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Pickup Coaching
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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
This is actually a really interesting question.

I look at pickup forums and I see the same people asking the same retarded questions and getting the same, annoyed/exasperated/dick answers over and over again.

Then you see some guys come onto the scene and, in a relatively short amount of time, start blowing shit up: Think- JMULV, Cat, Rogan etc...

Same thing over at the bodybuilding forums- As I'm getting more and more acquainted with that site, I see the same pattern. There is a large grouping of people who ask the same questions, don't read the stickies, don't read basic articles, then ask stupid questions, get answers and then fight those answers and refuse to change.

The funny part is that the advise that's given out, both in pickup and on other forums, is most often coming from the very guys who went through the transformation that the dude asking the question wants to go through.

So the question about learning, really becomes, a question of "Why do people resist making changes, even when they are being told the answer to their questions, by the very people who have experienced, in the real world, the very shit that the guy asking the question, is thinking about doing"

Probably could be reduced to simple, "Why do people resist change"?

What are some of the common ways we rationalize this resistance:

I"It's just not me", "It's not my style", "I don't even know if I would want that", "x or y is morally fucked up", "I don't want to lie", "I just need to get x or y handled", "I really want THIS particular girl" (Oh and that last one comes in a million shapes and sizes that all avoid actually phrasing it like that), "But I heard x or y is true", "That's not possible", "But what if x", "But what if y"

For other areas of interest, it's all the same thing- it's all bullshit- it's all LITERALLY just fucking STORIES that we tell ourselves.... That's what's hilarious about this whole thing- everything in our little "world" is just a fucking STORY- we all need to get THAT.... NONE OF THIS IS REAL...

Like do you guys get that?


and trust me- the stories go so fucking deep that most it takes a long time to just recognize as a story. But you can get there quicker by just recognizing that ALL your thoughts ALL your beliefs, everything that is "You"- it's all just a fucking STORY...

That's literally one of the first things you learn if you go through any sort of buddhist training- and if you mediate a decent amount, after a couple months, maybe a year- depending on how dedicated you are to it- it's one of the first like "Major" epiphanies you'll come to- all of this shit- it's just a story lol.

So now that I've repeated that over and over again, what's the point?

Well, the point, to go back to the beginning is to get at why people are resistant to change... or "Why are people resistant to learning"

So what I did there was to posit that "learning" and "change" are effectively the same.

Learning is the process of change that occurs when you want to understand something


Change is the process of learning- only it's the process of learning that's manifested in action.

So I would argue that "change" or "learning" doesn't have MUCH to do with your intelligence- rather- it has more to do with your ability to "let go". It has more to do with your ability to detach yourself from your ego.

It has everything to do with recognizing that your current ways of doing things are all just a part of the story that you tell yourself so that you can continue being you.

So why are we SO fucking insistent on being who we think we are? In other words- why are we so damn insistent on believing these stories?

Well- because, on some level we NEED these stories... Like it's really hard to go throughout day-to-day existence without any idea of who we are.

I am buddhagames. I am smart. I am inquisitive. I am the kind of man that girls want to fuck. I am the kind of man that other guys want to be around. I am the kind of man that other men want to be. I am hard working.

The list goes on and on.

But none of this is "real"- these are just some of the stories I like to tell myself, so that I can reinforce who I am, amidst the chaos that is life.

So, naturally, for me- anything that goes against any one of these "stories" is something that I will fight- despite the fact that accepting it, would be the one thing that would allow me to learn and change.

So the point, as far as I can see it, isn't to get rid of all stories you have- rather, the point is to consciously be aware of the stories that exist, so that you can write and re-write them in any way you want.

It's like the matrix guys- when the people in that movie were completely plugged in- they had ZERO control over anything; however, when they unplugged from that shit and took the blue pill ( or was it the red pill- wtvr- fuck it) and were willing to go down the rabbit hole with Morpheus, it was only then that they were able to re-plug back into the matrix and essentially CREATE whatever life they wanted for themselves.

They detached from the matrix, just enough, so that when they did go back and engage with that world- they were able to interact with it, in a way that was positive and allowed them to achieve their goals.

Simple ways of doing this: Every time you have a thought, "I can't do this"- simply replace that thought, consciously, with "I Can do this"

Whenever you have a thought, "I'm not that great" (or something similar)- you replace it with, "I'm fucking awesome"

And you know what? Who the FUCK is going to tell you that you aren't awesome?

Only the biggest faggot in the world can sit there, in front of you, and say, "No man- you're not awesome" and on top of that- when they do- who gives a FUCK.

That's the power of writing your own story and having the confidence that comes with it- nobody can break you. Nothing can break you because you're writing the story- you're in control.

So, when learning something new- be willing to soak it all in and allow yourself to FEEL your own resistance to change.

When I do this- when I "Feel" my resistance, it literally feels, in my body, like I am tightening up and when I resist change, mentally, it actually manifests itself as physical tightening up- a physical resistance.

Anyway- food for thought, fellas.

There is nothing that separates so called "Fast learners" from so called "Slow learners" except for your ability to detach from the stories you've told yourself your whole life and assign new ones in their place.

If you've told yourself that you are dumb your whole life- re-write that script and tell yourself you're smart...

Maybe you're not- it DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. Tell yourself you are.

because when you tell yourself you are something- even if you aren't- it is more likely to come true because you will slowly start to act and behave in a way that supports what you believe.

Re-write the script guys. Even if it's sometihng small and seemingly trivial- maybe that's where you need to start... but just do it and in the process- start to learn. Start to change.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Polarize's picture
Joined: 01/28/2013
I need to remind myself about
I need to remind myself about this on a regular basis.

I've noticed a lot of things that have held me back from doing the things I know I need to be doing ALWAYS came back to this subconscious feeling/thought that said "Oh, thats just not how you are. You're actually not the guy who goes out and fucks a lot of chics. You're not the guy who goes and makes a bank load of money." And so on. This has happened even if I did get laid before or made money. I'm a control freak and I have a strong ego about this particular area. So letting go has been a tough process. I just gotta keep reprograming my thought patterns ad nauseum.

Good post.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Great article.
Great article.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Steve (not verified)
I'm reading a great book that
I'm reading a great book that has some of these ideas in them. Check out the 50th law. Goes into why you should be like water. People who can't change will always fall. It's been proven in history MILLIONS of times.

The simple reason why people don't want to change is because it's not easy. We're biologically wired to move toward being comfortable. Since our environment is relatively safe and there are no more life threatening challenges we take comfort in being part of a crowd and not having to think. To change this we literally have to REWIRE our brains. Crazy stuff.

Good article.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Buddha can I post this on my
Buddha can I post this on my site.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Of course, dude.You've
Of course, dude.

You've helped me a lot and it's nice that you always ask before you take- a lot of guys in your position wouldn't do that.

But I am curious- If you were me, what would you ask for in return?- Just so we're clear, I'm not asking for anything... except for what you would ask for (Which I'm not going to turn around and then actually ask you for). Purely just curious about this one.

And yes- I expect you to joke about this and not answer.... buttttt hell, maybe you'll surprise me

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."