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Pickup Coaching
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beargrizz's picture
Joined: 09/30/2012
K so I've gone thru a month of MW training. Im going to post FR's and whatever on this thread from now on.

“Cleverness devoid of wisdom is extremely dangerous and destructive.
Enlightenment consciously chosen means to relinquish your attachment to past and future and to make the Now the main focus of your life.  Through allowing, you become what you are: vast, spacious. You become whole. You are not a fragment anymore, which is how the ego perceives itself. Your true nature emerges, which is one with the nature of God"
- Tollester

beargrizz's picture
Joined: 09/30/2012
Re: Framing Your Life

Went out tonight w/ my boy.

Roll up to this bar that is kinda gay. Just drunk bitches and faggot ass dudes. Get it in there, I grab a water, buddy grabs a drink. I've decided no more drinking...I know that's like a fad but I was actively drinking to numb some nerves which is gay. So anyway, chick comes over and talks to my buddy. Im dancing around to myself saying whats up to a couple of people.

See a chick sitting down having some gay ass convo with her friends. Look over again and she's just texting to herself....soooo I approach.

Me: YO!

Her: (Slow turn): Hi (muddled)


K. Awesome opener here obviously. We start chatting, she keeps texting, shes talking to her friend, two chodes come over and sit down by them. Im like fuck this, I'm either getting blown out here or getting blown. I was going down the road of feeling defeated, like almost about to leave, then BAM. Turn the girl to me...

Me (In a very dominant voice): Hey. Why are you acting all aloof. Its weird. Make eye contact when you talk to me. And face me with your body.

I felt like such a pimp here, especially cuz it totally fucking works. Frown to Smile here. Now she's all into me. I'm escalating, play thumbwar, grabbing her ass, just manhandling her a little bit. She is giving me no resistance. Oh and also we were talking how she just broke up with her boyfriend 5 days ago which was platonic before I said that thing, but now its fucking on.

Anyway my buddy comes over to her friend and blows himself out after like 30 seconds which is something I need to coach him on, but yeah. So now her friend is asking me why my buddy is awkward. And the truth is he was acting really awkward, but Im just like, lol, hes not awkward, I don't see how thats possible. Whatever, my buddy is a great fucking dude, just doesn't trust himself enough yet to let loose.

K back to the pickup. Girl Im literally engulfing while she loves it recognizes that my buddy used to fuck her friend. She calls him over and now hes just standing there. Gawdamnit. Awkward. I just act cool, then say were going to get drinks.

Come back, she's the only one in there worth approaching, we exchange numbers. She is very eager to do so. And then I kiss her on the cheek. Maybe should have gone for the lips but who the fuck knows. It was fucking pimp how I turned that interaction around. Never done that before.

K So we go to the "club" nearby. At least there is a dance floor and shit. Im fucking around, immediately see two chicks and as I am walking towards them the hotter one grabs her friend and moves her away. Me: FUCK YOU. Lol. hilarious. So my frame is still solid here and I keep doing my THANG.

See a group of three girls not that hot. Im just saying shit that I love to say. Absolutely don't give shit here. Like there is one that I would do but suck it. Anyway I probably go a little to far with it...i/e they are calling me out for spilling on them, and I'm like "FUCK YOU, YOU SPILLED IT." Lol.

See a chick that I wrote about on here a long time ago where I cavemanned her out of the club and had some crazy shit happen to where the fuck didnt go down....She obviously likes me but won't give number cuz she has a bf. Whatever.

See a fucking hot girl. For Albuquerque this girl is hot. Go in HARD. Grabbing her, feeling her abs, she keeps being like "Who Are you." "Where are you from." Im doing things that no guy has ever done to her this fast. Nothing crazy, but just how there was no hesitation here. Maybe its been done before to her, I choose not to think so. Anyway, long story short she eventually gives me the "It was nice meeting you," after I had turned back to her from talking to her friend for a couple of minutes. I spot my buddy, we chat, then I back in.

