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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 04/23/2013
Met this girl on a tour, she was pretty decent, thought it would be fun to try out my text game and some new stuff

Let me know what you think guys.
Oops looks like some of her responses were cut off lol looks like im talking to myself

Me: Hey eva its travis, save my number, the kindies were crazy today
Me - 32 mins later: Likewise :) what are you up to tonight? Just uploading pictures
Me - 3 mins later: You too :-) def. need to run more
eva - 8 hrs 39 mins later: nice 2 meet u:).hope 2 see u soon:).
eva - 19 mins later: i already did:).just did my evening run and gonna take rest soon:).have a good n
eva: ite:).
eva - 1 min later: :)
Me - 14 hrs 28 mins later: Hey eva, just went for an evening run, u were right feels amazing :)
Me - 3 mins later: Thanks, its so hard to get going but once you do you can run for hours
Me - 7 mins later: Gonna finish my workout. Oops didnt know u were busy, gnight :)
eva - 8 hrs 49 mins later: good job :).
eva - 6 mins later: i know:).but if u do it regularly, it is really amazing:).have a good nite:)
eva - 5 mins later: :).u too:)
Me - 15 hrs 41 mins later: Hey, youre quite the adventurer, nother trip tommorow right :)
eva - 9 hrs 1 min later: yes, i really need such kind of things:).have an amazing weekend:)
Me - 13 hrs 57 mins later: Its so wet out... lol hope the rain didnt make the strawberries too moist :)
Me - 31 mins later: Thats good hehe im so glad im not sleeping in a pension tonight :)
Me - 5 mins later: Ohh yah ondol feels great, it just warms your whole body from your head to your toes hehe :)
Me - 13 mins later: Have you ever been to a jjimjilbang?
Me - 1 hr 47 mins later: Oh so you like it hot and steamy? :P
eva - 6 hrs 52 mins later: hehe, it did not.but tmrw hope in a better weather:)
eva - 3 mins later: hehe:)but there is ondol so it's warm:)
eva - 1 hr 37 mins later: yes, it is so nice:)
Me - 12 hrs 59 mins later: Hey, how was the ondol? Pensions dont suit me well
Me - 7 mins later: Hah that sucks :), text me when youre home, had the craziest friday night :)
Me - 24 mins later: Well went to a lot of places, met some amazing people, do you need to get ready for bed? Its a long story hun
Me - 13 mins later: Haha i swear your sometimes hard to understand
Me - 22 mins later: Sleep tight :)
eva - 7 hrs 55 mins later: hehe:).way 2 home.stupid traffic jam,hehe:).but close 2 seoul:)
eva - 19 mins later: why was it crazy?have a good nite, friend:)
eva - 18 mins later: noo, cath the train 2 home,than then:)have a great week:)
eva - 19 mins later: or too tired:).almost home:).goona take a huge sleep soon:).have a good nite:).i
eva: t was an amazing weekend:)
Me - 14 hrs 1 min later: Did u have a goood sleep last night:)
Me - 15 mins later: Haha wow you must be all wet, u need to dry off :)
Me - 2 mins later: Pouring means youre soaked lol
Me - 3 mins later: Grab a nice hot shower when u get back so you avoid a cold :)
Me - 1 min later: Thats a good girl :) enjoy your run
eva - 8 hrs 43 mins later: yes:).now i ran:)in the pouring rain:)
eva - 9 mins later: no, it was just pouring.not so bad:)
eva - 5 mins later: i do.have a good nite,friend:)
Me - 14 hrs 31 mins later: Hey eva, how r u tonight? :)
Me - 6 mins later: Yeah just had a shower too :) nice and clean, haha oh dear hope u arent texting me naked xD, hard to concentrate :)
Me - 5 mins later: Im innocent! I was just kidding cuz u said about washing
Me - 3 mins later: Hehe shhh youre not an angel eitherr
Me - 1 min later: Good to know:)
Me - 2 mins later: My bedroom is so uncomfy, wish i had ondols
Me - 1 min later: Is yours comfy :P
Me - 2 mins later: Ah lucky you hehe at least private shower rooms :)
Me - 5 mins later: When i was in a dorm you had to share everything...and it was sooo hot you had to sleep in really thin clothes
Me - 3 mins later: Hehe ookay, you too X)
eva - 8 hrs 29 mins later: out of concentration, but fine.just washed:).hope u r fine too:)
eva - 8 mins later: noo! and it is private matter! don't be perverse!
eva - 2 mins later: hehe:)
eva - 3 mins later: noo:)
eva - 3 mins later: :)
eva - 1 min later: i live in a dorm,hehe.that is ok:)
eva - 8 mins later: stop this topics!i share the bathroom too:).have a goodnite XD
Me - 1 day later: Morning eva :)
Me - 57 mins later: Aw did u just wake up?
Me - 20 mins later: I knoww almost shorts weather :)
eva - 8 hrs 22 mins later: morning:)
eva - 29 mins later: noo, morning amazing weather:)
Me - 3 hrs 44 mins later: Hey, are u coming to cherry blossoms trip on saturday?
Me - 23 mins later: Aww, well i think im going to jindo not sure. Did u go on a run?
Me - 2 mins later: We should run together sometime, but i dont think you can handle me :)
Me - 1 min later: Stop being cute:)
Me - 1 hr 28 mins later: I just saw the biggest thickest spider ever,gross...back from your run yet?
Me - 20 mins later: Not scared just dont like them. How far do you run?
Me - 1 min later: Omg if we ran always be behind you. Not complaining though, nice view :)
Me - 5 mins later: Me too, gnight runner
eva - 6 hrs 58 mins later: i can not:(.i have an appointment.but i go to the jindo trip on27-28th:)
eva - 3 mins later: just gonna be.hjust came home:)
eva - 1 min later: hehe:)
eva - 1 hr 33 mins later: yes:).do u afraid of spiders? shame on u:)
eva - 17 mins later: an hr.gonna sleep:)
Me - 2 days 15 hrs later: Hey eva, glad u liked the pics. :) was temptd to join warren i love the water
Me - 8 hrs 57 mins later: Where do u live again? :)
Me - 14 mins later: We are going to hang out next time im in that area :) hope you like frappucinos, you also need to help find the coolest places in bundang
Me - 1 hr 53 mins later: Only if u give me a big hug when u see me :) hah and take my picture
eva - 6 hrs 39 mins later: :)
eva - 12 mins later: in bundang near seoul.:)
eva - 36 mins later: hehe:).maybe.hopf 2 see u at jindo trip or geoje do in may:)
Me - 2 days 2 hrs later: Hey eva, guess who got a raise :)
Me - 3 mins later: You running tonight?
Me - 11 mins later: Nice, hey whats your favourite color?
Me - 4 mins later: You can find out a lot about a person based on their color choice :)
Me - 17 mins later: How does it depend on mood? Lol so if youre excited its red?
eva - 8 hrs 26 mins later: :).
eva - 2 mins later: yes + a half marathon this sun:)
eva - 12 mins later: why?depends on my mood:)
Me - 3 hrs 16 mins later: Did u know black is associated with power, elegance, and mystery. Its a color that penetrates all other colors
Me - 14 mins later: Theres nothing wrong with surrendering yourself to nature and feeling free
Me - 4 mins later: What makes you a hippy?
Me - 7 mins later: True, do u believe things like jewlery and clothing are ways in which we take away from nature?
Me - 11 mins later: My friend whose a bit of a hippy never wore earrings or got pierced or tattood
Me - 1 hr 5 mins later: Good to know :) i have work but ill chat later maybe
eva - 6 hrs 2 mins later: i can not explain.somtimes black other day blue or green:)
eva - 1 hr 23 mins later: i don't know.i am a hippie a little bit:).
eva - 5 mins later: true:).
eva - 5 mins later: i love nature, and the folk art things.i stay in a dorm and love hiking travelli
eva: drugs or other things:)
eva - 50 mins later: neither me:)
Me - 2 hrs 55 mins later: Hey hippy :-)
Me - 3 days 13 hrs later: Just ran a block like a crazy person and got winded... how did the marathon go?
Me - 8 hrs 22 mins later: You are a crazy girlll :) pizza and tea today, with some crazy people of my own
Me - 5 mins later: Where does it hurt? :)
Me - 4 mins later: Damn too bad ur in bundang, i give the best leg massages:) - Dr. Travis
eva - 1 hr 39 mins later: fine thx.nearly died, but 1hr56min was my time:).two weeks later i do it again!:
eva: )
eva - 7 hrs 13 mins later: hehe:).have a huge pain in my junk food in the evening:)
eva - 4 mins later: my legs.but tomorrow it will be fine:)
eva - 3 mins later: hehe, buddy u r so funny:).have a good nite:)
Joined: 04/23/2013
admin's picture
Joined: 01/17/2012
That is a seriously fucking
That is a seriously fucking long convo. Geezez mother of christ.

