Greek College Chick
No dude. Stop making it a group event you big puss
Okay gotcha.
Me: Hush you. That lollipop was eying me alll night
where are you. bring me a red lollipop
No that's a bit too much
No that's a bit too much
how should I flesh it out... different kind of invite?
Send the first one. Then send a second one in a bit
Well it's midnight over there let's see what her response is.
Well it's midnight over there let's see what her response is.
Her: Haha yeah right. It was mine all mine
Her: My beds too far away from the house and far too comfortable to leave it
Her: You're outta luck
So you sent your original second one?
Just be like, "I bet you wear my little pony pj's that's why you're hiding out. All good I keep secrets"
"As long as I'm bribed and well taken care of ;)"
Me: I bet you wear my little pony pj's that's why you were hiding out. All good I keep secrets
Her: No no, hello kitty is more my style
Me: We'll you're secrets safe with me
Me: As long as I'm bribed and well taken care of ;)
Her: YES. Exactly that
How should I move this foward more...
First of all learn the difference between your and you're. You're is short for "you are". You just said, "We'll you are secrets safe with me"
Actually with the other incorrect contraction you stated, "We will you are secrets safe with me". What the fuck is that lol
"I'd like to discuss the details of our bribe contract. When are you available"
Lol yeah if people don't know basic grammar they will immediately lose credibility. This happens in all areas of life too, not just women. Try getting a job by writing an e-mail like that
She texts me back at like midnight
(Like right in the midst of me trying to pull the almuni)
Her: whatever you want (at like midnight)
Me: are you up
Her: yesss
Me: Aight I'm headed over with a 6er what's your addy. Got food? ;)
Girl hadn't responded in a while so...
Me: I bet you burn water
Her: hahahaha
Me: k if you don't have any lolipops I'm not coming so I guess this is good night
This morning
Her: All da lollys in the world
so I'm assuming just continue the banter,
She's responsive and has been texting me right around midnight for the last couple nights.
She just needs more time to get comfortable
Something like ...
Do you have TOOTSIE POPs? I might come over for some
No you got to be more flexible and change up how you broach the subject of you coming over
So like..
Me: " insert local candy store name" might have something to say about all their missing lollipops
Me: Well I'm going to need some Tootsie Rolls, while I'm watching True Detective tomorrow night
or just drop the lollipops and move to something different
Oh you watch True Detective? That show is amazing. Blown away by McConnaughey
Well right now with that obnoxious lack of ANYTHING in her response, you need to bait her for some compliance, see where she's at.
"So what's up."
The show's unreal. I had no idea that McConnaughey could ACT like this.
immediate text back
Her: Hey not much just woke up
How are we checking compliance?
You just did, LOL.
"Cool bedbug I'm headed out for a bit want to hang out later?
Her: Text me later (after an hour 20ish)
Is that the compliance we're looking for?
What just happened...
Did we just plant a seed in the back of her head while she's out for a late night hook up... Inception style
Blah double post
Yeah we basically got her to somewhat unconsciously invest more in the idea of hanging out/hooking up later.
Just have a 6pack maybe some ganja set up and ready to go. You need to figure out your logistics tho
Ok word.
Started checking, it's very possible that my room/house is gonna be busy/rowdy with a bunch of older kids coming back up to visit, but I can kick them out/use other people's beds. If I'm literally pulling a chick.
I don't really know her logistics, I think she lives in a triple, but that's a complete guess based on who her friends are...
Don't know how much booze,] I have in the room but can get ganja with ease.
'k these are things you want to figure out asap. I assumed you would be going over to hers, way less pressure, but doesn't seem you're angling in that direction. For stuff like this it's easier if the dude just rolls over 'cuz then the girl can be incognito in her "involvement". Otherwise she's leaving your place in the morning doing a walk of shame from a frat house. That only happens by accident, not by design, if you know what I mean.
Can you borrow a car? Start asking
Have a car
Yea I would totally prefer her place way less shit to deal with. The reason I wrote more about my place is that I just know more about what's going on at my place.
'k you're good. Just text her, "Yo where you at"
me: k I'll head over in half an hr. That work?
her: where are you heading over
(called her trying to just get logistics
Oh you watch True Detective? That show is amazing. Blown away by McConnaughey
Yeah the show looks great. The director was my homie, roommate and former wing when I lived in Japan
Damn that's tight
I'll move to Hollywood at some point. I like celebrities they're very centered people and not intimidated.
@ Manwhore:
Lol. you would run rings round that bunch man!
I've spent some time around them and most have huge situational confidence but are often deeply insecure. They share a lot in common with hot girls.
As an experiment try not being impressed by one of them in a social situation; if they're cool they'll be relieved but mostly they just deflate and start chasing your validation.
Sorry for hijacking the thread man
I've made buddies with a few of them. I try not to see them as someone to game rather just interact/have fun with. In the end everyone just wants to have friends
sure man, didn't mean to sound like such a patronising tosser! lol
Fame does tend to reward validation chasing behaviour and so there are tons of fevered little egos too, as I'm sure you've experienced.
Which also means that the ones who come through that with their self esteem intact are pretty fucking cool indeed.
True Detective was sick this week.
But going back to this girl haven't texted her since saturday...
Last text was
Me: get rid of him
no text back
to reengage thinking of sending this
Aliens are abucting t all the good looking sexy ass people! You will be safe, I’m just texting to say goodbye
I am luring girls to my house with candy, which do you prefer skittles or M&M’s?
Stop with the mass texts. Craft something, take off the training wheels
How about this.
It's a snow day at the house and we have NO lollipops. Bring me some lollipops OR everyone finds out about your hello kitty pajamas,.
It's a snow day at the house and we have NO lollipops. Bring me some lollipops OR I may have to come STEAL some.
what about this...
Hey, I may be in need of your services. What kind of stunt driver are you?"
followed up by
There's a shipment of tootsie pops coming in on a truck
There's a shipment of vday lollipops coming in on a truck
similar to the classic wanna rob a bank text
Lol you're beating a dead horse and showing this girl you have the creativity of a 26 year old artist with aspergers.
I just don't get what kind of direction I'm supposed to go to reengage. At All. That's why I'm on this forum guy
No one can craft a great reengagement text since they have no callback humor to go off. And I'm not talking about lollipops and tootsie rolls.