Me: "Why did you say "it was nice meeting you" to me like you were done with me? That's rude and I'm not down with that."

K so I keep this kinda of going for a bit but it doesn't open her up as much as the last girl. Maybe it did, maybe i was reading it wrong. Here's what happens, she tells me she still has feelings for this guy...oh and ALSO, she keeps telling me i'm 22 and she is 25 so she is just too old for me....but not in a playful way, like she was actually serious. At this point I'm just like fuck it. This is going somewhere. Go in for the kiss, get the cheek. Go in again, get the cheek. I mean I felt like I was forcing it. But should I have keep pushing that shit? Probably. I wanted to either seriously get blown out or blown. Well neither happened, I just tell her after a couple of minutes, ok, look me in the eye and tell me it was nice meeting me tonight. Lol Im going overboard with this frame shit but fuck it, its fun to say. She complies and then Im like piece.

Flirt with this shot girl for a bit that I have become "friends" with, as in Im at this place roughly 2 nights a week and we had a class together so we chat. I've tried asking her out before but this time after some solid banter and eye contact I ask her if she has a boyfriend. She does....figures. I tell her if she didn't we should catch up and grab coffee...(really gay I know but its congruent with how platonic our relationship has been), but that she has boyfriend so we can't. She says to me, "but that doesn't mean we can't hangout." I didn't really get the vibe that this was sexual but who knows, we like each other and she always lights up when she sees me.

K THATS ALOT OF FUCKING TYPING. Have to get up in literally 3 hours. BOO YEAH

“Cleverness devoid of wisdom is extremely dangerous and destructive.
Enlightenment consciously chosen means to relinquish your attachment to past and future and to make the Now the main focus of your life.  Through allowing, you become what you are: vast, spacious. You become whole. You are not a fragment anymore, which is how the ego perceives itself. Your true nature emerges, which is one with the nature of God"
- Tollester

beargrizz's picture
Joined: 09/30/2012
Re: Framing Your Life

Lol just remember there was a two set on the dance floor, friend who is cute gets right up next to me after eye contact...I grab her and put my dick in her but (very typical hood black guy dance floor move), but hey its pretty much the only congruent way here. Buttttt her friends takes me off her and pulls her away, Me : FUCK YOU. Her: "Ohhhhh." Lol neither was really that hot but still, this felt good to say because I'm fucking sexier and funnier and more charismatic than any other faggot in that place.

Another two set on the dance floor, again as usual, the hot friend and the fat friend. After a little hesitation, I claw them blow and say group hug! Gay, but its the only thing that came to mind. Should have yelled it. Hot girl was not into it. I chode around for a second then go again for the hot girl. She takes my hand off her and gives me a gay ass look. Me" Woaaahhhh, I don't know what your thinking her but Im awesome. And go fuck yourself, your not even that hot." YES. Amazing. Now I rejected her negative bullshit frame. I'm fucking awesome and don't get treated like a chode does. When that happens its not acceptable. SO FUCK HER. Okay, in the words of Brady Quinn: "Now I'm Done" (EAS sports drink commercial...

“Cleverness devoid of wisdom is extremely dangerous and destructive.
Enlightenment consciously chosen means to relinquish your attachment to past and future and to make the Now the main focus of your life.  Through allowing, you become what you are: vast, spacious. You become whole. You are not a fragment anymore, which is how the ego perceives itself. Your true nature emerges, which is one with the nature of God"
- Tollester

beargrizz's picture
Joined: 09/30/2012
Re: Framing Your Life

This one wont be very long. There might be some gay shit in here. It was not a great night. But het. Went to a house party tonight. I am doing the sober thing so yeah. But I there really isn't much approach anxiety anymore. Unless its a 9/10. But thats my world right now in Albuquerque. So fuck it.

