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Is this girl fucking with me or does she want the D?

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Joined: 05/15/2013
99 Problems for me bitches are one of em (Shit highschool drama can do)
I'm probably just stupid and don't realize shes just messing with me, but here is whats been happening.

So this girl in my class for the past semester has been acting like a total slut infront of me like rubbing her ass on my arm as she walks by. She'll say "I want you inside me" or "I think your really cute we should hook up". But the thing is she is basically doing this in front of the class. Not everyone notices but those sitting around me especially my friends. I try go along with what she says but its just odd.

Girl:*Walks up to my desk* "Says my name, we should fuck after school."
Me: "Can't to busy on weekdays but I'm free on the weekend ."
Girl: "Why? What are you doing?"
Me: "Homework, ETC"
Girl: "Ok call me later." 

Now I know at this point shes I know shes has to be fucking with me because its been going on for such a long time and nothings happened yet. (This is still going on to this day) But I don't know how she keeps up with it, she either just enjoys fucking with me or she wants the D. My friends say go for it but I gotta feeling something just isn't right. 
Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013
Highschooler here
Highschooler here bro!

Hahahaha fuck dude, you remind me of myself just a few months ago. I'm guessing this girl is of pretty high value? anyways,  she's shit testing the hell outta you! Guaging your balls! It would be helpful if you provided more info, such as how this girl acts around other guys, your overall social status, some text convos, etc.

Regardless, I'm 95% sure this chick wants the D. Even if she doesn't, now worries what I'm telling you will work either way. First off, don't take this situation seriously. Stay grounded, let the bitch touch you, act as if its just a normal thing that occurs in your big deal right. When she talks to you, look her in the eyes, completely serious, and go with it. Calibrate yourself accordingly, this is a joke not serious. Say something like      " lets do this baby" or " I dont think you can handle this". Better yet, poke fun at her saying shes not good enough. For example if shes dressed like a hipster, be like " Sorry I don't fuk with hipsters" get the idea. The worst thing you can do is stifle yourself over a situation that is realistically just a chance to fuck around. Make the situation fun!
Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013
I had a similar post a few
I had a similar post a few months ago. Changed my mindset, tryed some of the shit manwhore said...and boom the chick is super submissive now, doesn't dare to fuck with me
Joined: 01/18/2012
Uhh yeah who cares if she's
Uhh yeah who cares if she's fucking with you?? Get her number call her up arrange a time to meet up.

Life is pursuing happiness, not running away from fear. Go after what you want.

P.S. no pussies allowed on this forum

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Joined: 04/06/2012
back in high school I
back in high school I would walk up to girls and ask them if they wanted to fuck. some wanted to, but I was too much of a pussy back then to do anything.
Joined: 01/18/2012
How's this going?
How's this going?

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 05/18/2013
You're being a fucking bitch.
You're not escalating. Use sexual eye contact. Get her number, walk her out of the room after class. Get her to leave the classroom when you "go to the bathroom" and get your fucking dick sucked under the stair case. fucking isolate her somehow. be an alpha caveman. and make sure you workout.