Eye contact forces people to be present with you..
Because emotional stories/"past,future" can only exist away from the attention of the other person. If you continue to look at them, their own silly mind won't have a chance to wander off and ADD to the experience with anything internal that's potentially retarded. You've GROUNDED them into having the exact same experience as you.. without ANY outside bullshit coming into play. You say something racy, but look in her eyes.. she doesn't have the chance to let herself think you're being a "creep", no you're immune to it.
Add in the hand gestures and touching, and you create an inescapable vortex
holy fuck that actually makes a lot of sense. I'm sure this builds a lot of attraction too, simply because its extremely liberating to be almost 'forced' into presence.
yo fuck the spam cause i almost missed this bomb post
i want to scribble this on the mirror that i do my drills on