Ok get in there, start dancing around, being loud, making random comments to chicks. Getting a lot of smiles. Random chick goes "Are you a lifeguard?" "You're hair makes you look like you should be running down the beach with your shirt off." Nice little shot of validation there. Yay! Keep fucking around. I'll try to recall all the approaches.

Approach a three set...."You guys are like the three musketeers." Lol. They're smiling, but acting all aloof. I'm thinking wtf is this. These chicks arent even that hot and I guess I let it piss me off/get in my head a little. Anyway I keep talk, Isolate the hot one and go for this hair massage thing and she freaks the fuck out, even spilling her drink a little. Lol wtf. All is not lost though, we keep talking, she just seem distant here. I'm feeling some hardcore resistance at this point to escalate in someway I feel like she has to give me the signal to do it. That sounded gay just typing it. Anyway, I see this chick throughout the night and she says some b.s. everytime but she was just acting like a cunt in my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong her. Who knows.

I was at the party with two of my buddies. One of my buddies tells me this chick wants to fuck me. She's not bad, like 6.5/7 but honestly I'm not really attracted. Plus last year I found her on the floor pretending to be asleep fully clothed while my buddy was ass naked passed out next to her. This guy was watching the whole thing go down so I kinda felt bad about going for her. So I didn't. When I saw her walking out with another dude its like why the FUCK do I care. I could have fucked her but I "chose" not to. Get over it. Anyway

See a girl I had seen out a couple weeks ago. Go over. She's looking at her friends so I turn her, she's a bit surprised but happy to see me, then she hugs me. This was the gayest hug ever. I tell her that. I'm like, I want the real thing. She gives me the real thing. Then she comments how I said that. Obviously she liked it. We chat on and off, I'm being flirty and touchy, shes dazzling her hair. I know she likes me. I think at this point I need to get over myself and just get a fucking number here. Anyway her friend is being annoying and trying to get her to dance. So Im like "Yo, come with me to the garage." Grab her hand, she's like "that's a weird place to go." Lol. There were actually a lot of people in there so it wasnt. But what the fuck ever. Eventually her friend leaves her alone and its all good. Again, I'm feeling pressure to escalate here which is fucking bullshit cuz I know I have this chick. But eventually I just walk away without grabbing a number.

See two girls. One has been eyeing me. I go up, BOOM. Immediately their asking my name....tons of bullshit. Take a picture with us.... We get in picture formation with the chicks on my side. I tell the 7.5 chick Im going to grab her boob, at first I just hover my hand, then Im like fuck it and do it. No resistance....
They are both in nursing school. I'm "like yo, lets go outside, I'll get hit by a car, and see if you can put me back together." They go along with it and we start walking outside. I don't know why the fuck I didn't keep going with it. I was just like kidddding. Whatever, then fatty says were lesbian lovers, did you know that. Im like yep. For some gay ass reason, I literally thought she might be serious. I think I should have just gone for a makeout but again, that shit would have been forced.

The two set is really annoying me lately. Like I always see the friend being all mad there isn't a guy on here and feel like I have to babysit her....cuz usually the friend im on is all like I have to go find my friend, I have to dance with my friend. Recently Im just being like, "no you aren't" or "stay here." Or something to that dominant well as grabbing them but they continue to go back to the friends. I gave one chick the look of WTF are you doing and she's all "don't give me that look." I'm thinking, what is this shit. Girls are harmless I know, buts I'm not sure If I'm not being dominant enough here or if I'm just acting all gay cuz the chick isnt 100% compliant.

Oh and there was also this chick who is a softball player and fat now who was intentionally fucking up my game. During my heightened chode years this girl was probably a 6.5 at the a 5.5. Lol how I come up with these ratings. I got her over to my house and sleep with her. From there I proceeded to just finger her. We never hung out again. LOL. But I see her all the time and this time she is being a cunt over me not wanting her anymore. So she's telling girls Im talking to that Im a liar and bad at making the "first move." What a fucking cunt. I'm not guna react to this...maybe I should have cussed her ass out. But I'm just like, yep. I have nooooo game. I'm laughing so whatever. Interesting note though.

