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krispy's picture
Joined: 03/16/2012
For me personally I find that house music gets me in a crazy flow.

This is so money been hammering shit out to this all week:

What do you guys listen to for getting you in a groove?
Joined: 04/20/2012
Re: Flow state music
I never knew what defined good music to me. Like I love and hate a lot of different artists within a genre. I'm a huge house head though but 90% of people who like house have different likes than me. Even if I think an artist is "good" or I see the value in it, it still might not get me in a really good, mood or flow state. I was talking to this about a friend and my favourite artist (he makes rock, produces and djs). Everything he touches is gold. Even if I don't like the music to dance to I still see the genius behind it. Or feel it. He isn't into eastern philosophy but is big into the the fountainhead and that side of the coin. We think the same things on this matter but frig. Eckhart tolle puts it perfectly. Such an accurate description of what's going on.

I think when you produce things on higher consciousness from the creative aspect of your brain it's really going to hit well with people on that same wave length. Whereas someone like BEP who are universally known as being extremely shitty on paper by even their fans are one of the biggest groups of the past decade. It's cause they're on the same lower frequency the masses are on hence why the cater so much to them.

The same state transference you get when your talking to someone, no matter what they're saying/doing, it's what they're FEELING. My brudda tolle says.. Was it van gogh?... Paints a chair from higher consciousness and now it sells for millions because he captured the beingness of the chair. I didn't really understand art aside from music that much but a few years ago I went to Paris and went into a few museums. I was just walking around looking at stuff not really "getting" anything but looking at cool artwork or just famous stuff. But this one simple picture I spent literally ten minutes zoned out looking at it. Nothing special about the picture itself but it resonated with me. I might as well been looking at the stars or a cute little baby. Same thing with music. what the artist is feeling depends on what the listening is going to feel. Even with something as impersonal as electronic music with no vocals or "human" aspect. As Thomas b. of daft punk says "It's interesting to see how much emotion you can get out a machine." and as my buddy I mentioned earlier said once when I was teasing him about head banging and thrashing while programming a synth (instead of his usual thrashing while playing rock): "if you don't feel it when your making it they won't feel it when they listen to it."

And that's also why I think people to listen to one type of music are stuck in lower consciousness. One of my neighbour kids hates the music I listen to and only likes music with guitars and drums. I even played for him electronic music with a rock feel as he said it was stupid because of this and that. That was his ego listening to the music since he identified so much with being a little skater fag.

Mega unrelated post but I think about shit like this non stop. It's funny how all this stuff is related.
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Flow state music
@kris: electric music. A lot of dubstep. Peep zomboy, dude goes off.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Flow state music
Sounds crazy but all you guys should experiment with listening to Tolle while bumping your tunes. Makes for "presence" in the club environment. Powerful shit

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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krispy's picture
Joined: 03/16/2012
Re: Flow state music
I might have to sample Tolle and make a club mix of him.

"now you realise there is no self. Bring your attention to the present moment" *drop*
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Flow state music
DOOD.. please do that would fucking rock. I would make a forum anthem out of it or something.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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