Escalation help? "show me how to make you feel good."
I'm assuming I should oblige. Girly keeps saying that and gives resistance like 2 minutes after. Escalation isn't my strong suit. How do I comfortably ease her into it?
hmmm.. try more playful shit when you guys are chillin. Get into the habit of tickle wars, special handshakes, kisses on the cheek, any cute lil shit that will get her used to touching. Hookups will feel far more in her comfort zone when the time comes.
Ok hold on.. post more details.
alright I will here when I get home in a while.
Pretty much the situation is this. I have busy schedule, call girly at 4 am and somehow convince her to come hang with me until I had to leave at 7:30. Sneak her in (I'm living at my parents while I make arrangements for my move at the end of may). She comes and we immediately lay in my bed and I turn on some music and just kinda chill back. Start rubbing her leg and makeout, she starts dryhumping me (I hate this) so I stop her and start playing with her pussy, but in the end this is as far as she let me go. The whole time though she kept whispering (kinda creepy actually) "I want it so bad, please" and "Stop paying attention to me, show me how to make you feel good, please show me." and so then when I'd try to do either of those things shed be down for a second and she'd throw me off and be like "i'm sorry i'm sorry, I'm sorry I touched you." and id be like "dude youre fine just chill out and have a good time." and this repeated itself like 2 times... I just couldn't get it going...
Do you think you were too eager?
Sounds like she wanted to see how much you cared. How much u held the pussy on the pedestal and when she stopped you it sounds like you threw a little man-fit and she pulled away.
Well if "hey its ok, its fine" is a fit then yeah I totally did.
There was an incongruency somewhere, maybe in your eye contact.