I approached a couple more chicks, but didn't hook them. I mean Im going up w/ solid projection and eye contact. But somehow the music and all the other fucking people are more stimulating to them or something. One of the chicks was super shy and huddled in her comfort zone group circle of four chicks. After the initial , "You're adorable." and her b.s. thanks I don't feel like pushing it anymore. Its like her low energy is just gay. Maybe I'm being gay here. I don't know.

Lol. So I leave. 0 fucking numbers but honestly felt pretty good the first 60% of the night. I was just fucking around and talking shit. Some bitches liked me some didn't. I'm just pissed about the one chick that I knew I was in with. WTF man, at least grab the number. I don't have to run some 100% perfect escalation. So yeah, thats about all I can remember.

Its funny how people think youre crazy for not drinking. I'm just say I don't drink or I'm going sober for a while...or some shit. The truth is I enjoy drinking, but I'm not doing when I'm out anymore to fucking learn ASAP. Whatever I say, I just need to own it. It's funny how people literally need alcohol to party. I used to be one of those guys. Now I'm not. It makes "failure" a little more painful, BUT GOOD. Feel that fucking shit. Look that shit square in the eye. That's what I need to do to my b.s. resistance against escalation or questioning of moves. Anyway, that's it for now. Peace

“Cleverness devoid of wisdom is extremely dangerous and destructive.
Enlightenment consciously chosen means to relinquish your attachment to past and future and to make the Now the main focus of your life.  Through allowing, you become what you are: vast, spacious. You become whole. You are not a fragment anymore, which is how the ego perceives itself. Your true nature emerges, which is one with the nature of God"
- Tollester

beargrizz's picture
Joined: 09/30/2012
Re: Framing Your Life

Probably the most productive night I have had since training.

Listen to tolle for literally an hour before I go out. I think this helped.

I go over to my buddies' apartment. Three of them. They're all super fucked up. I'm feeling super anxious, but have this since of stillness deep in my chest. Like that sense where there is a shit ton of noise and chaos all around but there is a part of you that is unaffected. It was a small part, but still.

So...we go to a party. I get in there and I can sense how its me and everything else is external. I'm really focusing on remaining present and staying validated internally. So I don't feel any need to act all funny or talk shit out of trying to get "out of my head." Im in my head a little bit, but fuck it. Im just chilling by the bar area with all these people being super loud. Girls seem to crowd around me. It's probably just because of the logistics here, but it really felt like they knew what was up. I chat to a couple of them, not really interested in them so whatever. But again, staying validated internally. Any sense of me feeling "stoked" on a chicks reaction to me, I just reject it and go back to normal. One chick who I know digs me walks by, I grab her by the waist and we talk. She leaves. Next time I see her same thing. Just playing it cool, acting like I don't give a fuck etc. Thumbwar her ass. Girls always fucking cheat which is annoying but yeah. We're getting pretty touchy at this point. She has to go to the bathroom...or bano as we are talking spanish at this point. Im still chillin, ignoring any sort of want to act in terms of external validation. Some girls ignore me, some like me, some I don't give a shit about, either way I'm still good here. So I see my target talking to another dude, he's a chode though. I know just by his mannerisms. I get caught talking to this 6 but just stay cool with and remain present. There is nothing wrong with talking to a non-sexworthy chick. Were just people. Anyway, the cops come and everyone starts clearing out. I go up to my chick. She throws her hips into my crotch and I immediately start getting a boner. Which is huge for me because staying present enough to get turned on by a chick hasn't been easy for me up to this point. Anyway, were talking. I just hand her my phone without saying another and just tell her to put her number in. Now at this point we are centimeters away in terms of our faces. Like I feel so tripped out about trying to kiss her. This is something I think I need to address. But I don't kiss her. But its still all good...sooo we leave.

