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Pickup Coaching
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Story's picture
Joined: 07/11/2013

New to the forum and I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Jaime. My username is Story because of the way I have developed my self-awareness of how my psychology works. I experience the world thru my imagination and everything is just entertaining, honestly, it is chill and it is a trip. I believe it is this mindset that lets me speak more freely than others at times and I have never really gotten the whole I cannot do that because other people shall think I am too different or whatever it is some people tell themselves when they do not do something they normally would do only because people are around. I do not even know my point right now, but like I said I trip out a lot. The world is a stage is a pretty good quote, it is a comedy drama and I love the emotions of living and the excitement of it all. I have a deep curiosity and fascination with life and how it works, interacts, affects, and produces within itself. I have always felt like I am destined for great things and living a victory. Game is funny as hell to me and fun, it makes sense to me that it is called game and when dude's get hurt from it or WAY too identity invested in it I am like what the fuck, it is all just a game(or ride for you Bill Hick heads reading this). For those of you guys that are feeling me that it is just a game, let us nod and have a moment of agreement.



I am currently in the military, about to hit my four year mark in November and I newly arrived to Ft. Bliss, TX from Schofield Barracks(pronounced Skofield not showfield like I initially thought too) in O'ahu. I really dislike living here, desert life is not my style WHATESOEVER. I grew up in Southern California, mostly by Los Angeles and Riverside, but I liked to hang out in Orange county and, on occassion, SD. I have never had tons of girls in my life. I have never had a girlfriend, but that is a whole different story. I have fucked a few hotties, never got into counting my sexual encounters all I know is it is more than one. I would put the girls on a number scale, but I never really got that. I have  always seen girls as either not cute, cute, or hot. I like to talk about game because I find the psychology and art of it interesting. I think my style is calm, playful, expressive, empathetic, and positive. I do not sarge, I have never really sarged, but I do pickup on girls while I am out doing errands. I see a hottie, I approach. The only real thing I actually ever worked on so I could overcome it was my approach anxiety because it just had never occurred to me to approach girls. It was never in my reality that someone could approach a random stranger and fuck them. It took me a couple years to really get over it and I do not think I ever fully will, there is always a little bit of anxiety in me, but I do not let it cause all this internal dialogue/conflict and stop me from approaching like it did before. I just use to really think I had nothing to offer this random girl and was afraid that I would not know what to say or how to keep the interaction going as if it was the quality of the interaction that would get me the girl. Right now, the main thing I feel I could improve on is caring less. I sometimes get stifled by trying to be too perfect/dominant and create this amazing experience for the girl. I can sense myself trying to portray a character at a subtle level to impress the girl and it is at the cost of being in my reality, if you can relate. I do not go to clubs nor bars because I do not drink and I like waking up early every day, so drinking and being out late would mess up my health, sleep, mornings, and fuck that shit. 

Lastly, the whole reason I even wrote this gay intro is to say I have been in the community since late 2008 or early 2009 when my buddy was telling me about this book mystery method and I was telling him how gay all the advice is. I started feeling like a pompous dick though, criticizing all the shit he was sharing with me because it had obviously had a real impact on him and I was doing so without ever having read the material, so I read it. Reading mystery method and checking out some of the stuff online lead me to real social dynamics and I got into that. I find out about manwhore on the rsdnation forums, I actualy still remember the post if you can believe that. Over the years I think most of the pu advice I have found out there is gay, by gay I mean too hard to impress the girl or get in her frame and be all nice or whatever else just so she'll like you while still protecting your self-image of being a man. It lacks real masculinity, if you know what I mean, brother. So, most of the material over the last four years I discarded quickly, I really only have stayed loyal to rsd and even their stuff I only take in small doses. Manwhore, though, I honestly cannot ever disagree with the advice he advocates. I have never thought it as gay nor try hard/cartoonish and it is funny *smiling*. Even the stuff he says that is beyond my understanding and reality, I can relate with because he is a real dude that just gets it in by being a real dude, no gimmicks. Some of the stories he has told is stuff that I thought only happen to rockstars, but from listening to him I really understand how it is possible and not some technique or delusional beliefs that are not based in the way things are. He has a way of explaining things that brings them on a down to Earth and chill level. I think lots of guys that game out there get laid just because they had the balls to approach and try shit and the girl is like fuck it and it is not the guy's game at all. Lots of pick-up dudes come to believe that they have discovered some pick-up hero suit they can throw on and game girls like it is a skill and that it is their ability to game that is getting them girls.  What the fuck? Seriously, what the fuck? It is natural with Manwhore and I am glad to be on a forum where I can exchange ideas with dudes that are on the same path with the same mindset and just want to interact with the world on the ground and in a real way.

Intro and ode to Manwhore and his community in ten thousand words or less(but just barely) complete,



Let's move forward from here.


Cruising... man, On a Good One, it is so cool!

Joined: 01/18/2012
Cool man, thank you very

Cool man, thank you very much. Welcome to the forum. By the way just recorded some infield footage today with Sasha Daygame, so hopefully I have that up in the next week or so ;)


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Story's picture
Joined: 07/11/2013
Thank you for the welcome

Awesome, brother

I will def check out your part.

Hopefully it shall be on or at least a link?

Thank you for the welcome

PS to anyone reading this that does not know what FNG means, it means fucking new guy.


Cruising... man, On a Good One, it is so cool!