives you little seeds for how to build the sale. For ex. If you find out from a wife that she thinks the household orders takeout too often and she would like to start preparing more meals at home, maybe you can assist her in her goal by signing up her order and making it easier and more convenient to do so.. Maybe its just the opportunity and motivation she needs.-the idea is to not move forward from this point until you have some understanding of what the customers needs are. Until that point you're not equipped to sell them anything because you don't know anything about them.its tempting sometimes when you hear them say something that matches your service perfectly to blurt it out right away, patience, stick it in the back of your mind and sell them on it after you've heard the big picture. G U is phase one of the sale. Its asking questions and listening, don't pitch anything until you've done a thorough job. Its tricky and awkward to go back.Educate. Now that you've heard their story, let them know how your service is compatible with their needs/lifestyle. Hit their 'hot buttons', ie, if you were listening earlier you'd know if money's an issue, sell them with the discount, if its a new mom, delivery is way more convenient than having to go out and buy it herself, if they like you, sell them on the benefit of having you as a salesperson etc etc...Secure the sale. Ask for it every time, so many salespeople don't do this. If they feel it didn't go well they eject. It doesn't hurt to ask.Thank the customer and provide good after sale service.Its a tidy little model I think.. Probably relatable to pickup lol
Yeah, that's more of less what i've been doing, except not smoothly enough, and i might need to build more understanding of what their needs are. Just like pickup, i'll grind.
I'm reading the book ''Pitch Anything'' right now and this shit is epic. I like how i can use frame control to sell, because frame control is one of my strengths in pickup.
spagheddy why do you seem like such an asshole all of a sudden.
It's a prank bro
I haven't done door-to-door sales, but just based on what you've described.... I'd say you're gonna have more luck with women, and that you're prob gonna want to just pump their emotions like cray, and built solid rapport.
The sale itself prob has less to do with the product and more to do with the emotions - cause you're not following up or anything, yeah? Like it's a total impulse buy on their part.
What's the price-point like? I'm actually kinda curious what you're selling. Is the product called, "Plated"?
Also- so again, i'm not sure how all this works.. but couldn't you use this as a lead generation tool, as opposed to needing to get the "quick sell" right there? I don't know if that's something that people do in door-to-door sales. Like, the way you talk it's as if you *have* to get the sale while you're at the door.
Couldn't you go door-to-door, and go as hard for the close as possible, but for all the ones who are hesistant, grab their card and then build-up some sorta pipeline, and then call//email with followups? Or I guess you'd prob just go back in-person a couple days or weeks later, huh?
I haven't done door-to-door sales, but just based on what you've described.... I'd say you're gonna have more luck with women, and that you're prob gonna want to just pump their emotions like cray, and built solid rapport.The sale itself prob has less to do with the product and more to do with the emotions - cause you're not following up or anything, yeah? Like it's a total impulse buy on their part.
What's the price-point like? I'm actually kinda curious what you're selling. Is the product called, "Plated"?
Also- so again, i'm not sure how all this works.. but couldn't you use this as a lead generation tool, as opposed to needing to get the "quick sell" right there? I don't know if that's something that people do in door-to-door sales. Like, the way you talk it's as if you *have* to get the sale while you're at the door.
Couldn't you go door-to-door, and go as hard for the close as possible, but for all the ones who are hesistant, grab their card and then build-up some sorta pipeline, and then call//email with followups? Or I guess you'd prob just go back in-person a couple days or weeks later, huh?
It's not ''Plated'' since i live in Norway, but it's a very similar concept.
Building leads: I think i will start doing it, but only if it's in a central area or if i have enough leads in a more less central one.
The ''boss'' said not to for whatever reason, but he doesn't need to know and when i sell, he makes money too.
It is an impulse buy, yeah, but the product is also VERY well advertised on TV, so everyone knows about it.
I'm currently reading books on this shit and i will try to figure something out.
Yeah, most likely your boss is either some schmuk who doesn't really know what he's doing.. or there just is such a low conversion rate off of followups that he doesn't want you wasting your time - so if you do build a pipeline like that, prob just make sure you're not using time you could be going to a door, to do the followup.
I'd even recommend setting up like automatic emails the night before to go out the next day... if you do this for a couple months, you'll prob get a list of names upwards of 100-200 people and if you can get emails out to that and even just get like 1-2% response, I mean that's still 1-2 people so better than nothing, as long as you're not taking away from your selling time
Can you get more specific on how exactly your paid? Are there speciifc details around like how you have to record the sale or anything like that? For example, if I were to buy this product from you.. could I do it over the phone? Or is that even possible? Like I get that it's "door to door" sales, but is it possible for you to just sell this shit over the phone instead, and not tell your boss?
From time to time I work with a guy on his sales process at work. I flesh out a few details from him (think benefits and "stories sell facts bore" type stuff) and within five minutes I'm better than he is at selling his own product. It can be quite shocking for some of them to hear me do it. Anyone who's taken my training before probably understands what I'm doing at least on some level.
Your boss telling you not to follow up is like me telling you guys you're only allowed SNL's but only I get to go on dates.
If you've never seen this Kenny Brooks do his sales pitch then here's your opportunity now. I wish I had the study on hand but there was one done where it was determined (unsurprisingly) that sales aren't sold on facts but from emotion and friendliness. Heavily considering door to door sales myself please keep us updated. Anyways, gonna leave you with the sales video and make like a banana and split :)
If you've never seen this Kenny Brooks do his sales pitch then here's your opportunity now. I wish I had the study on hand but there was one done where it was determined (unsurprisingly) that sales aren't sold on facts but from emotion and friendliness. Heavily considering door to door sales myself please keep us updated. Anyways, gonna leave you with the sales video and make like a banana and split :)
Already figured that one out, but holy shit this guy is SOMETHING!
ayy lmao
Will write a ''sales raport'' later or tomorrow and update here.