Go to a bar. My natural friend who I have been noticing quirks about is talking to a chick. Quick note what I have noticed about him. He is ridiculously confident in himself. Like its unwarranted but he has 100 belief in himself, or at least conveys that very well. He always talks about all the chicks he is fucking, who he is going to fuck next, how awesome his texting is....etc. But the thing is, he is pretty solid. Its not just a show. He doesn't have a filter. He openly rejects things without any apologies and says what he likes with full conviction. We'll be at dinner and he'll just say what he thinks, and to test him a little I'll go back at him and he wont waver at all. Now I understand what that is like. And I also notice when others are looking for validation now. Or when others look to external frames to get a sense of self worth. Weird shit.

So anyway, the natural dude is on this chick. Im just feeling my own rhythym... I literally mispell that word everytime. Im Just dancing a little to myself, but in a way that is like I'm just expressing whats inside. All of sudden I'm on the chick my buddy was on. And she fucking loves me. Were grinding here and there. Convo was basically me just saying random shit and not being able to hear a word she said and just being like "OKAY"....We keep dancing. I'm like fuck this, Im kiss her. Well not exactly, but she shows me her band aid on her finger. I kiss it. Then I just cup her face and kiss her. No resistance. No makeout cuz I didn't feel it but I just wanted to let her know I didn't give a shit.

Ok so at this point I have two other chicks texting me where I am and that they want to come to nob hill. I'm like wholly fuckkkk, what if they all show up here. HAHA BRAIN. But back to the night, I take her to the bar to get waters...Im still staying sober for as long as possible...and she's totally down to be led. Eventually her friends leave and she has to do something with her coat. After she puts it somewhere according to my suggestion, I'm thinking, dude pull this chick. I ask her if she wants to put it in my car like its not biggie. She goes, it's too late now. Fuck. She has a point though, shoulda just gone with that route immediately but fuck. I lose my boner over this, grab her number and go back to dance floor.

Grab some girls to dance without any eye contact and they act all creeped out. In the past I would seriously let this make me feel like a creep. But not this time. I reject any sense of negativity internally and keep doing my THANG. Anyway I decide the best prospect is the chick from earlier cuz both chicks texting me aren't driving and can't make it. Got a date with one of them tomorrow night though so yay. Guna set shit up with the other one cuz she loves my texting. Find my girl. We keep doing the same thing. I get the logistics figured out which are basically she has to go with her friend home who isn't get any attention from guys so kind of a drag but yeah. Side note: Friend is also a TA in one of my classes. If I get a shitty grade on my final I know whose to blame.

Go to the other bar. Im still feeling stellar. Well actually I still feel like that. Regardless of how I had some b.s. expectations arise and now they arent playing out they way my brain wanted but its cool I'm remaining present here. I see a girl whose a 7 who is out all the fucking time. Just as much as me. We flirt and she loves seeing me everytime. I should just fuck this chick but for some reason I just don't feel it w/ her at all. Right then, this chick who I had naked in a bed but was on her "period" so she said and I also didn't take charge and wip my dick out but thats irrelevent, its in the past, with last week strolls by. I just drop the congo with the other girl and vibe with the period girl. We talk, I can tell she is hinting at me leaving w/ her but I'm like fuck it, Ive got like 4 options right now. In reality I should have just pushed for us leaving together because that was the most for sure. Anyway, I texted her what she was doing and no response. My window my be closed there but whatever. IM GOOD MAN.

So what Im taking away here is just be at your own pace. You dont have to approach approach approach. I understand that now. I just remained present, non-judgemental, and boss like and things just happened. They really did. Bitches were hitting me up, I was attracting w/0 saying a word...etc. And I kissed a girl...ON THE LIPS!!! lol. Anyway. The sober thing really puts you in control. Its the only way to truly master your emotions which is a big fucking deal. Also I am getting very aware of the validation thing. Like I'll be laughing at something and instead of feeling good for THAT reason, I just stop it and feel good cuz of me. You couldn't tell if you were looking at me, well maybe you could, but it definitely feels new/wierd/real.

