First night out to the bars in 10 weeks - Pull ensues
Most of the guys on here no that i've been doing this whole tinder thing and banging hotties that way.
Well recently I've started to get more 'serious' with one of these chicks. Funny enough, it's the 17 year old girl i talked about in one of the old threats. She's super gawjus, fucking chill as fuck and it just feels right being around her lol. We ended up deleting our tinders lol. But she was at veld music festival. And i wasn't going to stay at home like a fag.
So my buddy and I hit up my old stomping ground, gracies. It's sunday night but we have a holiday monday. It definitely wasn't busy but there were people.
I end up approaching a pretty cute girl. My preferred approach is just to go right in like I know her. I'll usually jump in for the hug and tell her how amazing it is to see her and how much i've missed her. When she's totally hooked haha, I'll usually tell her that i'm fucking with them and just wanted to meet them.
Then i'll throw down into some conversation.
Funny enough, my game was on point, even though I haven't really cold approached in a long ass time. Working my text game to new levels and getting my one on one date night game strong has given me incredible conversation prowess. I can keep the conversation juicy and going like a mother fucker.
I also know how to make the girl invest, when to pull away and how to make msyelf the prize.
We hit up the dance floor. This girl has a sexy as fuck body. She's also sober haha, doesn't even drink. Her ass is amazing. I get full on sexual with her, bringing in that don jon voice that MW taught me on a coaching call. I'm getting super turned on. Usually it takes me a lot to get aroused and I never get hard grinding or at a bar. But I have full on boner status.
Beforer this happens I end up going for the kiss. The mentality you need to have is that you are going to kiss her and you don't give a fuck how she reacts. In fact, if she pulls away, then good haha. You want the challenge. First couple times going for the kiss she pulled away and avoided it. I teased the fuck out of her and put the awkwardness on her about her being a virgin or something.
Since she's the sober one and I've had like 2-3 drinks, I tell her she has to take care of me. And massage my back cuz it's been sore. I put all this shit on her and smoothen out my voice so it's hawtt and she wants to comply. A lot of guys get stuck in the dominant authoratative breaking rapport voice and they don't change it when they're getting the girl to do things for them. THis is a huge mistake. You have to soften up your voice "baby, i bet it feel so good if you massage me with those little hands".... "baby we're going in like 15, I'm so over this place"
I don't ask her. I tell her "we're leaving in 15 mintues and she's taking care of me" I don't wait for her response and continue talking.....
When we go outside, her friends come and talk to us. She has one big mother hen cunty girl lol. I stay very aloof with her and put in the mininum work possible when she confronts me and asks me question. At one point she tells me to summarize who I am in 45 words. Eventually I acquiese and go into an american psycho monologue. And then a good will hunting monologue "I work as a janitor at UofT, even though I feel like I'm smarter than most of the kids that go there. Sometimes, there will be an equation on the board, like half an equation. And i'll just figure it out. ANyways, my best friends ben affleck."
This girl realizes I'm fuckign with her haha. Then her and her friends want to go and ask her if we want ot get icecream with them. I tell them i'm staying. My girl stays. We go and walk to my car. We get in and drive to my place. Then it's bang city
What's funny is when her one friend was screening me up hard. I qualified the fuck out of my girl afterwards. I was like "that was uncool. you should have had my back and been like PB is awesome, get out of here"
She was like sawrrrry.
Then in the car she was aplogizing about her friends. ANd I was like, "babe, it's cool, they just needed to see that I wasn't a huge faggott". She was like exactly.
nice work man.
Ha! Like a fucking champ lol
Thats awesome man. Only been to Gracies once and they played live country music which I hated but there were a lot of hotties there. Def need to hit it up again.
Nice! Which American psycho monologue. The one about not being a real person lol
Whatever it is about country music, the women that go to them are very down to reproduce.
Aww yeah dude, not a huge fan of the music but seeing these sexy kittens run around in sun dresses and boots oh my goddddd
Nice! Which American psycho monologue. The one about not being a real person lol
hahah yah. Well I started with the one about - I believe in taking care of myself - then went into - something horrible is happening inside me and I don't know why...
lol dude im actually seeing a17yr old at the moment aswell. Shes one of the coolest chicks ive ever met. So chill and open minded, she just has such a calming energy about her. I love hanging with her.
lol dude im actually seeing a17yr old at the moment aswell. Shes one of the coolest chicks ive ever met. So chill and open minded, she just has such a calming energy about her. I love hanging with her.
Fuck dude, that sounds exactly like mine, maybe we're seeing the same girl LOL.
Turns out she's a pisces and I'm virgo - they're suppossed to be exact oppossites and perfect matches and shit if you believe that kinda thing
How old are you trickass?
I'm 23 in a couple months. So decent age difference lol.
Her mom got wind of it, but has accepted it lol.
mw, did you teach me don juan voice? i want one :(
mw, did you teach me don juan voice? i want one :(
Boo I told you to do the hypnosis drills! Start them that's the first (and main) step. I'm putting it in your hw for this week.
How old are you trickass?I'm 23 in a couple months. So decent age difference lol.
Her mom got wind of it, but has accepted it lol.
Im 25 in a couple months haha.
Ya pretty sure her mum hated the idea of it at the start, my girl had to sneak out to see me. Seems to be better now tho and shes aloud to crash at mine whenever.
Did you meet her mom or anything?
patrick.bateman wrote:
How old are you trickass?I'm 23 in a couple months. So decent age difference lol.
Her mom got wind of it, but has accepted it lol.
Im 25 in a couple months haha.
Ya pretty sure her mum hated the idea of it at the start, my girl had to sneak out to see me. Seems to be better now tho and shes aloud to crash at mine whenever.
Did you meet her mom or anything?
Nope I haven't met the mom. I think the mom saw a picture and was like "well he's certainly goodlooking"
But I think the mom is dubious about what I want with a 17 year old. All I know is just being around this chick just feels right. The sex is amazing, she's so fucking cute and sexy and I could hangout with her for days (which I could rarely ever say about other girls).
But this girl I'm seeing, well she is a little skeptical. She's surprised that I'm so into her. And in the back of her mind she feels like I could dissappear and be done with her at any random time. This is why she's been very aloof and hard to pin down for a while. But she's definitely warming up and starting to open up a little more.
She's just really fucked scared to fully embrace me because she fears that she's not good enough for me or something
Ya being a stud definitely helps charm the mum lol.
Im kinda the opposite with my girl. I dont really want to open up too much to her because I know I cant be faithfull. So I dont really let her know the extent of my feelings for her. This is how I am with all girls I get into relationships with and in doing that I never really allow them to express the extent of their feelings either. My worst fear is to break some girls heart so I tend to avoid it at all costs. Not sure if thats the best way to deal with it tho.
I went out for the first time in 5 or 6 weeks. Damn i was stifled and not expressive like i used to be. I talked to chicks in the end of the night though and 2 girls invited me and my friend to their place. But then like 100 meters from her apartment she asked us how old we were, and changed her mind and said bye bye lol. Some chick i talked to later said i look like i'm not even 18 also. Usually girls think im 20 but apparently not tonight? Maybe just my game was really off?
Just lie about your age in that situation.
Just lie about your age in that situation.
haha i did but it didnt work