Treat each other with respect and dignity. Do not judge your brother's weakness, point it out without judgment, he will correct it. Then slap him in the face with a rubber cock.

Joined: 04/23/2013
Yeah its a few conversations.
Yeah its a few conversations. Not just one my bad ill clean it up
Joined: 10/15/2012
I noticed in the beginning of
I noticed in the beginning of the first conversation its saying, what are you up to tonight.

At the end of the last conversation it ends with have a good night. In between there is no meat to this conversation and you are not leading it in a direction whatsoever. Girls don't want another friend to text with. They want a MAN. Especially hot girls.

You need to lead it to a face to face interaction much faster. If she cant do it then find another girl who will. Be a man. Reading that text convo was like watching paint dry.

You need to create some sort of emotion with her. Make it fun. Tell her if she were to run with you she'd be eating your dust.

Your texting her constantly. Give her room to breathe and actually return your text before you start blowing up her phone.

Big Cat

Joined: 04/23/2013
Bro I appreciate your advice
Bro I appreciate your advice but read before you post. For some reason the text app deleted half her responses and shit, trust me man this isn't my first rodeo. My overall purpose was to get her hot and fuck her next time we met up. So I thought I stuck to my purpose pretty well without going creepy.

If you look closely I threw in some words like "soaked", "wet", "hard", "going down" , etc. and I mentioned how I give good leg massages (easily turn sexual) mentioned how I'm an innocent boy and made her qualify herself to me. I know I couldve done a bit more, but I was experimenting with different types of text game at the time.

Again though bro thanks for the input
Joined: 10/15/2012
Got it. Next time post
Got it.

Next time post properly if you want proper advise

Big Cat

Joined: 01/18/2012
Whoops!! Be nice!
Whoops!! Be nice!

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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