“Cleverness devoid of wisdom is extremely dangerous and destructive.
Enlightenment consciously chosen means to relinquish your attachment to past and future and to make the Now the main focus of your life.  Through allowing, you become what you are: vast, spacious. You become whole. You are not a fragment anymore, which is how the ego perceives itself. Your true nature emerges, which is one with the nature of God"
- Tollester

beargrizz's picture
Joined: 09/30/2012
Re: Framing Your Life

Just titty fucked for the first time. Well, more like tit fuck but hey, I had a lot of jizz in the take so whatever fucking works.

Met this chick at a bar, literally had a 2 min convo consisting of me opening with "Whatever! I love that word. I can make a whole convo with just saying whatever! whatever!" I mean really? Anyway got her number at the end of the night....this is the texting.

At the begining somehow her texts were coming up as a different number but they were all very compliant and sense making responses

Me: Come to imbibe
Me - 7 mins later: Us too. Yay.
Me - 1 min later: Chickenbutt
Me - 1 min later: Wat r u doing?
Me - 3 mins later: K cool. Lets hangout this week. Watch a movie or something
Me - 3 mins later: Right on. Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Me - 19 hrs 46 mins later: Hey whats your schedule like this week?
Girl - 8 mins later: Umm I have class in the morning and work at the end of the week
Me - 9 mins later: K. Wednesday night lets go to that horror movie if that works for you. I may or may not let the boogeyman get you.
Girl: Lol ok will I work but ill let you know
Me - 6 mins later: K
Me - 2 days 16 hrs later: When do you get off work tonight?
Girl - 8 mins later: I don't know yet depends how busy it is
Me - 7 mins later: Ok. Shoot me a text when you have an idea.
Girl: Ok I will
Me - 2 mins later: Coolio
Girl: Lol
Girl - 3 hrs 27 mins later: So tell me something about you
Me - 4 mins later: I love music. Right now I have Jimi Hendrix, Kings of Leon, Matchbox 20, Pearl Jam, and the best one, Norah Jones in my car right now. Oh, and I like taken cold showers.
Me: Taking*
Girl - 1 min later: Haha ok lol
Me - 8 mins later: Your turn.
Girl - 8 mins later: Umm I'm almost done with school I am really random and spontaneous
Me - 4 mins later: Hmm well we're guna have to see about the latter two.
Girl - 1 min later: Oh well we now how is that
Me - 1 min later: Honestly I got nothing here.
Me - 1 hr 51 mins later: How's it looking. We can meetup another time if you're stuck at work tonight.
Girl - 1 min later: Ya I'm still here
Me - 12 mins later:

