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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 08/28/2012
Hey guys, this is raga-tanha from rsdn. I'm having trouble with getting this girl out on a date. Could I get your input? Here's the exchange so far:

It started on OKCupid:

Me: RSDnation is a bunch of Faggots!
Aug 11, 2012 – 4:57pm

Her: I hope it's a baby penguin.
You're adorable, too! But more like an owl. Like this guy:
Aug 11, 2012 – 8:11pm

Me: Wow, ain't you a good little redditer.

Geeks are sexy, though I hope you're not a brat.

;p Sent from the OkCupid app

Aug 12, 2012 – 12:00am

Her: And what would constitute a brat, here?
Aug 12, 2012 – 10:30am

Me: Shit girl, here you could be a creepy stalker gut who found a pic of a cute girl with her kitty to lure helpless guys out to sell their organs in china.

I just hope you're not a brat in the REAL WORLD.

I want to meet you, here's my number: 720suckadick, shoot me a txt so I have yours.Sent from the OkCupid app
Aug 12, 2012 – 6:38pm

Her: You caught me! Fuck all! I'm a 40 year old Dutch man living in France!

I don't even know your name. But I accept your number regardless, and will enter you as Owl.
Talk soon? =)
Aug 12, 2012 – 7:30pm

Me: Sure?

I'm waiting with baited breath for your call.

Dork ;pSent from the OkCupid app
Aug 15, 2012 – 2:41am

(She txt's me here)

Her(on okc): Alea iacta est! Your move.

Granted, it is almost 3am.

Here's the txt exchange:

Her: Hello, Owl. =) Penguin/unicorn thing, reporting in! (8/15 2:39am)

Me: What up tophat penguin? I'm just chillin' @ Buchanan's reading a book. Wish you were here so I could meet you in person. (8/15 5:21)

I was already up to my ears in dates till I went to Vegas for summit, on the way back I decided to try to respark the interaction:

Me: I cross state lines while thinking of you. (8/26 7:07pm)

Her: Well, now! What a sentiment. =) (9:30pm)

Me: I want to take you on a magical date in the mist. (8/27 1:24pm)

Her: Take me away!
(I would have asked for her address here but I'm at work so try to set up the date.)

Me: Tonight 8 pm, bench by x on y.

Me: "twiddles thumbs" (2:07pm)

Her: I do not know where that is! Vae, I would be lost! (2:53pm)

Me: X & Y street ;)

Me: I'm making salad mentally preparing for our romantic time together.

Her: Only if you swear by your troth that there will be magic.

Me: I can't marry you till I at least see you ;p

Her: Faith, I am not made for husbands!

Me: Come out of your cloistered academic world to pearl. (3:16pm)

Her: Cloistered academia? No, no. We must strive always to be elegant! And to never give a damn. =)

Me: Wow I really like you, but you're super weird (4:32pm)

Her: Well......... no denying that. =O (4:49pm)

I call her around 6:30 when I'm out of lab meeting, no answer.

Me: Sigh (6:32pm)

Me: "wrings hands nervously" (7:30pm)

Her: What for?

Me: Your name

Her: What's in a name?

Me: I'm @ the library

Her: Heee. I'm watching Spartacus.

Me: Come meet me (fuck, reading this I realize how desperate I came off, need to add more value)

Her: No way! It is just getting good. =)

Me: Brat (8:09pm)

Her: Brat? But why!

Me: I'm beginning to suspect you may have a penis. (I found this hilarious when I sent it, now I see it's stupid)

I May have ruined the interaction. I'll try to re-engage maybe in a week or two. Any critiques, suggestions?

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Help with OKCupid and TXT exchange
Everything was actually really good. You were a tiny bit gamey but who cares. The date setup at the end was yes, too needy. It didn't fit your earlier vibe. If you feel yourself getting tense over a chick, chill the fuck back and relax stop thinking about her. That will save your ass AND actually get her out.

Hit her up day after tomorrow you don't have to wait a week.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

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- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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