Forum App
Is there one that works well with this Forum, or are they all much of a muchness?
What app are y'all using for your forum fix when a PC/laptop/whatever is not available?
The android app doesn't seem to be working.. posted 2 convos so far but they havent showed up on the Forum
They show up under your profile homie. Click your name at the top of the screen, they should be there.
Yeah go to your profile and click publish if you want them to show up
Following this, is there a way to ADD to the current convo WITHOUT creating a new post underneath it OR (better idea) when you choose to ADD, it deletes the current one and reuploads the lot.
This way you get all the cool (21hrs later) timestamps. When you ADD currently, it just adds the new txts to a post underneath your other ones and looses the timestamp (you can tell i like the timestamps right???)
Especially good for convos that span out over days/months etc.
SIDENOTE: Is there an option to DELETE your txt convos once you have uploaded.
Play around with it there are different options the app gives you. You can also try editing your posts and seeing if you can do it that way.