K. You should know that I'm luring girls to my house right now with candy and will be till you're off, i'm sure. Which do you prefer, skittles or m&m's?
Me - 20 mins later: Its supposed to be funny. I'm actually writing this b.s. art history paper right now. Other one would be a lot more fun.
Girl - 2 hrs 22 mins later: Lol that suxs ya I just got off work sorry and I prefer kitkats and reeses
Me - 20 mins later: I have a limited selection at my candy store lady.
Girl - 1 min later: Well sorry you don't have good stuff
Me - 1 min later: Watch it. Vanilla/banana protein shakes make my store the shit.
Girl - 8 hrs later: Protein shakes humm
Me - 1 hr 25 mins later: You mean yummmm
Girl: Idk about thst
Me - 1 min later: Agree to disagree
Girl - 1 min later: Idk I don't drink protein
Me - 3 mins later: Neither do I. That would be really disgusting.
Girl: Ya so why do you have that
Me - 1 min later: Well I mix it in milk first. Its hard to drink a powder
Girl - 3 mins later: Gross lol
Me - 52 mins later: Ill make one for you and change your mind. What are you doing Sunday?
Girl: Working on the morning I have the night off
Me - 2 mins later: Ok me n u are going to the movies, middle school style.
Girl: Lol oh ya are we having our friends drop us off
Me - 1 min later: Nope. Grandparents.
Girl: Lol oh
Girl - 1 day 3 hrs later: Hey
Me - 4 mins later: 'Ello love.
Girl - 1 min later: How are you today
Me - 3 mins later: Excelente. Jamming out in an airport. Como esta usted?
Girl - 3 mins later: Muy airport
Girl: ?
Me - 3 mins later: Si. Estoy en phoenix porque I went to a concert last night w/ my dad. <----great spanish right there
Girl - 6 mins later: Que concierto
Me - 3 mins later: El jeffe: Bruce Springsteen.
Girl - 2 mins later: What lol nice well how was that
Me - 7 mins later: His nickname is "the boss.". It was sweet. I was right up in front. Probably like a 15,000 person crowd
Girl - 3 mins later: Haha well that kool bet that was a blast
Me - 2 mins later: Uh huh. On board now. Better turn my phone off...never figured out the point of "airplane mode."
Girl - 1 min later: Saves battery even when its ok bye
Girl - 1 day 6 hrs later: Hey
Me - 1 min later: Yo girl
Girl - 45 mins later: What you doing tonight
Me - 6 mins later: Heading out with some buddies to nob hill. Join
Girl - 9 mins later: Ya I'm trying to go that way when I get off
Me - 11 mins later: When do you get off?
Girl - 25 mins later: Here in a min waiting for the fight to be over
Me - 3 mins later: I wanna get paid to watch fights
Girl: Never thought of it like that
Me - 7 mins later: You're welcome pumkin
Girl - 42 mins later: Ppl don't tip much though
Me - 31 mins later: Haterz gun hate
Girl - 1 min later: Lol very true but now dt and in need of a drunk
Me - 18 mins later: Well lets make it happen
Girl: Where are you at
Me - 6 mins later: Nob hillio
Girl - 1 min later: Oh I'm dt
Me - 20 mins later: Poop. Im drinking water
Girl - 32 mins later: Lame lol its suxs dt how's nob
Me - 9 mins later: Fun. Come to imbibe
Girl - 5 mins later: I'm not driving by the time i get there it will be closed
Me - 17 mins later: Shitballs. I left anyway. Im guna hit the sack. Be prepared for tomorrow. Its guna be intense.
Girl: Why OS that
Me - 2 mins later: ? U a bit drunk there?
Girl - 3 mins later: No I phone puts OS instead of is sometimes
Me - 4 mins later: Gotcha. Our adrenaline is going to be pumping faster than tiger woods on crack
Girl - 1 min later: Wait for what lol
Me - 7 mins later: An horrifying film of horrific incidents
Girl - 3 mins later: Huh lol
Me - 12 mins later: A horror movie. Hows 7:00 sound?
Girl: Sounds good lol
Me - 18 mins later: K I'll hit you up tomorrow. Goodnight
Me - 12 hrs 39 mins later: Hey beb where do live? Are you by the movies on pan american?
Girl - 13 mins later: Kinda I'm at work now but I should be off by 430
Me - 16 mins later: K. There's a movie at 755 at that theater. I live by campus. I'll pick you up around 730 as long as tinted drug dealer looking trucks don't scare you.
Girl - 7 mins later: Lol ok sounds good
Me - 2 hrs 51 mins later: Hey leaving my house. Where am i going pumpkin?
Girl - 42 mins later: I'll just meet you there
Me - 1 min later: K be there in 15
Me - 15 mins later: Text me when your walking up...i have yer ticket and i think i have frostbite
Girl - 5 mins later: Ok well I'm almost there sorry she needed a rode
Girl: Ride
Me: All good beb
Girl: K
Girl - 3 mins later: Walking in

K So we get into the movie. We watched "the collection." DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. It fucking blows. Whatver. We get in there and I've already planned out how im just guna put her hand on my dick. But I could barely put my hand on her thigh, lol. So finally I do. I ease up, start caressing her. Talking shit about the movie, laughing at how bad it is etc. Finally Im like, ok, going for hand on dick. There was a lot of resistance. But i said, ok, one, two, three, lol. Put it on there. She wouldn't play with it so I kept putting it back. Whatever, I did my job. What I was responsible for.

