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Girl finally responds to Fun opener...Now what?

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Joined: 09/10/2012
So I gamed this girl a few weeks ago. Overall I was cocky funny, and pretty physical..even forcefully picked her up, spun her around, palm reading bs..

I called her a few weeks ago to arrange a day2..she said she might see me that night since she was out with some friends.

she hasn't been responding lately, until I shot her one of Manwhore's very own and she responded within a minute:

Me: "Aliens are coming to abduct all the good looking sexy ass people! You will be safe, I’m just texting to say goodbye”
Her: "Lol that's a funny one"

It was money...except I don't know what to say next! Should I go for the meetup soon? Keep the funny mood or just ask some chode
questions to build comfort and then go for the meetup? She lives literally down the street from me..Hot petite girl

Should I go with/

Me: "Whats also funny is I seem to remember we're supposed to hang out soon, woman. "


Me: "Before I'm abducted and force fed alien dick foreva, lets hang out one time. I kinda miss your goofy face :D"

I'd rather not fuck this one up, so appreciate any text advice! :D
Joined: 06/05/2012
Re: Girl finally responds to Fun opener...Now what?
Definitely don't send the 2nd one. Why not try something simple like "What's new cookiebutt?"

"Why do faggots always got to kiss the girl?"

Joined: 09/10/2012
Re: Girl finally responds to Fun opener...Now what?
so I ended up sending her:

Her: "Lol that's a funny one"
Me (40 mins later): "So, what kind of trouble have you been causing lately? lots I hope ;)"

no response after over 3 hours.
threw the best I could think of at her, I think the tension was just lost after a week of no texting.

..or maybe I just waited too long to reply Lol
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Girl finally responds to Fun opener...Now what?
You didn't wait too long, and your text was decent so this is an issue with her. Best shot is to leave her a chill vm without asking her to call you back or anything like that.

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Joined: 09/10/2012
Re: Girl finally responds to Fun opener...Now what?

Should I wait a few days to leave a vm? And what exactly is a chill msg (Like a funny story?)