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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 03/31/2012
Alright I banged this hot bi chick on saturday. She was with her bi girlfriend and her brother, managed to isolate her and pulled her to my place and gave her couple of orgasms. She said I fuck better than her girlfriend which I took as a compliement lol. The issue is her girlfriend is even hotter than her. After I fucked her I told her to convince her girlfriend for a threesome. Gave 2 days break started chatting again yesterday. Called her today but no response. How should I lead her guys? I want this threesome...

Here is the convo by the way; I called her she didn't respond then texted me

Her: Who is that
Me: Batman the dark knight. Whats up babe.
Her: Im ok but still don't know who you are.
Her: (5 min later) Never mind bye
Me: (30 minutes later) Its Hkmt...
Her: aaaaaaaaa Hkmt. How are you?
Me: Im great, just came back from the gym, getting absolutely ripped lol. How is your world today.
Her: Just came back from my friend's place. A guy was very rude to me... I need a quick shower and sleep :)
Me: (the next day) Let me guess, you saw me in your dream
Her: You are confident :) I don't remember my dream
Me: I saw u at mine and I remember it clearly...

No response. Then in the eve I called her she didn't pick up the phone so I will leave her for a coupe of days. How can I lead here? Help me guys I want this 3some ;)
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: How to convince her for threesome?
Less funny talk more "What are you doing. I feel like eating ice cream and stretching out in front of a roaring fire. Care to join?"

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

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