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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 09/16/2012
Yo guys...looking for some guidance with text game. I've been in and out of game periodically - I latch onto girlfriends...something I need to stop. Anyways met this chick off POF here in Vegas. Basically girl was super down and got her # after 3 messages.

Here's the pof convo..

Me: Yo girl..I wanna throw you in a box and smother you in mayonnaise.
Her: That might just work.. I love meeee some mayonaaaaiseee... Deal but then we gotta clean out the container fill it with vanilla pudding and walk around and eat tht shit!!
Me: Well that's a given. I believe I should like to take you on a romantic date. My mom got me a gift card to pf changs so we should probs go there. That or olive garden..when you're there they treat you like family.
Her: Haha you make me laugh.. Tell ur mom shes rad.. And Olive Garden.. Nothing wrong with those Italians.. Unless u dont pay them then they go all mob on ur ass.
Me: I have friends in the KGB so were all good. This pof stuff is pretty nerdy for me...shoot over your number - I promise to only stalk you on Sundays.
Her: Demanding much? (her number)... Make it mondays.. Sundays i have a lot of football going on ;-)

Now the texting..

Send To PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 17:31 :
I found this number in a bathroom stall.  Is this still the number to call for a good time?
From PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 17:31 :
From PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 17:33 :
Send To PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 17:36 : you know my fetish with bathroom pimpin
From PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 17:38 :
To each his own.. I mean bathrooms are crackn sometimes.. But yeah I was on to u quite quick!
From PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 17:38 :
Bro whats ur name?? 
From PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 17:38 :
Or ur alias
Send To PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 17:46 :
Don't tell anyone my secrets girl..Tyler hbu?
From PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 17:48 :
Tyler!! The names EJ!
From PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 17:48 :
Hows ur night besides bathroom pimpn?
Send To PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 18:01 :
Sdsxh jifjguf wiiygd???
From PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 18:01 :
Ummm I dont speak Spanish 
Send To PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 18:15 :
Going to Hyde with
From PofBlondie* at Sep 15, 2012 18:16 :
Working ;-( then gotta workout and sleep!! Been going out the past few days.. Well enjoy ur night ??

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Hot Blonde - pof
She wants to meet up. This is easy. "Well enjoy ur night ??" means "Is there a chance I get to be involved?"

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Joined: 09/16/2012
Re: Hot Blonde - pof
Damn ok....that sucks I thought she was blowing me off (I wanted to p her v). By the way I looked at the text and those ?? were an emoticon that is a winky face (not ?? marks). Not sure if that changes the meaning of the text. I feel like I'm learning how to decipher hieroglyphics. Girls are confusing enough for me...add in emoticons and shit and I get all lost. Thanks for the help.