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How to beat that last minute resistance and what to do when you can't beat it that night

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Joined: 01/31/2012
This is broad and tailored towards the girl/reading the situation, but there are still some overlapping moves you can make.
I either hit it that night or I get a ton of resistance. Usually I think these girls are thinking of dating me. I dont have many go to moves to blast passed that shit. Usually just persistence and turning her on lol. This shit just isnt cutting it anymore though. I think there's a lot I can do to my game to prior to even getting to the bedroom which will eliminate this resistance. Like leading and presenting a stronger authority figure. This seems even more difficult since I think everyones problems tend to be unique. There are times when the girl is like " i really feel the pressure to have sex with you " and i just chill out and say nah we dont have to. Or " im really not comfortable " but its so obvious that im just missing SOMETHING. Like Im thinking they might just need a little reassurance that everything is gonna be ok. Thoughts?
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: an't beat it that night
A couple things mang: they feel they're going to be slightly judged, AND, you don't have enough of an active frame in handling logistics, the sexual escalation, and letting a girl know you're attracted to her in some way, OR, she meets your expectations.

I've looked into my sorcerer's mpua ball and seen you many times. Sorry.

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Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: an't beat it that night
Word. Could you develop the last part? Like what do you mean about her meeting my expectations.

Edit: correct me im wrong. Do you mea. That im projecting expectations on the girl? As in she feels the pressure because of how im projecting that onto her? And pressure is of course a nono for chicks - they hate that shit.