So we get out of the movie, I'm like, "Yo, can we go back to your place?" Lol. Her response. "no.." So I just follow her to her car and tell her to drive me to my car. which is like 50 yards away, lol. Pulls up next to my car. Im not going anywhere, Im here to fuck. So I just stay in the car, we talk for like 30 minutes, I'm thinking how to escalate but just chilling. Talking about our likes dislikes...etc. We have a lot in common musically and athletically....she works at hooters...which is nice. So yeah a Cop pulls up. Thank you cop, seriously. Perfect excuse for us to leave. I'm like, yo, lets go back to your place, I hate cops. So she takes off. She's driving a round, I'm playing my pandora through her car, singing like a retard, saying stupid shit. Whatever. I notice we aren't going anywhere near her house. LOL. I'm like where are we going, she's all "No where, I'm just driving around." She brings up how last time she did that she ended up on the top of Sandia mountain which is the peak overlooking albuquerque and like a 40 min. drive. I'm like, fuck it, lets do. I'm thinking ill bang her on top of a mountain which would be awesome. Then all of a sudden, WERE RIGHT BY MY HOUSE. Haha, it just fell into my lap. So I go, "Let's do something more fun. Take a right next street." Guide her to my house. She doesn't object to anything and doesn't ask any questions. I tell her where to park and that I am going to teach her guitar cuz she said she wants to learn. She's hesitant, but I just get out the car and assume its on. She gets out. We walk in the house, and go upstairs to my room.

I break out the guitar and teach her how to play the opening to "Nothing else matters" by metallica. Even a retard can get this down. Then I proceed to jam out on my own for 10 minutes not saying anything to her. Look over once and quickly smooch her. Then go back to playing . Then I put the guitar down. Get on top of her and make out. Im kissing her neck, running my hand all over her etc. She wont let me go anywhere near her vag. So after like 10 min I take my dick out. Just rub it on her stomach. Im thinking, fuck this. IM GOING TO FUCK RIGHT NOW. So after a lot of bullshit foreplay I get on top of her as she is lying down and massage her. She wouldn't take her shirt off before but I just tell her I can't give a real massage with her top on. Top is off now. After massage I flip her over. Gradually move wang up to tits/mouth. I debate going for mouth but I'm like tits sound good to me. She has huge tits. (She works at fucking hooters.) I literally fuck her left tit and bust in like a minute. Im dead serious. I was starting to get blue balls due to all the b.s. foreplay so I had little stamina. Oh, and I busted in her hair. We laughed about. She liked it. And then she took me back to my car. Ok. So yeah, that was cool. My balls kinda hurt right now.

“Cleverness devoid of wisdom is extremely dangerous and destructive.
Enlightenment consciously chosen means to relinquish your attachment to past and future and to make the Now the main focus of your life.  Through allowing, you become what you are: vast, spacious. You become whole. You are not a fragment anymore, which is how the ego perceives itself. Your true nature emerges, which is one with the nature of God"
- Tollester

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Framing Your Life
beargrizz;1636.10363;346 wrote:

I go over to my buddies' apartment. Three of them. They're all super fucked up. I'm feeling super anxious, but have this since of stillness deep in my chest. Like that sense where there is a shit ton of noise and chaos all around but there is a part of you that is unaffected. It was a small part, but still.

I already have a boner. Ok.. I'm going to keep reading

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Framing Your Life

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Framing Your Life
Ok dude just so you know, I was super happy with the report it was fantastic, and then you start talking about this hooters chick out of nowhere and then blow a load in her hair and I wet myself. Shit man.. you are arriving.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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