Sun, 10/05/2014 - 22:22
This is from Bob Proctor six minutes to success:
Do you know, it’s been said that all of nature’s creatures respond to outside stimuli. Now
let’s think about that for a moment. Your brain has a zillion cells. And as we hear, see,
smell, taste, touch things, like that (Bob snaps his fingers), cells in our brain are
activated. I’ll give you an example. Think of your refrigerator. Do you see the way the
picture comes to mind? I use words, you heard me when I told you the picture. Think of
your automobile. Like that (Bob snaps his fingers), a picture comes onto the screen of
our mind.
Well do you know, one of the great secrets of success is focus—really focusing. When
you focus, you shut out everything. Focus is done with an exercise of the will. You have
perception, the will, reason, imagination,memory, intuition—these are all higher
faculties. They’re what separate us from all the rest of the animal kingdom. The will gives
you the ability to focus and block out all the outside stimuli.
Now I want you to think if you’re not focused the mental trips you take every day, the
mind trips. We go off here, we go off there, someone says something, it takes us way off
track. We may never get back on the track we were on. And we become a plaything
for what’s going on around us. All our sensory factors are wired to our brain, and as we
hear, see, smell and touch things, they trigger cells in our brain. Images fly on the screen
of our minds.
Think of your kitchen. Think of a loved one. Think of your work. See how fast this
happens? Now when we’re focused on something, we seem to block all of this out—
and we can bring all our energy to bear on one idea. Practice it. Say, “I’m not going to
take any thought trips for the next hour” and really focus on what you’re doing. I
guarantee you, you’re going to become many times more powerful. Do you know that
that’s what separates the winners from the losers? The winner focuses, the losers are like
corks in the ocean. Their environment just moves them all over the place. Don’t take
the mind trips. Focus. Spend four or five minutes thinking of that. This is Bob Proctor and
thank you.
Sat, 10/11/2014 - 12:01
Damn. Stupid it took me so
Damn. Stupid it took me so long to read this. Knew it, but reading it gives it new focus. ;)
Fri, 10/17/2014 - 13:59
This is an extremely
This is an extremely powerfully written passage. Wow mind-blowing. My focus hadn't been quite up to par lately, something I'll write about later on, and this passage was a personal catalyst for me. Thx
Fri, 10/17/2014 - 23:21
Read about pomodoro
Read about pomodoro technique. 20 min blasts of focus. Short and intense to get shit done.
Sat, 10/18/2014 - 02:46
Yep had my little pomodero
Yep had my little pomodero timer for weeks now.